General Discussion
Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsWhat type of government will we have....
...When the Supreme Court tells Trump in June that he has to turn over his tax returns to the house finance committee and trump says no, and his paid for attorney general says nope, cant make him, cant investigate him or charge him with a crime who do we call foul to when that happens?
What happens when the reports come back that more than half of the countrys voting machines were flipped on election night and despite exit polls showing a Democrats win, the republicans take presidency, house and senate?
We already know that voting machines have been accessed and compromised and funding to secure them was blocked by Moscow Mitch.
What form of government will will have then?

(28,272 posts)I feel like spitting on every Republican I know. Their ignorance is Unforgivable.
(5,167 posts)YOHABLO
(7,358 posts)KT2000
(21,136 posts)They will continue to destroy the government so they can install themselves as oligarchs, following the Putin model. They will do what Xi did in China and rewrite their Constitution and remove any term limits.
Steve Bannon is still training people on how to destroy the US government.
Hell - in my little town of 10,000 there are two conservatives who are training people to run for office so they can take over the city council and fashion it on conservative values. They have gotten three in already. I am sure other towns have such promoters.
(138,093 posts)struggle4progress
(121,219 posts)Bettie
(17,658 posts)in the impeachment, I doubt that the SCOTUS will tell him to turn over the taxes.
The right wingers are just...without values, without conscience, without ethics.
This afternoon, after Moscow Mitch tells him he's "innocent" he'll go full dictator and no one will stop him.