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"Trump said Friday that criticism of the United States is unacceptable and that the four congresswomen cant get away with it.
'I can tell you this, you cant talk that way about our country, not when Im the president, he told reporters outside the White House."
For a guy who holds the highest office in America, trump is ignorant of what it means to BE an American. It means that we Americans are free to criticize our government, the president, and the laws of the land. Period.
Trump doesn't know how to be an American. He only knows how to be a dictator, like the leaders of Russia and North Korea that he admires.
The four minority Congresswomen who criticize him and his government are better and more knowledgeable than trump is.
Thousands of men and women, since the founding of this country, have died protecting our right to criticize the government and the president.
Buckle up buttercup. We are coming for you and your family too.

(15,839 posts).... crickets......
Nothing to see here, folks.
(89,527 posts)They are a party of frauds, sexual predators and enablers of such. They govern only to line their pockets and watch the rest of the world die.
They are Ugly Americans.
(15,162 posts)shareholder profits that they are no longer able to see beyond that to the interests of the American people.
This is what I mean when I accuse them of having forgotten how to be Americans.
(42,649 posts)Trump could hold a KKK rally and the GOP would speak of their heritage.
(89,527 posts)"We sent them back"
donnie would smile and call them true patriots.
Midnight Writer
(23,427 posts)Ferrets are Cool
(22,078 posts)And still NOTHING
(138,148 posts)He's as dangerous as they come.
(67,289 posts)he must be stopped sick bastard.
(7,715 posts)Think about it...what an absurdity as "MAGA "means America is not great now.
That's completely criticizing the US, and Trump's whole 2016 campaign was premised on this idiotic phrase.
What I don't hear the D's saying is "Trump doesn't like people questioning him. What a snowflake. What a hypocrite." If I missed this, please do let me know!
(85,162 posts)Otherwise why would your preferred slogan be about restoring some condition that doesnt currently exist?
Every damn one of em is badmouthing America.
Of course now, that actually is OUR quest and OUR mission and OUR job. Seriously and for real. To return America to the greatness it abandoned several years ago.
(6,448 posts)All Obama did was save our economy after the Bush disaster. He had bin Laden killed, signed the ACA, helped the environment, and then came marriage equality. Trump and his knuckle dragging followers will never forgive him.
(15,162 posts)as a great president.
Problem is, at least for the Republican base, is he had the temerity to do all these great things while being black.
To my mind, that is the main reason we've got Trump now - he is a knuckle-dragging, racist, xenophobic backlash to Obama's presidency, wherein we had the respect of, and a true position of leadership in, the entire world.
I miss Obama. I miss Michelle. She was an awesome First Lady.
(6,448 posts)The history books published in Texas were supposed to replace Thurgood Marshall with Phyllis Schlafly. Obama may be our generation's Millard Fillmore when they're done with him.
(15,162 posts)Because things like replacing Thurgood Marshall with Phyllis Schlafly are just plain stupid. They are known for that.
(23,008 posts)Watch this video "The Revisionists"
We did gain another seat last election cycle. It is a slow process because like the US Senate only 1/3 of them are on the ballot each election cycle.
Listen up, because even if you do not live here the Texas SBOE's textbook decisions can impact your children's educations. Want to know why?
Because our school system is so large that what the SBOE chooses will be what the majority of textbook publishers offer to other states so they don't have to print as many different books on the same subjects.
Now for math or spelling or English grammar this is not such a big deal. However some of the insane stuff they were putting into the history and trying to get into the science curriculum should never be used in a classroom. There was a lawsuit not that long ago because a 4 th grade history book described slavery as migration by Africans for better economic opportunities.
(17,287 posts)1. "The four minority Congresswomen who criticize him....." They are not minority - they are part of the House majority - and are really standing up for what America SHOULD be!
2. I think the proper spelling for him in "He only knows how to be a dictator" would be dick-tater!
Love the thought "We are coming for you and your family too!"
(89,527 posts)I was going to call him just that.
The first?
The only reason the author called them "minorities" was not for their standing in Congress but for the fact that women and women of color are in fact a minority. Sad but true.
Thanks, MyOwnPeace. I love my last thought as well.
(15,162 posts)taters!
Cause 'taters are GOOD!
Trump.....................not so much.
(17,287 posts)apologies to all PO-taters and their tater-TOTS everywhere!
(70,584 posts)colsohlibgal
(5,276 posts)And almost certainly in early mental decline and he hasnt a lot of mental to decline to begin with.
We need to thrash him in 2020 then once his term ends and he leaves or is dragged out of Office His Evil Orange Self gets taken into custody on numerous charges.
Then once he exits this earth I hope there really is a Hell cause if so he will be headed there.
(8,254 posts)since it is established that he can not charged with any crimes, there is nuttin to prevent him from nullifying the election and staying in power as Emperor as a living God.
(3,321 posts)This will not stand.
(53,410 posts)Trump can twist it to benefit him running for re-election. We better steel ourselves for some over the top xenophobic Nationalism. Hes wrapping himself in the flag. Itll be the 4th of July until the elections in 2020.
George II
(67,782 posts)

George II
(67,782 posts)sheshe2
(89,527 posts)ooky
(9,849 posts)to vote to condemn Dotard's tweets and his anti-American behavior in Greenville should be painted as "anti-1st Amendment". And, every time they try to paint themselves in their false "patriotism" or start into their flag waving, our candidates need to pivot straight back to their anti-constitutional RECORD and leave them exposed in their own anti-American hypocrisy. Its kind of hard to claim "support for veterans"; i.e., when you are too big of a coward to value and defend an amendment that veterans risked their lives to defend.
(83 posts)The idiot-in-chief just doesn't grasp one of our most fundamental rights. Hell, I don't think he grasps any of them (when exercised by his critics).
(89,527 posts)Well said.
Welcome to DU, ProfessionalLeft.
(83 posts)EveHammond13
(2,855 posts)sheshe2
(89,527 posts)
Aviation Pro
(13,862 posts)N/a
(24,241 posts)thank you very much.
(63,221 posts)Never, ever tell us that we cannot exercise our first amendment rights. You are not the government and you are not the law.
(113,195 posts)No matter what Mueller might say in his testimony, the people should not believe him. When they attack Trump, they attack the country...
(779 posts)That draft dodging Donnie, from a family of undocumented immigrants is getting frantic because of Mueller speaking to the judiciary
committee this coming week, I wonder what tricks the rethugs have to stop Mueller this time?
(280,733 posts)Just who the fuck does he think he is?
marble falls
(63,173 posts)bucolic_frolic
(48,567 posts)and don't let him return
(89,527 posts)That would be Putin!
(48,567 posts)SEND HIM BACK
With a pic of his daddy vladdy
(89,527 posts)treestar
(82,383 posts)Such an ignorant buffoon. MAGA? It has never been great by his terms.
Captain Zero
(7,670 posts)The constitution was unfair to him.
Mc Mike
(9,177 posts)His clown nazi pals should be allowed to say whatever they want, all-anti-American, all the time. But our elected Dems better shut their mouths, or else.
Doublethink, right in our face.
(12,448 posts)He's straining at the bit, denigrating the free press, Congressional oversight, the Supreme Court when he doesn't like their decisions, individuals and groups who dare to criticize him. He demands absolute loyalty and gives none. Now he has his Roy Con in William Barr, who disgraces himself every day treating his office as Trump's personal attorney.
The history of this horror has yet to be fully written, but it will not be kind to those who looked the other way as well as those who aided and abetted.
(43,193 posts)
(89,527 posts)
(15,547 posts)A general rebranding worthy of Trump apprentices and other MAGATs.
(39,021 posts)Once uppity women, minorities, & gays started demanding equality & equity in the system, well, we can't have that! We have a big segment of the population that are such raging hypocrites you can't reason with them. Breaking the rules is A-OK when their side is doing it, but the whining if our side even steps on the line. And defending this vile, vulgar man & his hateful & cruel administration, for any reason, has forever changed my opinion of all of the republicans I know, some of whom I used to respect. It's a character flaw that I just can't overlook anymore.
(1,875 posts)But I used to have a button that read:
"Dissent is Patriotic."
(320 posts)Though he was speaking of criticism of the President, what he said is equally true of criticism of our country: It is unpatriotic, servile,, and morally treasonable to proclaim that there must be no criticism of the President.