Washington Post and YouTube Allow Death Threat Posted Comments Against Protesters
It was my intention to post a tribute for the brave people who protested against the confirmation of a Trump appointment to SCOTUS. There were no videos I could find that were free of hateful or violent threats to those who exercised their right to free speech.
The Republican attack dogs posted disgusting, misogynistic, and fascist remarks in the comments sections of all the videos I reviewed. Worse yet, this one from the Washington Post had many comments that encouraged violence and death for the protesters.
This is proof that YouTube is unable or unwilling to take action against abusers of their social media. The Washington Post did not post any attempt to counter or remove the comments calling for this violence. I will not give them more free advertising by listing the comments. It troubles me that posting the video will give YouTube viewer clicks they do not deserve.
I hope you will join me in sending both companies a message. Until both take action, they will be on my boycott list.
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