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SarahD's Journal
SarahD's Journal
June 12, 2024

Here's an idea. Commute them both.

What if President Biden commuted sentences for his son and Donald Trump? Would that blow their minds, or what?


June 12, 2024

What happened to the Cuban Thaw?

Obama started to normalize relations with Cuba. Trump reversed it. Many people expected Biden to resume the thaw, but nothing much yet. Cuba is still on the list of terrorism sponsors. Reasons?

June 11, 2024

Right wing media complain about Hunter Biden trial. Or something.

OK. This is from Fox News. I had to provide a link because you wouldn't believe me if I simply described how they are complaining about a trial and verdict that went completely their way. There is no point, of course, at least no point I can detect. It's just more of their "everything is wrong" viewpoint, which they trot out even when everything goes right, or what they consider right. It's part of the larger pattern of trying to convince people that everything is broken, so broken that there is no good news about anything. They understand that finding some satisfaction in the verdict would be an admission that the justice system works, or at least couldn't be corrupted in this case, and that would mean that the justice system is not weaponized against them. But everybody knows it is. It just has to be. Because. It's a blunt technique, not at all subtle, but Fox doesn't do subtle. It's the "Atlas Shrugged" of infotainment.

June 7, 2024

Churches suck! This one turned away a guide dog.

It seems churches don't have to comply with ADA. I guess they figure if your faith is strong enough, Jesus will restore your vision. The article refuses to identify the church, but I wish they would because these people are about the most un-Christian asshats I can imagine.

June 7, 2024

I don't like "Smellvis."

Not sure why. I'm not a big Elvis fan. It just sounds wrong when his name is portmanteau-Ed with Trump's.

June 7, 2024

Following the fusion money.

Figure out this 9ne if you can. It looks like a dog chasing its tail, except a dog actually has a tail. In the case of fusion generated electrical power, there is no tail, and there may never be one. It's looking less and less likely that fusion will ever produce electrical power, but that's not stopping hucksters from selling it to scammers because everyone knows ratepayers and taxpayers will be there to create a soft landing for the big money people when the whole fusion thing goes pfffft in the wind.

June 6, 2024

Does it matter where the bomb came from?

This article features a headline emphasizing that a US made bomb killed many people in Gaza. I'm not sure this means very much, considering the quantity and variety of weapons available on the open market. Yes, it highlights the fact that we supply Israel with many of the weapons used to kill Palestinians, which makes many people call for a halt to US weapons for Israel, but we know such a move would not reduce casualties. It's the decisions made and the strategy pursued, since the weapons are already there, with replacements stockpiled or available.

June 6, 2024

A better analysis of recent Trump behavior.

The mainstream media pass me off because they're quick to speculate about Biden's supposed signs of old age, while giving Trump a complete pass on behaving like a psychotic LSD addict. I was so happy to see this article and its bare knuckle attitude toward Trump.

June 6, 2024

Republican false factory grasping at straws, and there are no straws.

Biden looked behind himself to check the position of his chair, and the Reich Wing immediately said he was pooping himself, in spite of the fact he then gave a good speech. Their desperation is now well into the realm of hysteria. Their convicted fon is foaming at the mouth and threatening to jail political opponents, so they invent things as the spirit moves them. I think, I hope, this signals the decline of the assholes. In fact, history may label this little era the Decline of the Assholes and argue about whether it was caused by a meteor impact or a draught.

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Member since: Mon Dec 11, 2023, 05:32 PM
Number of posts: 1,573
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