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rpannier's Journal
rpannier's Journal
June 10, 2024

The cat in the flat: Singapore lifts ban on pets in public housing

Tommy is, without doubt, the head of his household. If he wants the air conditioning switched on, he simply glares at the unit on the wall. If he wants an early night, he’ll miaow for the TV to be silenced.

But, until now, he has been living in violation of a law that bans cats from much of Singapore’s housing.

This year, the 34-year ban will be overturned, allowing the city’s many fugitive cats to breathe a sigh of relief.


Under the new regulations, residents will be allowed to own up to two cats, as well as one dog of an approved breed, provided they complete a free online pet ownership course, and microchip and register their pets. Owners will need to “take reasonable steps” to protect their cats from hazards, such as installing mesh or grilles to prevent cats from roaming or falling from high rise windows.


May 31, 2024


The Georgia Republican Party is upset that Hershel Walker has bout 4 million dollars left over from his 2022 campaign and he won't share it with the Georgia Party (which will, of course, wind up with trump)
Why should Walker share?
That's Socialism.
Hershel grifted hard to get those funds
Pull yourself up by your bootstraps Georgia Republicans.
Stop buying coffee at Starbucks. Stop eating out. Start buying generic brands. Use coupons.
Learn to live within a budget!

May 28, 2024

Baseball Just Got a Million Times Better

Umpire Ángel Hernández is retiring effective immediately
That guy was the worst umpire.
He will NOT be missed by 99% of people in, and who follow baseball

May 23, 2024

Sir Donald

May 15, 2024

A Bit of Assistance Against Hogan in Maryland.

1. He said he consulted former President George Bush about running. Unless he was conducting a seance, that means he was getting advice from "Bumbles Mc Crappy Prez" from 2002-08 to help him decide. (That's who we all want as a close political advisor to a U.S. Senator )
2. He was governor of a state with a sizable Democratic majority in the legislature, thus preventing him from doing anything disastrous.
Which brings me to 3. There is a scant bit of difference on policy issues between Hogan and il duce orangino mc wratherfurer of the somnambulist mc wratherfuhrers.
Hope that helps

May 10, 2024

London Mayor Khan Celebrates the Campaign of His Arch-Rival Count Binface

Count Binface was again running for the Mayor of London.
Our eldest daughter who is attending Kings College, though she cannot vote because she is there from Japan, urged her friends who could vote in the election to back the Count who supports ending video assistant referees and banning loud snacks from theaters (you know, the important stuff)
The Count secured a whopping 24,260 votes, making Khan, who received a paltry 1,088,225 votes sweat election night.
Finishing 2nd was the rather strange Susan Hall of the Tory Party who got 812,397 votes

Mayor Khan at his election night celebration made sure to mention his arch-nemesis:
"It would be nice to take a moment to celebrate becoming the first person in British political history to win successive victories over Count Binface. Believe me, he made me work hard for it." Khan would then add that Count Binface's third place finish, and thus, finishing ahead of far right, Britain First candidate Nick Scanlon, was "Another reason to love London."

Ponder that for a moment; Count Binface, a candidate who ran on a platform that also included changing the name of London Bridge to Phoebe Waller-Bridge finished 3rd, and the odious, Nigel Farage lackey of the Britain First Party finished "London Fourth".
Nick Scanlon apparently didn't find Mayor Khan's remarks at all funny.
I've seen reports that Scanlon stormed off the stage at the vote count ceremony. But, I can't find if it was after Mayor Khan's witticism.

The Count also finished ahead of the Social Democrat candidate who ran on a platform of ending 'wokeness' in London.
Looking at Britain First and the Social Democrat platforms, I ask myself, "Who had the more serious platform of the 3?"

May 10, 2024

Mariska Hargitay Helps Lost Child Who Thought Olivia Benson Was a Real Police Officer

After a quarter of a century playing the NYPD’s Olivia Benson on Law & Order: SVU, Mariska Hargitay has saved a lot of fictional New York children. And according to People, Hargitay recently helped a real lost little girl who walked up to the actor to ask for help while she was shooting an episode of SVU, believing Hargitay to be an actual police officer.

Per People, the child got separated from her mother on April 10 at the Anne Loftus Playground in Fort Tryon Park, an event that coincided with Hargitay and the crew shooting one of the final episodes of SVU’s 25th season. Hargitay, the star of SVU and an executive producer on the show, halted production on the episode for 20 minutes after the girl approached her, taking the time to help reunite her with her mother.


I think this is a cute story and pleased it has a happy ending

April 23, 2024

Joe Biden has been invited to sdeliver the commencement address at Morehouse College

I hear Trump is in negotiations to speak at the 2024 Ku Klux Klan Klam Bake.

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Gender: Male
Current location: Boseong
Member since: Fri Jan 30, 2004, 05:44 AM
Number of posts: 24,397
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