Chico Man
Chico Man's Journal.@CustomsBorder w nationwide outage impacting @BostonLogan as well as airports in Miami, Ft. Lauderd
Source: NBC Boston (via Twitter) + ABC Boston
.@CustomsBorder w nationwide outage impacting @BostonLogan as well as airports in Miami, Ft. Lauderdale, Atlanta. #NBCBoston
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Something to keep a close eye on, not being widely reported yet, potential hacking implications, potential cyber attack
Is Trump trying to start a war with China?
Via Twitter? From 30 minutes ago...
Did China ask us if it was OK to devalue their currency (making it hard for our companies to compete), heavily tax our products going into..
their country (the U.S. doesn't tax them) or to build a massive military complex in the middle of the South China Sea? I don't think so!
Trump supporters want socialism
White lower class voters expect him to hand them all factory jobs with the flick of a magic switch. How do you accomplish that without big government and socialist programs?
This truly is a bizarro world. Maybe the poles have flipped after all.
Trump Ends Racism
Trump declared, today, that he has "finished" racism. "The Blacks started it." Trump noted. He did admit that "racism did, at one time, exist", but now he has declared "racism is over. PERIOD." He then urged us to move on to bigger and better things, like Making our color blind and race free America Great again.
Is there any possibility of Russia hacking the actual election?
If you think the chance is 0%, remember Stuxnet:
I feel half paranoid and half right on this one. No matter what, it makes me worried. At least, this is something we should be discussing and considering - in other words, let's find out what is being done to absolutely prevent this from happening.
I have to report for jury duty Weds in Boston
At the Federal Courthouse.
Anyone else?
"Member Since 2001" Appreciation thread!
Avoiding the tombstone for 13 years!
7 years to blame it on Bush.. while he was still in office (in fact, more Bush years than Obama years while on DU!)
Predating Facebook by 5 years!
Untold amounts of data collected by the NSA about us!
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Member since: 2001Number of posts: 3,001