Billy Love
Billy Love's JournalPay attention to GD - NNN0HLI has passed away. There's a thread over there.
RIP, Don.
He was a Lounge lizard for years...
Let's examine the Syrian civil war a little bit...
Here are the Belligerents:
1) Syrian government
* Jaysh al-Sha'bi
* Shabiha
* Al-Abbas brigade
* National Defense Force
- Supported by Iran
Revolutionary Guards
2) Syrian opposition
* Free Syrian Army
* Syrian Islamic Liberation Front
* Al-Tawhid Brigade
3) Mujahideen
* Syrian Islamic Front
* Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (KNOWN AL-QUAEDA AFFILIATE)
4) Democratic Union Party (Kurdish)
5) Foreign Militants
* Hezbollah
All of them no good. The rebel leader was caught eating a heart of a dead soldier the other day. Why intervene when they can just destroy themselves in a civil war?
Especially those who are affiliated with Al-Q.
What's the point of having Arab League when they won't do shit militarily?
And refuses to do anything about it except whine to the U.S. and the U.N. about Syria and wanting an military action?
Hey Arab League, we'll do it for you for a cool $150 billion.
And then we'll just light a match and call it a strike and call it a day. Do it your damn self!
The next presidential candidate that says the following:
"Jobs, jobs and more jobs coming back to the United States"
"Fuck the war, we're pulling everyone out of the world and let them be on their own. It's their fucking problem, not ours"
"All the Congressional Republicans will be under mental health hold and evaluated to determine if they are legally insane, and if so, I am ordering their resignation from their position, and placed in a locked mental health institution which the Department of Defense is paying for by my executive order"
"I have put together a viable plan for universal health care, and the insurance companies will not be a part of it and will be effective as soon as it's signed'
"Our apologies, American People, for letting the wealthy dicks screw you to the moon, and we have implemented a major tax penalties for the uberrich who has done shit but outsource jobs without justification and by that, I do not mean more money to line their pockets. In return, those who make under $120,000 will have a guaranteed minimum of $7,500 tax return - and that's just for starting out, more deductions means more money for you as long as they are legal. The 1%'ers will be paying for everything for the rest of their lives because the greed has to stop."
gets my vote.
We need to begin dismantling the MIC as soon as possible. Eisenhower warned us a long time ago
and he's been proven right.
It's time to remove MIC and ban Department of Defense (what a joke) and transfer the responsibility to Homeland Security which should be dismantled too but it could be revamped to Homeland Defense with the main purpose of defending the United States enemies, foreign or domestic, and not to go out in the middle of the world and fight other people's battles.
The military industrial complex has gotten way too big for its britches.
Why do U.S. have to do all the work when it could just be left up to Arab League
to handle the problem. It's their own group of Arab states (Syria is a member), and they do have the capabilities to stage a strike against one of their own.
Saudi Arabia, for one, has plenty of air power, naval power, and troops, and they've bought a lot of shit from us.
We are not, once again, the world police.
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Member since: Thu Aug 29, 2013, 09:15 PMNumber of posts: 117