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Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsTrump is a "victim"...everyone treats him "unfairly".
His self-pity is vomit-inducing.
Nothing is "fair". He didn't get to tell his side of the story and he didn't get a fair defense in the House hearings. Never mind that most of the hearings were investigative. They were looking for facts, not "both sides" of a story. However, in the Judiciary hearings to announce impeachment, he was offered the opportunity to defend himself and he refused.
Was it "fair" for Donald Trump to ask Russia for help in his election of 2016? "Russia, if you're listening..."
Is it "fair" for him to spread propagandistic bullshit all day long on his Twitter machine? He is tearing down the judicial process that is supposed to be looking at his illegal transactions and possible criminal acts?
Is it "fair" for him to divide the country, by Party affiliation, with his lies and innuendo? Is it "fair" for him to get away with outrageous comments about the economy, his political opponents, etc?
He is one big stinking pile of poop if he thinks he is the "victim" in all of this. America is the victim.
Proud Liberal Dem
(24,798 posts)don't like to ever be held accountable for anything- and it's hard to hold them accountable because people like him just go bananas when somebody tries to. It is a testament to the shame of the GOP that, like a permissive parent whom fails to hold their toddler accountable and tell them "no" once in a while, they have repeatedly- and continue to- enable him and attempt to shield him from accountability at all costs.
(18,059 posts)htuttle
(23,738 posts)
Kernberg described malignant narcissism(7) as a syndrome characterized by a narcissistic personality disorder (NPD), antisocial features, paranoid traits, and egosyntonic aggression. Other symptoms may include an absence of conscience, a psychological need for power, and a sense of importance (grandiosity). Pollock wrote: "The malignant narcissist is presented as pathologically grandiose, lacking in conscience and behavioral regulation with characteristic demonstrations of joyful cruelty and sadism".(8)
Seems like Trump checks all the boxes on that one.
(7,590 posts)It was so silly, so comical, yet so violent and melodramatic. But even as a person in my early teens, I knew that it was all phony. I knew that when wrestlers would play the victim, then lash out to clobber the opponent when s/he wasn't looking, it was scripted. Trumpy got his public relations chops from pro wrestling. He plays the "poor me" role, blames his opponents for his misfortune, then attacks them with a viciousness that only a sadist can love.
Scripted pro wrestling existed as far back as the early 20th century. My grandfather was a pro wrestler during that time. Were he alive today, he'd see the same scripts being played out in Trumpy's White House that he used in Wyoming, Washington, and California.
(187,834 posts)He is both heel and hero. Sprinkled in some (staged) violence and you have the complete show.
(9,696 posts)kskiska
(27,118 posts)It's about time someone said it.
(113,045 posts)kskiska
(27,118 posts)kentuck
(113,045 posts)...and you were here when I came.
(27,118 posts)when "W" was inaugurated and someone walked across the TV screen with the Democratic Underground website sign.
(51,383 posts)The truth is, world leaders can't stop laughing at him long enough to engage in said foreign policy.
Mc Mike
(9,175 posts)now that you mentioned it.
I can hardly hear myself think over the constant din of his blubbering.
(22,719 posts)treestar
(82,383 posts)Has had such good luck and gotten away with so much - and doesn't see the unfairness in that. He's had more fairness than anyone ever born - granted so many things he did not earn that it's dizzying.