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Last edited Thu May 2, 2019, 09:08 PM - Edit history (1)
The disintegration of our government and society was sprinkled throughout the broadcast but not in polemic fashion.
First there was this statement from high-profile right-wing attorney David Rivkin:
What he's describing is an imperial presidency. Ironic considering so many of his ideological colleagues claim to be Constitutional originalists yet the lack of oversight in what he describes is a direct violation of the framers' intent. It shows him as little more than a partisan hack because someone who refuses to acknowledge the inherent danger of such a scenario is certainly not loyal to the U.S Constitution or the balance of powers our founders wanted.
Then there's this piece on corporate scofflaws Uber:
I might rub some the wrong way but I've never utilized Uber and won't ever if I have a choice. I find their business model offensive, an embodiment of the most harmful libertarian ideals that perpetuate a lack of respect for others and ignorance of the law. I work in a business where a large number of the content providers are all contract labor, just like Uber. I pay my own taxes, accrue all my own expenses. Were it not for Medicare due to my disability, I would be out of luck with health insurance.
Uber drivers are little more than glorified pizza delivery drivers and when they add up the wear and subsequent maintenance on their vehicles, I fear it will turn out to be far less profitable that these drivers realize.
Yet, Uber and its similar models are held up as viable models for American entrepreneurship. What they are is highly exploitative.
Then there was this interview with Frank Rich:
It was intriguing particularly for what he said about eschewing chumminess between journalists and those they cover. I was glad to hear his opinion on the White House Correspondents Dinner -- one I've long shared -- and his example of Watergate.
Tonight was a thorough example of why I prefer getting my evening news from this program, something devoid of alarmism, screen clutter and breathless takes. It's news delivered by adults, for adults.

Sherman A1
(38,958 posts)I missed the last segment as family things came up, but I do find the NewsHour to be an excellent calmly reported source of information. Also like HKN & DW news on PBS World channel for different perspectives.
(8,430 posts)but their anchors are even less prone to slip up on objectivity .
Sherman A1
(38,958 posts)I have given up on the Cable Noise Channels. Simply cannot stand the drama laced talking heads offering one opinion after another filling airtime between ads for drugs we never knew we needed. I find them to be nothing more than Infotainment.
The NewsHour and as mentioned HKN, DW and BBC along with NPR are my main news sources.
(8,430 posts)BBC I utilize as well.
Sherman A1
(38,958 posts)A English Language Japanese and German news services.
(15,751 posts)Something to be said for that . . . here at DU.
(152,934 posts)It's recording right now here on the West coast, and we'll sit down soon to see what's going on.
(8,430 posts)either on their website or on their YouTube channel. That allows me to catch it an hour earlier than my local PBS station broadcasts, if I so wish.
In the event you forget to record it, you can watch the recorded episodes on their YouTube channel as well.
(152,934 posts)Thanks for the tips for other ways to see it!