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Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region Forums"Offended?" Don't make me fucking laugh.
I'll tell you, the political and media denizens of this great nation have no right to be "offended" by Michelle Wolf's routine at the White House Correspondent's Dinner. Especially since they're the very people who willfully imposed Trump and trumpism on our body politic for fame and fortune.
What Michelle Wolf did last night was that she held up a mirror to all of these people, so they could gaze upon the lies, crassness and ugliness within. Did they expect to be congratulated? Praised? Coddled? Fuck that, they're adults and they know what they all did. It's about time that they sat back, shut the fuck up and face the music for once in their pathetic lives.
And all of this happened just as Trump was continuing his shit show just directly north of where live, right here in Michigan. (Shit, I wish that I could have teleported everyone inside that gawd damned arena to Mars).
So what the fuck did these people expect after witnessing the last two years of bullshit? If anything Michelle Wolf let them off easy by not mentioning the fact that treason and the enabling of treason has not only put us into this mess, but it also prevents us from punishing the traitors.
There they were, sitting around in their fancy outfits, drinking and dining sociably, while this country is being undermined by a foreign power and its puppet in the Oval Office. THAT'S offensive.
So, no. They don't get to be offended because Michelle Wolf had the bravery and the temerity of putting into proper perspective the state of affairs that these very people aided and abetted by promoting Donald Jackass Trump.
The mere fact that Trump was a mere thirty minutes away from Flint last night and all he did last night was to tell lies and massage his own ego was a testament to the fact that everything that Michelle Wolf said had to be said. If it made them uncomfortable, they only have themselves to blame.
Bravo to Michelle Wolf, a real American hero.
(279,662 posts)Get thee to the greatest page
(2,275 posts)I'd like to thank the moronic third of the country for stupidly bringing the other 2/3rds to her exceptionally biting wit.
(279,662 posts)She was hilarious - shoved the truth up their craws.
Solly Mack
(93,347 posts)Squinch
(53,520 posts)alterfurz
(2,571 posts) was just some locker room talk." -- twitter
(18,394 posts)CrispyQ
(38,772 posts)montanacowboy
(6,375 posts)I am so sick and tired of these coddled so called reporters
The right despises them and now they are dangerously on the brink of having all the middle and left despise them
Who will they have left then to feed their little tender egos?
I hate Maggie Habermann who just got a big turd laid on her head by dump last week and there she is.....the poor little snowflake
And on Joy Reid's show this morning, we have two reporters, EJ Dionne and Dana Milbank whining that we need to get rid of the comediennes and just go back to talking about great reporting..... (well maybe IF there was great reporting)
They all make me sick -they aid and abeit the totalitarian regime that has taken over this country
Unless we begin to get REAL HONEST and Brutal reporting of what is happening we might all have to kiss our asses goodbye
(12,928 posts)SunSeeker
(54,222 posts)The country--indeed the world--is literally burning up because this administration says climate change is a hoax. And these pearl clutchers want us to act like everything is normal. Well excuse the fuck out of Michelle Wolf for screaming fire in a crowded theater that is actually on fire.
Edgy comic monologues are what draws attention to the WHCD and the awards given there. It is absolutely good for the WHCD and for the First Amendment. If not for this attention, no one would ever know about the work & scholarships celebrated at that dinner.
(7,929 posts)greatlaurel
(2,010 posts)But there were emails.
Great post. Thank you
(6,602 posts)There's a reason some of us now call our state Michissippi.
(24,903 posts)apkhgp
(1,068 posts)We desperately need some hard truth in Washington today. Before 45 sells out the whole country.
(161 posts)I agree with this 100%. Yes, she is a real American hero. We need more of them.
(29,937 posts)You could probably use it..
(2,032 posts)And that about says it all.
F them.
Ferrets are Cool
(22,071 posts)BobTheSubgenius
(11,832 posts)Bravo, sir.
(58,724 posts)That is ridiculous.
(39,337 posts)oberliner
(58,724 posts)Here's a quote of hers to reflect on:
"When someone is cruel or acts like a bully, you dont stoop to their level. No, our motto is, when they go low, we go high."
Words to live by.
(31,582 posts)with nearly the same wording in every thread about Michelle Wolf today. Once would have been enough. I think it is hilarious that you have to keep poking at everyone.
(30,263 posts)I also prefer the slogan, when they go low, we bury them.
And when someone tells the world you can have anything done to you as a woman that he wants to do by POTUS, anything is high.
(73,719 posts)Michelle Wolf was the epitome of heroic from my vantage point.
(53,061 posts)Yo_Mama_Been_Loggin
(117,375 posts)Republicans are the real snowflakes who need their safe space.
(7,929 posts)Cha
(306,210 posts)pamdb
(1,388 posts)When I saw pictures of the people dancing around waiting for the big,
orange, lying, cheating, scum to do his duck and weave speech, I saw once again the deplorables that frequented his rallies. Makes me embarrassed to live in Michigan. Between him, Snyder, Schuette, and the rest, Canada is beginning to look better and better. If only medicare was transferable...
(10,611 posts)Is the "smoky eye" comment the only thing she said about Huckabee's looks?
That isn't a comment about her physical attributes - it's about a STYLE OF MAKEUP.
The blogs talk about Meghan Markle's smoky eye effect all the time.
The Trumpsters are too obtuse to know that's a style, and that the REAL point was that Huckabee torches the truth to ashes on a daily basis.
I loved MW's response to Sean Spicer today. She's not backing down, nor should she.
Everyone who was uncomfortable should have been, because they got called out. This is much the same way the new lynching memorial in AL is making certain people uncomfortable. Unpleasant truths and all that.
Howard Fineman got it right. Wolf is a comedienne - she did her job.
The defenders of Sanders have issues of their own, probably stemming from guilt.
(8,315 posts)Wolf never mentioned anything about things beyond Sanders' control, any facial or body anomaly. She never mentioned Sanders' weight, shape or height. She didn't mention Sanders' haircut or mannerisms.
Wolf talked about her eye make-up.
(44,172 posts)They have called attention to SHS being unattractive . They put her looks in the spotlight in a way Michelle Wolf did not.
(102,873 posts)Conservatives love to "trigger the snowflake", whatever that means. But when they themselves get triggered? They whine and cry like Cartman after someone calls him "fat".
(13,646 posts)And they want it to be the whole country.
(36,594 posts)K&R
(8,513 posts)Thank YOU for that.
Shame on all of them for dumping IQ45 on our White House and NOT ONE of those media people are showcasing how he is a disgrace to our United States.
(7,309 posts)She is an American hero.
And Flint still doesn't have clean water.
(21,841 posts)MustLoveBeagles
(12,778 posts)Kicked and rec'd
(226,026 posts)Meowmee
(6,485 posts)👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👍🏻
Fritz Walter
(4,349 posts)This Monty Python skit was recorded over 40 years ago, and is still relevant!
(63,233 posts)NewJeffCT
(56,842 posts)I'm dumbfounded that Republicans and others are getting all upset over some tough jokes. OK, I'm not dumbfounded, but spare me the fake outrage GOP and allies.
Did Wolf call anybody Pocahontas? Did she call SHS "Miss Piggy" ? Did she say that Africa is filled with Shit Hole countries? Did she say that women without big breasts can't be 10s? Did she call out Megyn Kelly for having blood coming out of her "wherever"? Did she go up to any women in the media and grab them by their private parts? Or, even start kissing them without asking?
mountain grammy
(27,444 posts)19 minutes of pure truth! To Michelle Wolf.
N_E_1 for Tennis
(11,010 posts)MrsCoffee
(5,824 posts)S.E. TN Liberal
(508 posts)From the Daily Show to her own show is quite an accomplishment.
(33,998 posts)I loved the ending.
And the Ending was EVERYTHING.
"Flint still doesn't have clean water."
(63,221 posts)VOX
(22,976 posts)Nicely worded.
Mock outrage comprises the third leg of the right-wing tripod the others being fear and anger. Theyre predictable creatures.
(24,540 posts)Pepsidog
(6,319 posts)indignation for something else. I saw Mika this morning who I generally like and Andrea Mitchell and have two words for them SHUT UP. And for any Dems who were offended kindly step aside and let us do iur work. There is no room for Snowflakes in the Dem party any more. This is survival and the weak and wounded will only slow us down. Only the strong and determined will break the scourge that is the Republican Party.
Guilded Lilly
(5,591 posts)I blame the media for a lot (not all) of the bs that came down on us during the campaigning.
Respect for them was battered by their own embracing of Reality Show mentality and ratings.
There is, beyond the disgustingly enabled Stupid who dwell so brainlessly in our country, real blame for some seriously unprofessional journalism, cowardice and outrageous enabling done by the media that helped put a lunatic Cretin and his immoral political party in office. A party that continues to destroy and undermine decency.
They should be fiercely held accountable for their part.
I finally watched a clip of Michelle Wolfs roasting of everyone, including herself.
I naturally tend to cringe at pointed comedic attacks, but truth can be ugly. I did cringe, but wasnt offended...and back Wolf up. And it certainly needs said especially in the face of the pathological lying that has become the norm.
(156,515 posts)I agree that Ms. Wolf is an American hero
(11,690 posts)Well said.
(91,078 posts)And she did it as a defense of one of his"blood coming out of her" comments.