Democratic Underground

Archives: December 5, 2008

My Father In Law Has Cancer - Could Use Some Vibes

Obit: A World War II Marine, the former state commissioner of labor and industry

Dog saves another dog hit on freeway.

Man allegedly assaults girlfriend with burger

End of the Road: Is the Auto Industry Dead?

300,000 Zimbabweans Threatened by Cholera: Oxfam

300,000 Zimbabweans Threatened by Cholera: Oxfam

Give the Greenest Gift of All -- A Rainforest Tree

Ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow!

Stocks Follow a Pattern, Dropping in Last Hour

Ooops - RNC says it was more than $150,000 on those

Illinois workers in trouble for looking up Obama info

Dad Busted with Gun, Kids in Car

BOOKS-US: Cloak-and-Dagger, Inc.

If we put all sorts of Green conditions on bailing out the auto biz,

Bwaaaaaaaaaaaaah the only state Bush hasn't visted in

For you video makers

The $8.5 trillion dollar breakdown of the Rescue Funds: San Francisco Gate

So, what's the alternative?

"Next time, we will survey it better."

Barbara Walters just spent the last few mintues sucking on Oreilly's cock

This is why zombie lies never die.

Prosecuting Yoo?

Rachel's going to cover the Canadian political confusion

Yes We Can! (Get Rid of Bob Rubin)

Oh wow. Keith just played "Prop 8: The Musical" in its entirety

Oh wow. Keith just played "Prop 8: The Musical" in its entirety


Rachel: Could the Big 3's problems really be the fault of the banking system?

The New Chrysler?

Gulf CEO: $1 Gallon Gas in 2009

Survey: Texas voters increasingly unhappy with GOP

Here’s Why We Need Employee Free Choice

The disparity of responses to the Wall Street and Woodward Avenue is .......

Government owned pool of small electric commuter cars.

WOW, thank for the numbers Rachel on who voted for Prop 8

$25 a Barrel for Oil Predicted

MarketWatch: Giving season struggles to earn its name

A Christmas Card, appropriate for the times.

Does anyone have an update on Atomic Kitten's condition? eom

surge update - Blasts hit Iraqi city of least 15 dead

Teddy bear toss in Calgary a few nights ago

"The boys in Tehran might not like it"....

Did anyone see video of * at the Christmas tree lighting today?....I'm not one to gossip, but.....

One teenager killed on Britain's streets every five days

POLL: Who Benefits From the Mumbai Attacks?

'God said she needed to be taken off road' (Drive like a Christian....OR ELSE!!!)

KBR Under Fire--Again (and Again)

MarketWatch: Grim Outlook for the Job Market (video)

What ever Happened To Gary Condit?

Scream Bloody Murder

Great video -- "Prop 8 - The Musical" starring Jack Black, John C. Reilly, and many more...


Mods, pls delete, there was some kind of quirk posting error

"It's all going to be very Darwinian," Beth Buccini

How will history treat Bush immediately following President Obama's January 20th Inauguration?

Blood pressure low? This video thanking God for prop 8 should

If Keynesian spending of WWII ended Depression, why haven't Bush's wars helped us?

What part of my federal tax dollar returns to Michigan? How about Shelby's Alabama?

Mandatory Thursday Malloy Truthseekers check in!!

Bush's base are the most unhealthy people in America

Bumper Sticker Observation...

Wow. Rachel looks tired tonight

Officer Galliuco, worst person in the world! I love you Keith

What will you do with your Obama tax cut?

Facebook? "Koobface Virus Spreading Fast on Facebook"

Man, Rachel's building quite a stable of regular guests that no one else seems to have discovered

Would you like a little necrotic corpse in your Coke?

Did AIG and Lehman Brothers Grilling Before Congress Go Well?

When did the Congress give the White House the entire $700 billion ???

Can we measure our economic preparedness?

Wyomingite paints White House Christmas card image (see image, it is nice)

Sarah Palin, All. Year. Long. -- THE MUDFLATS

Whiny Congress asks Obama to please hold their hand.

Based on the MN SOS' math, Franken is the winner! 59 - 41. Time to needle Snowe and Collins

Bushes confirm purchase of Dallas home in Preston Hollow (8,501 sq ft, $2 million)

Pardon Whom?

Effective Progressive Advertising

Effective Progressive Advertising

Image inspired by the Canadian coalition government-in-waiting.

Elliot Spitzer's views on the banking bailouts: Mother Jones

Could you survive on a 40% income reduction while having to live with fixed costs reflective .......

Is your car really a necessary symbol of your identity? PLEASE!

Must Read on U.S. plans for Afghanistan: The Nation:

don't cabinet officials "serve at the pleasure of the president?"

For all those who said that it was a tinfoil conspiracy theory that the neocons

Global Gag Order

Anyone else watching Maddow tonight? She looks like CRAP! Why?

Salvation Army leader will be fired for marrying outside the "Army"

Bush History-Innocent German Thrown into Afghan 'Salt Pit', Courtesy of CIA 12/5

Woman going into labor during rush hour given ticket

Barney Goes Jurassic On Creationists' *sses

President-elect Obama:

I don't have anything to say today...sometimes I just like being here with no agenda.

I've Been In India for the Last Month and a Half....Anything New Happen?

How about some help on a local poll?

A lat-te trouble for Starbucks.....

Bush's new House in Dallas

Bush's new House in Dallas

Mich. medical pot law now in effect amid questions

Baby doing extreme sports

Iraqi religious person declares,"America is now the enemy of God."

It cuts both ways.

It cuts both ways.

I have a better idea. Lets let the Republicans go bankrupt


Bush said at his last Christmas tree lighting...

WJ this morning - should government aid be given to mortgage

Florida Steps in Early, and Troubled Teenagers Respond

People draw unemployment benefits at 26-year high

My Stupid Big 3 Bailout Proposal

Sam Brownback opposes moving Gitmo detainees to Kansas !?

Boy George guilty of imprisonment

I, being one of the "shareholders" in America, have an idea.

Republicans actually think that WE caused this mess...

U.S. companies slash 533,000 jobs in Nov.

Trampled Walmart Worker's Family File Wrongful Death Suit

Ok, since we had this discussion here a while ago about wether a man in drag can use the female ...

MarketWatch: A liquidity trap reminiscent of the 1930s

Mon dieu! Employers cut more than half a million jobs in November.....

Why don't the Big Three ask for a bridge loan to the end of January?

Did anyone see the CNN report on men being held captive by KBR?

Unemployment rate rises to 6.7%

Those other elections - Sirota

MN SOS results would hint at Franken win by 200 vtes

Hugging The Old Paradigm & Bailing Out On A Reality Check

Forrest Gump explanation for our financial mess

Katrina Vanden Heuvel is on WJ right now

Katrina Vanden Heuvel is on WJ right now

Is there someone who can make me a big button to wear while out

Dems Give White House Ultimatum on Auto Bailout

Nobody, but NOBODY, makes me want to reach into the TV and strangle them like Tucker Carlson.

U.S. mortgage foreclosures, delinquencies hit record high

The lighter side of massive job losses ......

Personally, if someone brought up Jesus at my 12 step meeting...

E-Mail To Alabama State Bar-WHY They Should Investigate Unethical Conduct Related To Siegelman Case

Canada Economy Sheds 70,600 Jobs, Most Since 1982, on Manufacturing Slump

Neighborhoods Propose Printing Their Own Currency To Encourage Local Shopping

Pentagon ignores presidential transition and presses ahead with 'missile defense' testing

The MSM has already started its campaign against health care reform.....

DU Kiva members...update...

Dallas, TX: 1.13 acres, 8501 sq. ft.: Not another pig farm, but pigs will inhabit it

Is there ANYONE on DU that can offer a glimmer of hope

Consumers Eat Less Meat In Recession

O.J. Simpson faces 6 years to life at sentencing

A question about job cuts, and how a "job cut" is counted...

Haffa million jobs gone last month ..... fuck 'em ..... right?

Rio Rancho (New Mexico) asks teachers to take immediate leave

What worries you the most about our healthcare system? (discussion at it out)

I'll have a Bud Light and a shag, please.....

Does George Bush know how to swim? I know he's afraid of horses.

Did I hear about a huge police raid on some Wall Street offices? About perp walks .........

So there was an AOL web service called "Hometown", and it was apparently

With rapid decline of print news, how long before online news sites

Bar graph of 2008 job losses (1.9 million)

A New Attorney Scandal? Bush-Appointed U.S. Attorney Won't Vacate Office Under Obama

Dear Members of Congress - Invest in America

What 20,000 Jobs Lost A Day Means

Why did congress pass bailout of financial institutions without much debate but are hesitant about..

Why did congress pass bailout of financial institutions without much debate but are hesitant about..

Two things I got from yesterday's hearings: Chyrsler should fail, Ford doesn't need $$

"Love Actually" starts on USA channel at 10am EST (Is anyone else a sucker for this movie?)

Should the Department of Homeland Security be abolished...

MIT boffins crack fusion plasma snag

The Filibuster Excuse Lives

Can someone tell me how the Republicans managed to hide a recession for a year?

KS court sanctions former state AG - (rw nutjob) Phill Kline

George, stay off the teevee and just phone it in.

I wonder how republicans would feel if they were stripped of their union membership & all the benefi


With all the important issues related to the auto bailout, Sen. Richard Shelby, R-Alabama,.....

Nicolas Sarkozy, champion of the working class or master bullsh*t artist?

Pfeffernuesse (authentic German recipe)

I found this yesterday

Should governmental agencies especially National Security Agencies be allowed to Unionize?

MSNBC reporting 1.9 million jobs lost this year. Most in one year since Reagan was president

Dr. Obama as restorative dentist ..

Dr. Obama as restorative dentist ..

Dollars & Sense: Harvard's Endowment Taking Big Hit

Dollars & Sense: What Now?

Heh. Wing nuts outraged about doll that supposedly says "Islam is the Light"

Too Big Not To Fail - Eliot Spitzer (His First Slate Column)

The Rude Pundit: Tubby the Preacher Talks About God and Murder

Mods, pls delete, there was some kind of quirk posting error

How Much Have Bush’s Tax Cuts Cost YOU?

Who gets unemployment?

Who gets unemployment?

Can capitalism and democracy coexist?

Is it possible for one man to do so much damage??

Happiness is contagious, new study finds

Is there a time in the near future where people will no longer afford to pay their rent?

Patriotism Requires Economic Nationalism

Echoing Gates, Strategic Command Chief warns of danger if we don't build new generation nukes

Echoing Gates, Strategic Command Chief warns of danger if we don't build new generation nukes

Bar Hours Worry D.C. Police Union; Labor Chief Fears Extension for Inauguration Will Overtax Force

‘It’s Well Past Time’ for Mugabe to Leave, Rice Says

Video of Napolitano talking about Rendell's comment

Barney Frank brings down the house...

RW message on church near us

dupe delete

Mexico sends Cubans home under new accord

Conservative talk show host Neil Boortz calls for OJ Simpson's murder in prison

Obama's grandfather was tortured in the British version of Guantanamo

First light for US 'laser jumbo'

If you want to write to O. J. Simpson,

What will Bush screw up next?

Robbers in drag get millions in Paris jewel theft. .

ECONOMY IS NOT BAD!!! * just got a 123% loan-to-value mortgage!!!

Shit from Shinola

We cut our Christmas gift buying by 100%

Does a person's belief system indicate their willingness to help others?

CommonDreams: Our Biggest Problem Is Bigness

MBA: Almost 10% of Homeowners with Mortgages Delinquent or in Foreclosure Process

Birth Certificate "Vigil" is Weak Sister

Short on cash, some put a price on themselves

"New" orders issued to U.S. troops after Iraq pact approval sound exactly like the old order.

It's all about energy...

Police Tie Indian(Home Grown) Suspect to Mumbai Attack

Play The George Bush Moving Day Game

Treasury Dept. Hosting Holiday Party In "Cash Room"

"Thou shalt not steal."

Sarkozy -- Is he turning just a wee bit left?

Inside the Supreme Court Chambers This Afternoon...

Bush after being asked about new Dallas home: "Why do you care? You live in Washington, DC."

Maybe This Helps Explain Why My Credit Card Cut Me Down $10,000 In Available Credit?

On top of the $180,000 for clothes, add $110,00 for hair and makeup

Families of 9/11 victims seek answers at Gitmo

Greenwald: Feinstein and Wyden - torture walk-back, updated #3.

I got 39 MPG in 1986. What's the deal with the new cars???

msnbc - OJ about to be sentenced

Berg(Obama birth Truther)is also a 9-11 Truther

Message from Joe Biden: Help cancel Hillary's Campaign Debt...

EXCELLENT appointment for Biden: Jared Bernstein

Mukasey Tries To Thwart Probes Into Torture, Domestic Surveillance

Lost Votes on Diebold System Discovered by New 'Transparency Project' in CA

How far we've come - thanks Bill Moyers

Caption please - is he drunk AGAIN?

Why is LIHOP considered crazy talk here?

Homeland Security regional director arrested for hiring illegal immigrants

Lest we forget: the Partnership for a New Generation of Vehicles

Caroline Kennedy may be running for Hillary's

Fascist country looting tax-payers, prez says let manufacturing fail

Leave the Gun...take the canoli...

Booooooooooooooooooooooosh is on TV

Bush-Appointed U.S. Attorney Won’t Vacate Office Under Obama»

44 presidents in 4 minutes. A cool morphing video of all presidents. And very well done.

Bush worried 35 billion can't be paid back... why now

Fourteen years....

Definition of a Natural-Born Citizen

Stuart Taylor: Obama Should Conduct Illegal Surveillance

McClatchy Newspapers departing Iraq correspondent is asked: "Are we winning or aren't we?"

JUST talked to Reggie Love....

Got job security?

Hillary faces more abuse

The Disassembling of the Potemkin Ranch...

The financial fear is palpable today.

Which is more reprehensible?

More Links to Pakistan in Mumbai Attacks

Jack Daniels Maker Doing Awesome In This Economy

Kay "Big Hair" vs. Ricky "Good Hair" deep in the heart of Texas?

Michigan - 1936

I have decided to give Mr. Obama a chance

Air Force Preps Gadget-Zapping Microwave Missiles

Yesterday it was Dodd and Frank, who else will have their loyalty questioned?

Why did no one in Congress raise the issue of health care in light of the car company crisis?

Minnesota Secretary of State Office . Senate Race. 99.37% of Precincts Counted

Thom Hartmann is dissing atheists, saying it's a "belief" and a "religion"

Adoptions advertised on a billboard.

Bombs greet efforts to promote women's rights

What Happens To The Shadow Government bush Set Up After 9/11?

How you and DU can prevent elder abuse

Model for Palin's hair..........

Hey OJ--- Remember Jeffrey Dahmer?

India: Gays are perverse

OJ Minimum of 6 years in county/state prison

Boy George guilty of imprisoning male escort

OJ looks scared as hell

from the archives: FR poster sends threat letters, white powder to Pelosi

Tiny crowd prays Supreme Court will invalidate Obama presidency

If I am slime, I must do time. That's right, Juice ...

If socialism is so bad, then why don't Cheney and McCain stop taking OUR money for THEIR treatments?

Cops in California Taser Drowning Man's Distraught Sons

Headline -"Worst ____Since 19__"

Land Shark's post in GD-P is the headliner at BuzzFlash right now (linked to DU).

LBJ Called Nixon a Traitor for Meddling in Vietnam Peace Talks

S.F. toasts the repeal of Prohibition again

Big3 Bailout? Who're they gonna sell cars to? My friend lost his job yesterday.

I want a Wahmbulance....(Caption please)

The fun folks at have sifted through Free Republic, so you don't have to...

Dog frozen to sidewalk; fat helped it survive.

A new guy will be moving into my neighborhood in mid-January. He might be a child molester.

Are you as eager to see Robert Blake behind bars?

The Wayback Machine: archives back to 2001

Barack Obama on Meet the Press in his first Sunday morning television interview

"Unfortunately, that overstates the numbers of presidents we have"

The black friday violence continues today

Feds: Homeland Security Boss Employed Illegals, Charged

I just got a call from Stephen Harper's PR machine

Could This Woman Be Vladimir Putin's Real Mother?

NeuroMarketing: 95% Of Consumer Decision-Making Occurs Subconsciously

Ideal candidate for Ambassador to St. Helena

I Smell a Book Deal....

Police Officers Are Being Turned Into Shock Troops

On Chris Matthews and the Senate

On Chris Matthews and the Senate

Where the Food bank thread is ...

Most important news story of the week (ending December 5, 2008)

"Let's build a patriot car within five years"

Police Chief is Charged in Boy's Death at Gun Fair

Jon Stewart on Bush exit interview: "Why do we have to talk to this jackass like he's 4?"

Rapture Alert: Robotic bugs have been developed to record Christians in their homes

Definition of a Natural-Born Citizen

Divorce Question

Floods destroyed huge areas of Southern Brazil. 80,000 displaced. Please donate.

Teacher Under Fire For Misguided Slavery Lesson

KBR Sued Again, Featuring Dogs Running Around With Human Arms In Their Mouths

Great Empires fall the American Empire is on the slippery slope.

2007 Rockefeller Christmas Tree Built a House....

K&R if you think GM should keep Saturn and Pontiac

I usually defend the Canadian justice system, but this is disgusting

Freepers discuss the Supreme court, Palin's shopping spree, Dubya and other wackiness

Jon Stewart has a great way of laying out the truth in such a way that it is

If Caroline Kennedy goes to the Senate, I will stand and cheer.

Chancellor denounces activist violence (UCLA)

I just got polled for 'research' from the Wall St Journal and one other company.

Bush says Saddam was not connected to 9/11 - and then connects Iraq war to.... 9/11

GM, Ford - Won't Pledge to Buy American

Mother’s Act promotes pregnancy as lucrative market for Big Pharma

Does anyone else here feel depressed?

Shall We Call it a Depression Now?- ROBERT REICH

For all the nerds in the crowd...

A modern miracle for all to see...great of President Carter

Florida's new Supreme Court justice....led Clinton impeachment, led anti-abortion legislation.

Please is the economy affecting your area?

Proposal for United for Peace and Justice

Tiny crowd prays Supreme Court will invalidate Obama presidency

This may be worth some DU input - Amer Assoc of State Highway & Transportation Officials are

Richard Shelby and his ties to foreign auto manufacturers

Richard Shelby and his ties to foreign auto manufacturers

Obama's Holdovers in Pentagon Leadership Still Pushing Hard for New Generation of Nuclear Weapons

Nearly half of AARP's income is from kickbacks from insurance companies

What Happened to GM's EV1? Will Anyone in Congress Ask About it Before Bailout?

Suggestion to admins: please give us format buttons

Beaten dog improves; suspect remains jailed

$110 thousand dollars on hair and make-up for Palin

Is it okay to use the N word and the F word (faggot) if it's done in a playful/non-hateful manner?

Behind the Scenes on MSNBC.... The audio was on during a breaking story

A Prayer for George Bush...

For all you follks who trash Texas- Bet you wish you were here now

Evidence that Al Franken now believes!

Would You Buy A Car From A Bankrupt Automaker, Foreign or Domestic?

Today we have photo proof: Sarah Palin lied about her pregnancy (Atlantic magazine)

I have never liked OJ Simpson

This is completely insane. I am not hearing this, am I? In an economy that is sinking like a .......

What happens to my Warranty if a company goes bankrupt?

Do you believe Plaxico Burress is an idiot?

Ken Blackwell (R-Ohio-Corrupt) announces bid for Chair of RNC

If the MN senate seat goes to the US Senate, will the dems all support Franken?

300 flying foxes are rescued in storms

I drove by a homophobic billboard today

10141 Daria Place, Dallas, TX

Palin's 'traveling makeup artist' paid $32,000 a month

Raise your hands. How many here want to see Osama bin Laden....

I Missed This: Nov. 26, Pet Food Recall

I always heard that the price of food goes up when gas prices go up

(REPOST) Food Bank Friday! December 5, 2008!

Say Goodbye To O'Reilly's Audience

Honda Pulls Out of Formula One Racing

MTB: Sustainable Shopping---Going Nuts For The Holidays? What Should We Be Doing Instead?

Blackwater guards could face mandatory 30-year prison sentences

And I thought Canada was a free country.

Jesus was brought up at my 12 step meeting and all hell broke loose

I don't get it. Many years ago when I took an introduction to the law course

7 Reasons Why I’ll Be Very Disappointed If Obama Doesn’t Reverse the Bush Tax Cuts on the Wealthy

Here's an idea for a bailout: Universal health care.

This is my "Athiests Who Don't Want To Ruin Religous People's Holidays" Thread.

Randi Rhodes seems to want to see Al Franken lose in Minnesota The 4 Craziest Right Wing Fears About Obama

I think it's time we stopped, hey, what's that sound? Everybody look what's going down

That fucker DS1 stood me up for the movies!!! He is DTM.

The story of the congresswoman hanging up on Barack reminded me of TAP

I swear my cats are just like little children sometimes.

Which one is best... your favorite Cullen

Simple question... Angel or Spike?

Anybody have seen Elshiva since Tuesday ?

OMG!!!!! LeftyMom and flvegan are having a baby!!!!!

I think my pevvyness showed its head at a gathering tonight

so, they are remaking ARTHUR and Romancing the Stone

New puppy! How to teach him his name?

Let Me Have It

I am super lucky that my husband mops our floor BUT

Obama Does Not Plan to End the US Occupation of Iraq

Sunday.... GIANTS vs EAGLES

Worst part about living in an apartment?

Bless my heart.

Chunks of happy clusters

DUzy Awards will be posted Sunday, December 7

What kind of hair gel do you use?

Have you ever totaled a cat?

Sign in front of local fire station

Children & Proverbs

I had a peer.

I had a leer.

Man - where did Facebook find all my OLD friends...

Orenthal sentencing pool. Winner gets:

Watched last night's Pushing Daisies online tonight

Has anyone here done any online advertising? I have questions

So , who is old and bitter ?

So, I applied for a job in China

I am a sucker for Coach purses...alas I can't afford them

Does anyone else have weird tradition or thinking?

teh PUPPEHS are freaking out

It's cornbread when I'm hungry...

Hey, Graywarrior, only 47 days until the duck is free!!

People Like SUV's Because Detroit Advertisers Mindfuck Them Into Wanting Them

losing your ass , is a big pain in the wallet

'Nothing but a Heartache' - classic song from May, 1969

Ever since they've been showing the new Mickey Death's McNuggets commercials

Frontpage of today's Detroit Free Press ... WOW!

Frontpage of today's Detroit Free Press ... WOW!

Frontpage of today's Detroit Free Press ... WOW!

Nothing But Heartaches

Coal tar shampoo....

I like Little Richard's early music. I just heard a song

A little help? The kitten walked across the keyboard and hit

I had a beer.

Midlo's trying to give us teh baby vibes. Midlo=DTM.

Did you know that baby colic is caused by cold air?

Why Can't Lounge Threads Make It to The Greatest Page?

Quiet Night

So I've been working near the Big Dig Tunnels

How many of you Play Second Life?

I can now confirm that Cheeto Puffs are better than regular ole Cheeto's

Oh cool! I got to see Mrs Slocombe's pussy for only $31.49!!

BREAKING: Archduke Franz Ferdinand ASSASSINATED!

Officiating is EXTREMELY poor tonight in the DEN/SAS game..

A long long time ago... Is this really the meaning to this song?

Yo, Brits on DU, would you help out a yank of Scotish descent?

Best musician named for the fact that he smoked tons of dope?

Update on Me, for a change....

I'm a coach for this sucker: 'Don't bite it, for God's sake!'


I'm so excited LeftyMom and Flvegan are having a baby!

I am a sucker for this coach

My son loves this horrible show...

I hope I didn't fuck up. My computer is quieter now. That's good. Right?

Women of the Lounge: Please explain the pulling panties out of buttcrack thing

I want to get my younger brother a gift - a book on philosophy, suggestions would be appreciated

Keep that shit in the Lounge.

Single People: How soon do you start telling the person

A buddy of mine got a Grammy nomination (Engineer, Non-Classical)

Best prequel? (Please read the criteria)

Rocco the Shih Tzu is tripping me out!

Hogwash is

Prescription WHAT??!!??

Wow, Rachel Maddow looks like death warmed over tonight...whats the deal?

Another day, another sunset....

Does anyone have any non-X-mas themed Christmas movie traditions?

Kwaanza: Ghetto Slang for Murder!

I am a sucker for Coach ...alas I can't see it any more

OMFG. A flame war erupting because Rachel Maddow is sick with a cold.

Perfect Christmas card for Grateful Dead fans

The BlueIris Semi-Nightly Poetry Break, 12/4/08

So, You've Decided to be Evil

Bodywash is

My printer just tried to kill me!

Should I stay or should I go?

Funny Products and Signs

No Christmas Bonus this year.

Former Kanabec County sheriff is apparently on the lam

Check out this thread in the science forum

If you are suffering with any pain this morning...

Used to work with this guy...

My keyboard just tried to kill me...

Do banks give loans to people who need tattoos and piercings?

Tackiest Christmas decoration ever

What does "tighten up" mean? As in the song by Archie Bell and

I'm a cork on the ocean

Some idiot in a minivan nearly killed me (You guys almost got lucky)

Just another "I was fired from my job today" rant

Good morning Lounge

The Animators Poetry moment

The Animators Poetry moment

Man allegedly assaults girlfriend with burp

Who woke her up??????

It might be racist, but

Listening to ANY song by Winger versus enduring searing abdominal cramps

Viva la Vida's melody stolen from If I Could Fly?

Losing your wallet is a big pain in the ass

Take 'er Easy and World Takes 'er Easy with You

Take 'er Easy and World Takes 'er Easy with You

Can someone explain to me how Caroline Kennedy is more qualifed for NY Senate

Have you ever had to fight for your right to party?

Boy George guilty of imprisonment

Another reason for geeks to get the shit kicked out them

Who can tell me what Disney movie features exposed nipples.

Strangers May Cheer You Up, Study Says

Man allegedly assaults girlfriend with Burgermeister Meisterburger

Caption Please???...

Just took the first of four final tests. NAILED IT! Technical Skills. One down, three to go.

"Yikies in my crike hole"

Best Sequel: The Poll

Cheap stuff for frugal living ( add yours )

Personally, if someone brought up Jesus at my 12 step meeting...

Movin' on up (or RIP Paul Benedict)

Are yours real or fake

Man allegedly assaults girlfriend with burger

woot! 4th row seats to the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra's performance of The Messiah tonight!!

Shave first

What the fuck, Tina?

Its seven degrees outside, wind chill zero.

Must vent....GE "Fun""Nancing

Picture fro Arches Nat'l. Monument

War on Christmas at the Olive Garden

CONFESS!!!!! Who put the bomp in the bomp bomp bomp bomp bomp?

CONFESS!!!!! Who wrote, who wrote the book of love???

CONFESS!!!!! Why do birds suddenly appear, everytime you are near?

CONFESS!!!!! Who writes the songs that make the world go round?

Cinderella joke (this is great!)

CONFESS!!!!! Why do fools fall in love???

Parche #18 to be born on TV.....

What's the closest real-life equivilent to "soylent green"?

Question about the movie 'Milk'.

DC Metro (buses/trains) should give free ridership on Inauguration Day.

"You need to watch your mouth, asshole!"

YAY!!! I'm going to see Barry!!!

Let's write a DU story: Once upon a time on a rainy afternoon in the DU Lounge

But but but.... I'm a nice guy!

For fans of the movie "Roadhouse"...Wolfgang's Vault just posted a 1987 Cruzados concert

Mmmm Winepod (no more toilet wine for ME!)

21 years

The Spanking Thread

Please rejoice with me. The deadline for our buyers backing out of the sale

I'm going to DE tonight. Coming back on Sunday

THE Christmas gift for the Giants fans in your life...

WOOHOO - Bars open until 5am for the Inauguration

Paul Benedict, actor in "Spinal Tap," "Guffman," and "The Jeffersons" (Mr. Bentley) dies at 70

If anyone see's Ava around... ask her to reply to be on facebook.

"Because we’re movin on up and Weezie Park just didn’t sound as good."

Does anyone have a copy of Alton Brown's "I'm just here for the food" on hand?

OJ gets 15 years. Eligible for parole after 7.5.

Please raise your glasses in a toast to The Blaine Act.

I'm going to get ED tonight. Coming back on Sunday

I desperately need to go dancing tonight.

Confess. Do you have a Christmas tree? I got a white one this year and decorated it in red, white,

75 yrs ago today Prohibition ended. Yo Parche open the Bar!

75 yrs ago today Prohibition ended. Yo Parche open the Bar!

a report that might make people think less of me, but

SophieMN won a patriotic poster contest.

One of my computers just went BANG!!!

Ladies of the Lounge: Get your razors ready

I'm going to DIE tonight. Coming back on Sunday

You know what looks like crap? (And frankly it won't surprise you)

Almost as important as the invention of the bottle,December 5th,1933 Prohibition repealed.

Judging from this photo, Jesus would have been great on a skateboard

I'm going to DIE tonight. Coming back on Sunday

Denverite's!! I need help!!!

I desperately need to go prancing tonight.


Stupid question, I don't mean to offend...

Who's up for some frakking art?

BCS declares Germany winner of World War II

If you own the CD of COMFORT EAGLE by Cake...

Pick thread?

"Crikie hole" is the phrase for today. Modify a thread title to include "crikie hole".

CONFESS!!!!! Who are you? Who who, who who?

Only 93 Days !!!!!!!!

Would anyone like to play a game of Global Thermonuclear War?

One of my parishioners just asked me what will happen if Obama isn't a citizen.

Does anyone here play the flute?

Fiber Optic Christmas Trees

Dammit. The rec fairy has struck again!

Dude next to me is pumping gas

Judging from this photo, Lenin would have been great at basketball.

what do I do now?

i'm freaking exhausted

For you Friday Fuckers! Cyndi Lauper

Would you ever PM someone to tell them off and let them

Ha! I just noticed that someone stole the

Yackity sax makes everything better!

Cat vs printer - who will win???

My asshole of a father is coming home for christmas.

Weird dreams on the nic. patch?

This skit is not funny, but I'm always impressed with how good MAD TV's impression are

In two hours I will be 41 years old.

The RetroLounge Daily Poem Thread (Fri 12/5/2008)

Damn. Panic attack. Bad.

Who's up for some fractal art? (Dial up warning)

Do you have a 'Holidays Drink'?

I am a lazy, crabby bitch...right now!!!

The BlueIris Semi-Nightly Poetry Break, 12/5/08

Kitten Picture of the Day for Friday December 5

BREAKING: O.J. sentenced to 2 years with Detroit Lions

What's the worst thing that could happen?

Who else is thankful that today is Friday?

Baby #18 to be born on TV.....

Theory: Pablo Francisco is the Chuggo of comedy

I am sick and tired (and tired, and sick) of Turkey

I'm worried about my friend...

So tomorrow (December 5th) is my birthday.

Try to come up with a topic that hasn't been covered on DU.

Flvegan and Leftymom are having twins! Name the babies contest!

It's FRIDAY, ya bastids!

I hate motorcycle cops.

What's the best puppy toy ever?

Please caption this photo. Thank you.

Unbelievable!! My son opened his Christmas present from his grandparents TODAY!

Where are my vivid dreams???

You know you are getting old when _____________.

*** A cboy4 Barry Bonds Appreciation Thread ***

Friday Questions...

Friday Questions...

I'm having an MRI of my brain this morning....

Dog risks his life to drag friend to safety- Video.

my studio sale is this weekend. this is my last ditch avoidance post.

i need good vibes for tomorrow!

If you're under 35, have you ever seen the movie/read the book

Have you ever had to fight for the person you love?

More Pics By Request (Fashion & Kolkata)

What is your porn-star name?

I have a massive crush on someone I've never met in real life.

Finally, a stocking stuffer for your man who seeks true warmth

"Love Actually" starts on USA channel at 10am EST (Is anyone else a sucker for this movie?)

Food Bank Friday! December 5, 2008!

Joe Satriani sues Coldplay for "copying substantial original portions" from one of his songs

Biz ordered to stop selling Bratz

Woman swept to sea during marriage proposal

Yikes! This woman really hates telemarketers...

new cats for the lounge

Ok, I'm taking a vacation and need some help.

The greatest debate in human history? Coffee or milk.

What's your favorite pot munchies?

Does anyone else hate watching TV?

Neil Diamond or Barry Manilow?

Write an "I Am" poem, and post it.

Support Thread for unemployed, jobseekers, entrepreneurs... post here for support & to share.

After John Lennon was murdered, it was about 10 years before I got over

I made Cat, come look...

post a photo of something you remember from elementary school

Man vs. Wild or Survivorman?

Stafford Foundation Announces 'People's Inaugural Project' at Washington's Historic JW Marriott

KBR, Halliburton sued for sickening U.S. troops

Foodies Make a Pitch to Obama

"Dems impatient with Obama's refusal to inject himself in the major economic crises of the country"

I want an Obama thimble. I don't actually sew - does that make me odd?

Karl Rove , Burr

You have no right or expectation not to be flamed, when you post inflammatory shit.

Coleman Campaign Withdraws 650 Ballot Challenges

Obama being pressured by Democrats to be more hands-on

New leadership planned to fight WMD terrorism

Please take my DU survey on Auto Makers (link inside)

MI-Gov: Statewide Recruitment Thread

election night trivia question ( MSNBC)

Lynn Sweet: Obama raised $104 million 10-16/11-24. FEC topline just released

Lynn Sweet: Obama raised $104 million 10-16/11-24. FEC topline just released

Obama Invites Shakira to Sing at Inauguration

Skinner - can we take down the Obama thermometer yet?

AT&T to lay off 12000 workers

PHOTOS I wanna hold your hand(s)

I don't understand this talk about the Goddess of Peas.

The Challenge of the Taliban: Mother Jones

Do they post October money raised for Obama? When?

Mobilize to ensure Obama's Iran Policy Succeeds?

Mobilize to ensure Obama's Iran Policy Succeeds?

Barack Obama campaign raised nearly $1 billion, shattering records

So how many of Lil' Dubbikins' last-minute executive orders can be reversed after Jan 20th?

"People saw bread lines again and said I’m votin’ for the brotha’"

Union officials don't want Miami mayor in Obama Cabinet

When the Supremes drop the Birth Certificate bullshit, can we?

Dear Barney Reference to those Committee Hearings today,

POLL Should Barack Obama visit Ireland in his first year in office?

Goddam it Barack, get this: I'm going to lay out what you need to do, once and for all.

AP Wire has another list of filled and not-yet filled Cabinet positions

Obama thanks Illinois donors personally at reception - "This is not the end. This is the beginning."

From a personal viewpoint only, in what order of significance do you put these 3 issues?

We should not be satisfied until Obama presents some placenta.

Body Politics: The Obama-Clinton Relationship

Just looking at some election results - Obama even won couple counties in Utah

Okay -- we all guessed it

Obama citizenship question--

Obama: This Crisis Gives Us Big Opportunity

Barack Obama, "Most Fascinating Person"

Obama and his message of "change" is a FRAUD!!!

RNC Update Released: Palin's Shop-a-palooza now $180k

God Help Us.....Bush is oging to make a statement about the economy

Uh, If Barack's Mother Is American, Isn't He American Anyway?

saw the coolest thing on the road today

The announced unemployment numbers released today,

Bush short statement,,,no questions..."I am very concerned" "We are working on ways to solve

My eyes! My eyes! Get yer Sarah Palin 2009 calendar right here!

Poll: Americans back Obama troop redeployment plan

Friend of mine who is devoted to the DWF platform-

"He's going to have to be more assertive than he's been," Barney Frank re:Obama

Post Election Blues? Anyone?

Just Curious - If The Windfall Profits Tax Is Off The Table & We Won't Roll Back The Bush Tax Cuts..

Peggy, you ignorant slut

Obama; comparison with FDR and the reporter

Biden taps progressive economist Jared Bernstein as top adviser.

Holy Cow! Canadian Parliament Suspended.... LINK

Ted Rall is a Malcontent.


More Freep nonsense re: Obama citizenship. It is a Hillary plot.

Berg Case is not on Cert granted list

Barack Obama breaks first campaign promise by dropping oil tax

FRANKEN UP BY 4 VOTES after hand count, camp says:

Va. man spends $1 million on inaugural package for disadvantaged

Why the uproar over the Goddess of Peace becoming SOS? Tis the season to be jolly.

Would you have voted for Obama if you knew in October...

Bill O'Reilly cancelling his bloviated radio show

Anybody donating to Hillary's debt?

New Attorney Scandal? Bush-Appointed U.S. Attorney Won’t Vacate Office Under Obama

How big a D do you need to know Obama is democratic enough?

Super Obama World

The Note, 12/05/08: Another Senator Kennedy?

Will We See 99 Cents A Gallon For Regular Gasoline By Easter?

Cardboard groper is why we don't let people bring cameras into

It does not matter if any parent is not a citizen, if that baby is born in the USA it IS a citizen

What Obama Nominee to the SCOTUS Would Drive Freepers Over The Edge? ...

LOL FreepTurds are having a Live Scotus Watch

New Foreign Affairs Article by Bob Gates: Reprogramming the Pentagon for a New Age

Not only can you put lipstick on a pig, you can apparently spend $55K arranging its bristles.

D.C. Bars, Nightclubs to Be Open 24-hours A Day for Inauguration Week

Should Cardboard-Groping Speechwriter Guy have a job in the Obama administration?

The Clintons were the target of a coordinated right wing hit job for 8 years.

Last Gasp of a Miserable Failure: Bush Approval Map

Did We Discuss Alex Witt's Comments About Why Would There Be Mumbai Attacks If Obama Elected?

A couple Obama 44 freebie graphics to use...

Appropriate punishment for "cardboard" guy is a Secret Service nick:

Oh Lord, I'm not a prayin' man, but if you're up there...

Donofrio: Not only isn't Obama eligible for the presidency, CHESTER A. ARTHUR ISN'T EITHER!!1!

44 Presidents - See how They Morph

Huckabee, Palin top GOP poll for 2012!

One President At A Time: Obama works behind scenes on auto crisis, Bush buyin' mansions, Stretch

The George W. Bush Presidential Library Foundation needs YOUR donations...

As bad as all these last minute executive orders from the Shrub are, why do they matter?

Exclusive: Caroline Kennedy Considering Senate Appointment

Employers cut 533K jobs in Nov., most in 34 years

Is even Fox News bothering with the Obama birth certificate nonsense?

Will a tax cut for the middle class hurt wages ?

Obama: Ratify the Women's Convention Soon

Would you support or oppose Caroline Kennedy taking over Sen. Clinton's senate seat?

Oh noooess the Supreme Court has been replaced by replicants...

The BIG story of the day: "Obama Can't Grow Facial Hair". Jesus.

Obama is making clearer than ever that tens of thousands of troops will be left behind in Iraq

Irrelevant Peggy Noonan: "At Least Bush Kept Us Safe"


BREAKING: Barak Obama born by Cesarean section

Obama is a master of tacit ambiguity

"Leave the Gun...Take the Cannoli"..

The Hill: Caroline Kennedy Interested in Clinton's Seat

December 1 - They are lost beyond this date!

Obama to Buy First Tuxedo in 15 Years For Inaguration

I'm surprised that some progressives display a discouraging amount of black and white thinking.

Oh No! What will the FreepTurds do now?? Obama's "birth certificate" issue DEAD at Supreme Court

Palin's secret? Victoria's Secret is on her latest list of shops

Franken Camp's Claim: The Hand Count Is Over -- And We're Up By Four Votes!

I love when freepers protest - they draw such super big crowds.... (re BC issue)

Howard Coble to run against Kay Hagan in 2014?

Supreme Court says case has no standing!!!! haha

Per CNN Money - General Clark is one of those being considered for Energy Secretary

Shit. Bush acknowledged we are in a recession. Whare then are we REALLY?

Biden picks economic advisor that is against free trade and is for worker's rights.

Biden picks economic advisor that is against free trade and is for worker's rights.

Do you agree with this statement ? ....

Poll To DU!!!

I'm sorry. My money is not going to Mark Penn

"We'll All Pay For Obama Getting Elected" (Need A Chuckle?)

Ann Romney has lumpectomy

Columnist wishes Obama would carry on illegal wiretaps and "kick" the Left "in the teeth"

Wow, This is a fascinating email from Plouffe regarding the "future of the movement"

The true origins of our current economic crisis and the fundamental fixes needed to resolve it:

I can't believe I'm doing this, but I'm going to defend Clarence Thomas

Only 10 days and counting to the real election. Will there be any live coverage?

Only 10 days and counting to the real election. Will there be any live coverage?

Stimulus package must be huge. Let's build wind farms from coast to coast.

Heh. Freepers pinning hopes on an elector revolt against Obama. They truly are deranged.

Anyone catch Tucker Carlson on Morning Joe??

Obama uses Zune. Will iPod fans demand apology?

Face it. Obama is f*cked with the 2010 elections. He will need our back more than ever

My doctor really tried to push a flu shot on me

The Hidden Trap Within The Birth Certificate Cult

The Hidden Trap Within The Birth Certificate Cult

Enough of this Obama citizenship nonsense. I want to know who Trig's mom is. New photo.

Could you look Hillary in the eye after posting this pic?

Top Obama speechwriter under fire for "groping" Hillary cutout

Top Obama speechwriter under fire for "groping" Hillary cutout

The New Team: Jonathan Favreau

How did Bible Spice get herself elected Senator from Georgia?

Massive Crowds Turn Out To Protest Obama’s Falsified American Citizenship

Father defends teen charged in nursing home abuse case

Atheist billboard in Capitol stirs a storm

Bush rule limits US Congress on drilling, mining

Prince William seeing effects of immigrant crackdown

Iraq OKs Security Pact; Attacks Kill 17

Businessman donates million dlrs for hardluck inaugural bash

Chemical in furniture blamed for 3 deaths (France & England

CPJ 2008 Prison Census: More Internet Journalists Jailed Worldwide than Those in Any Other Medium

Gulf Oil CEO says gas could hit $1 next year

Bill O'Reilly to give up radio show, one of the nation's most listened to

Oil falls sharply on big job cuts

NY Soldier Acquitted of Murder in Officers' Deaths

Union officials don't want Miami mayor in Obama Cabinet

Democrats: Obama Needs Hands-On Economic Approach

Boy George guilty of imprisonment

Suit claims Halliburton, KBR sickened base

Aleksy II, Russian Orthodox Patriarch, Dies at 79

Laid-off Circuit City workers could lose pay (unsecured creditors ask court)

AP IMPACT: Some bailout holdings down $9 billion

(Iraq) Raid detects al-Qaeda child recruitment

Europe Court Nixes U.K. DNA Database

FBI: Girls told agent evangelist Alamo abused them

National City deal probably irreversible, Reps. Steve LaTourette and Dennis Kucinich say

Former WorldCom CEO asks Bush to shorten sentence

White House altered, deleted documents on Iraq war

'Don't ask, don't tell' suffers a blow in S.F. federal court

Obama team plans grassroots meetings for next weekend (December 13 and 14)

Obama statement on jobs report: Urgent response needed

Hill leader says jobs report argues for car rescue

GM to lay off 2,000 more workers at 3 factories

(Mary Beth) Buchanan doesn't plan to step down as U.S. attorney

(Rev. Jesse) Jackson: 'It's not the Big Three. It's 4 million jobs'

3 soldiers' deaths in Afghanistan push Canada's toll past 100

Biz ordered to stop selling Bratz

Warehoused Asian workers in Iraq to be sent home

National Mall to be open for Obama Inauguration

GM to lay off about 2,000 more workers: report

Obama's gamble to opt out of public funds pays off; raised nearly $750 million

City acknowledges missing ballots (Franken vs. Coleman)

Palin's 'traveling makeup artist' paid $32,000 a month

Short on cash, some put a price on themselves

Chrysler Hires Law Firm Jones Day as Bankruptcy Counsel

U.S. Supreme Court to hear al-Marri's case

'Subtle shift' to US role in Iraq

Matthews inches closer to Senate run; picks out Philly house, discusses quitting MSNBC

Families of 9/11 victims seek answers at Gitmo

ICAP Hires JPMorgan’s Daemon Bear to Head ‘Dark Pool’

Blackwater Guards Could Get 30 Years

533,000 Jobs Lost in November 2008

O.J. sentenced to as many as 33 years for robbery

US mulls unusual tactic as Blackwater charges loom

The Note, 12/05/08: Another Senator Kennedy?

Beaten dog improves; suspect remains jailed

2 Dominicans spent weeks at sea; 49 thought dead

Miamian, embargo foe, sues author for 'spy' claims

Atheist sign disappears from Washington state Capitol

Payrolls plunge by stunning 533,000 in November

Justices Take Case on President’s Power to Detain

Brown-Forman (maker of Jack Daniel's) reports rise in 2Q earnings

Gas Prices Hit ONE DOLLAR a Gallon

West Hartford Credit Union Closes

Horrifying parasitic illness reaches all-time low

Bush: Iraq war longer, more costly than expected

Kennedy steps down from Judiciary panel

New York Democrats to gain control of state senate (first time since 1965)

First Georgia Community Bank closed -- 23rd failure in '08

Diamond thieves pull off 100-million-dollar Paris heist

Ann Romney Has Lumpectomy for Early-Stage Breast Cancer

Julius Baer CEO dies unexpectedly

AP Exclusive: Pentagon to recruit aliens on visas

Colombians debate third term for president

Governor's office: Troopergate is over and Palin testimony won't be released to public

Report Links State Gun Laws To Rates of Slayings, Trafficking

"Koobface" Virus Turns Up on Facebook

Bush Acknowledges Recession For First Time

Five Blackwater Guards To Face Massacre Charges Next Week

OJ Simpson has been jailed for kidnap and armed robbery.

White House documents found to be altered

Interior Dept. Changes Rule to Remove Congress Veto: "power play" in Bush's waning days

Daschle Launches Push for Health-Care Overhaul

Feds: Boston Homeland Security honcho harbored illegal alien

Mexico greets Richardson, doubts NAFTA reopening

In Tapes, (Lyndon B.) Johnson Accused Nixon’s Associates of Treason

STOCK MARKET WATCH, Friday December 5

Rice urges 'robust' Pakistani response to Mumbai attacks

Cuba says blogger ran afoul of the law

Congressmen demand Mukasey explanation on torture, pardons

UC professor (Yoo) under fire for White House memo

Franken up by 4 votes after hand count, campaign says

US justices to rule on terror suspect's detention (can an "enemy combatant" be held indefinitely?)

Intelligent 'have better sperm'

New rules ease ban on guns in national parks

Caroline Kennedy interested in NY Senate seat

Fidel Castro says Cuba can talk with Obama

Forget the Auto Execs' Trip To D.C., It’s the Planned TRIP BACK That's Shocking

HArvard Law students take on Jack Goldsmith’s protection of US torturers

Republican Pundits Gone Wild, Michael Medved Edition


Mayor's wife irks Kansas City

Are cheap smokes pro-life?

Philip Maddocks: To cut costs, automakers plan to outsource 40 years of bad ideas

Court to weigh question about Obama citizenship

Bush Admits to Charlie Gibson He Was Unprepared for 'Law'

Rochelle Riley on the car talk between Brian Williams and Jay Leno last night

Eugene Robinson: Regret-Me-Not; Bush tries to rewrite history

Unlike Most Presidential Couples, the Obamas Actually Listen to Each Other

Do your part to prevent further climate change - eat less meat.

1/2 of World's Jailed Journalists come from Web

Gates' Plan To Fix the Pentagon

Cost of Putting Lipstick on a Pit Bull?

We Need a Law Like Godwin for Nixon Comparisons

In the Shadow of an Apocalypse

Judicial Watch: Clinton Ineligible to serve as Secretary of State

Obama's Mighty Economic Challenge

Wall St financiers party like there's no tomorrow

How the Facts Came to Hate America

Action, not words

Is worst yet to come?

New alternative to AIPAC?

Israeli Troops Evict Settlers in the West Bank

It's only one house

Qurei: Settler attacks signal Israel's rejection of peace

Rachel Maddow: Subpoenas in Fired Attornies Probe

Paul Krugman: Automakers Should Be Rescued

US Prices, Housing Starts Plunge

Olbermann: Gen. Paul Eaton on Torture Meeting w/ Obama

Richard Nixon On The Time Machine Phone.

Dave Letterman: Top 10 signs President Bush doesn't care anymore

Jed Bartlet's Handy Guide to Dealing with Homophobic Bigots.

Bush Henchmen May Have to Testify in Attorneygate Probe

Olbermann: The Obama Citizenship 'Controversy' (w/ Jonathan Turley)

Canadian Parliament shut as PM clings to power

olbermann on prop 8 the musical (includes full musical)

Clean Coal: This Is Reality

Seal Covers 'A Change Is Gonna Come' on His New Album

Tony Benn | People Before Profit | the Budget | Nov 24 2008

Sea Shepherd - Enough is enough, Japanese Killing Whales

AP: Guards in Blackwater Shooting May Face 30 Years

Jane Hamsher appearance on Cavuto - 12_03_08

TYT: PB Out Of New York - Does He Deserve the Punishment?

Michael Mukasey, OJ Simpson, and the law

Rachel's Prop 8 essay - 12_04_08 - finds better correlations than w/ race

The Harper Dictatorship- ( the old Hitler in the bunker thing but Canadian)

Gingrich Says Israel Should Set A Deadline For Attack On Iran

Perino Dismisses Pre-War Downing Street Memo: ‘It’s Been Debunked By Me’

Pickles: I think that's where we'll spend our Christmas money.

Did Killing Electric Car Kill GM? Worth Watching Now

Who Killed The Electric Car?

YouTube Is Dead

Martinez found not guilty in fragging trial

Man gets 18 years for crash that killed soldier

Accused men showed doubt in Dix recording

U.S. mulls using 1988 drug law on Blackwater

OPM drafts new hiring rules for spouses

JFCOM releases study on future threats

Voting chief need not be a fed, group says

Report: Mild TBI linked to multiple ailments

Award increased for info on pfc.’s death

Soldier: I smashed a Guinness World Record

Informant under scrutiny in Fort Dix trial

No charges yet for man accused of desertion

Motion on lesbian maj.’s lawsuit denied

Dead Holloman baby may have had rare sickness

Russian navy ship to cross Panama Canal

Lost in translation

Agent: No physical evidence in Iraqis’ deaths

Italy to host AFRICOM headquarters

Report: AWOL soldier seeks help of city in N.Y.

Housing project at Grafenwöhr loses financing

AAFES gas prices lowest in nearly 4 years

Lack of ‘toggle switch’ created billing mess at Yokota’s hospital

On-base fuel leak causes farmers concern

Brain Injured Vets and Long-Term Risks

Improving Nuke Enterprise Top Priority

(Military Times) Op-Ed: Dragging a General Through the Mud

Sen. opposes moving Gitmo detainees to Kansas

A Quick Fix for Fouling M4s

E-8C's New Engine Program Takes Off

Call made for China to battle pirates

Von Hippel to Iranian talks

Global Change Widget (bet Hatrack has it on their desktop!)

Peak Oil Notes - Dec 4

Suntech and a+f Complete Two Spanish Solar Power Plants (8.5 and 7.4 MW)

Greengate Gets Municipal Approval for 550-MW Wind Project (Alberta, CA)

DOE, TVA Partner in Energy Efficiency Project (TN)

FPL Breaks Ground on First Hybrid Solar Plant (75 MW, FL)

Energy Goals a Moving Target for States

Nigerian Government Confirms 50 Deaths To Date From Contaminated Teething Formula

Electric Mini 'with 150 mile range'

Bush’s environmental legacy on GMOs is irreversible

Cool Earth Is Scaling Up Solar Energy Generation (solar balloons)

Protests Flood In On BLM Energy Leases On Book Cliffs, White River, Labyrinth Canyon - SLT

Jakarta Post - Deforestation Main Driver Behind Recurring Aceh Floods

South Africa Abandons Planned Nuclear Power Plant - Too Expensive - SF Chronicle

The Global Warming Deniers Are Restless

Crude oil nears $40 per barrel

Crosspost from Economy: Thinking about a thousand year depression

Scientist: Lake Mead could dry up by 2021 amid Western water shortages

Japan sells Icelandic whale meat

Victory! Bank of America moves away from Mountaintop Removal! (Rainforest Action Network) updated

Toyota (-34%), Honda (-32%) Sales Fall as Recession Tops Incentives

It’s Like A Big Bomb Went Off In Florida

Krugman on Hardball... video and transcript

Check out this photo of a Kimball Hill(bankrupt & now shut down homebuilder) ad back in January 2008

Isn't it funny? In 2007-2008, Repukes were blaming the Dems taking over Congress

Safe havens face crackdown

U6 Unemployment rate hits 12.5%

Why GM is More Bailout-Worthy Than Citigroup

Automakers form Suicide Pact

Obama Team Agrees to Aid Treasury in Push for Rescue Funds

Thinking about a thousand-year depression

capitalism 2.0

Economy lost another 533,000 jobs in Nov.

U.S. job losses worst since 1974 - and getting worse

Labor Dept. sues Maryland Sound & Image over 401(k) plan

Street turns cautious ahead of employment report (expect report that the jobless rate rose to 6.8%)

An idea for a video.

Motion on lesbian maj.’s lawsuit denied (xpost from Veterans)

Catholic leader sought Mormon help on Prop 8

Two Asylum Verdicts Nixed

You gotta love the Talibangelicals' priorities

Iraqi Journalist Jailed Over Homosexuality Story


RIGHTS-COLOMBIA: Where Homophobia Totes a Gun

Fidel Castro says Cuba can talk with Obama

Bolivia to distribute land to indigenous Indians

Human Rights Watch Confirms Colombia Not Ready for Trade Deal with U.S.

Belize takes over as President of Central American Parliament

2 Dominicans spent weeks at sea; 49 thought dead

Cuba says blogger ran afoul of the law

half of world's jailed journalists come from web

Colombians debate third term for president

Nicaragua asks U.S. for war reparations in aid row

Miamian, embargo foe, sues author for 'spy' claims

now if the williams could just stay gone for four weeks......

Federal prosecutors drop 4 counts against Bonds

The Cash For Cancer Testing Controversy

Many Children Lack Stability Long After Storm

Study says happiness transfers from person to person

Intelligent Men 'have better sperm'

The BlueIris Semi-Nightly Poetry Break, 12/5/08

psychic Wednesday

The Inaugural Chart 2009

Need a hug, guys.

Question about the 12th house

Happiness is catching!

Pro-RKBA Holiday Carol!

Nine Senators

Try to figure out this newspaper's gun advertising policy...

I'm posting this thread about impeachment for another DUer who doesn't

Reflections on Denny's

Packing now Legal in National Parks!!!

So, I went to Tuesday Morning today.

Looking for a Potato Cake/Pancake Recipe....

Foodies Make a Pitch to Obama

What if Christmas were just a white holiday?

Christian Man Uses Cell Phones to Evangelize

My thoughts on Christianity?

Thom Hartmann is dissing atheists, saying it's a "belief" and a "religion"

Duck eggs.

Atheist sign disappears from Washington state Capitol

Back to Reality (undoing Bushco's damage to science)

Unique Extrasolar Planet Orbits Fast-rotating Hot Star

What prayer REALLY is...

LA church has sheltered immigrants for 20 years

Strong Leonids Meteor Shower next year

Will Jupiter's Gravity Throw the Solar System Into Chaos?

H. M., an Unforgettable Amnesiac, Dies at 82

Ancient city discovered deep in Amazonian rainforest

Rick Warren Endorses ''Taking Out'' Iranian President Ahmadinejad

SBOE Member's Anti PublicEd Writings

Tiny Texas town head to Vegas for vacation

Firefox-only malware found

$100 "Midget" PC by March

Meet Springsteen's Rosalita and Rock Muses Rikki and Sharona, Too (The Real Women Behind The Songs)

Who Paid For The Videos?

My letter to a Canwest paper, canceling my subscripting

I find it hilarious that whenever Canada acts weird, it starts to get worldwide attention.

No wonder Canwest's stock is at 52 cents Canadians regionally split on political storm

I think this is an example of how JK will reach out as SFRC Chair

Speaker's position untenable after police contradict Damian Green arrest details