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I have decided today that I'm dropping the hammer - 50 y/o autoimmune issues, and just not feeling very safe. I work from home anyway, kid is homeschooled. I have ONE dr appt I have to keep today, and then I am hitting the store and coming HOME indefinitely.
Living in ElDorado County CA, Tahoe region...LOTS of visitors from the Bay and abroad. ...and I was stupid and attended a concert Sunday night... not feeling sick, just worried now... I dont want to be a spreader either.
42 votes, 1 pass | Time left: Unlimited | |
No changes | |
1 (2%) |
Some limitations, less work, avoid crowds, etc | |
17 (40%) |
No work, only essential outside contact, etc. | |
16 (38%) |
Bunkered in! Got my TP and whisky, etc. | |
8 (19%) |
1 DU member did not wish to select any of the options provided. | |
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Disclaimer: This is an Internet poll |

(19,914 posts)I went to the store, then had lunch at Bob Evans. The store was busy. In general, people looked anxious to me. Bob Evans was really empty. Usually, you have to search the lot for a parking spot, but not today. Southeastern Ohio.
I'm going to spend the night at my daughter's so I can drop my grand kids off at school, and make one stop in the morning. I hope I can stay in all weekend and next week.
We have some cases in Ohio, but up north. I was in Cleveland last week, and hoping I wasn't exposed. :/
(14,486 posts)
If we can manage it, limited is the best way to go.
I have eaten out 2x this week, at odd hours not rush times, empty restaurants too...
My daughter pointed out yesterday it seemd like less cars on the roads.
Our school district has cancelled all concerts, but classes still ongoing though one person at an elementary school here is being tested. if my kid was at that school I be like NO WAY!
Also, waiting on the casino showrooms to shutter... Like I said I went to a concert sunday, lots of folks from the Bay and all over the state, some from other states too...oops. (but I spent $100 on tickets dammitt, and I never go out!)
If I am gonna be exposed, that was it.

So quick store run -Being very cautious and careful NOT to cough etc... and then HOME
(19,914 posts)end of day. That'll give people a little time to prepare for day care.
Crunchy Frog
(27,258 posts)lagomorph777
(30,613 posts)Minimizing shopping and using only stores with self checkout
(14,964 posts)store this morning for my pregnant DIL, the door was weird, I'm sure I looked ridiculous opening it. I kind of inserted my arm through a bar, to avoid touching it.
marble falls
(62,900 posts)for a couple of weeks and we have groceries for a month. We're not panicking but we are listening to
Speaker Pelosi and the next President of the US. Joe Biden. We're staying out of crowds, washing hands a lot.
(4,552 posts)My elderly father lives with us and my sister, who is a nurse and learned today she has a corona patient, gave him a bath last night.
They want everyone who has had recent contact with medical personal with potential corona contact to work from home. I was told on the QT that the entire office is shutting down on Tuesday once they are sure everyone has the capacity to work remotely.
(14,486 posts)My folks (82 & 87) are in Carson Valley and I worry about them too. I don't want to expose them by visiting or trying to get them groceries either. I just gotta hope they can ride it out.
(4,575 posts)I love your screen name. I hope you and your loved ones stay healthy.
(4,552 posts)gldstwmn
(4,575 posts)Marrah_Goodman
(1,586 posts)But my roomates have to work. Just isolating as much as possible.
(4,575 posts)and any non essential trips.
Crunchy Frog
(27,258 posts)My sons and I are living with my 80 year old mother. She's extremely healthy and active, but she's still 80.
Yanked the kids from school, and will be homeschooling. Still stocking up on food and supplies, but avoiding all other contact.
(103,320 posts)And I had a trip to Maui planned and that's probably going to get canceled.
Fuck this stupid piece of shit virus.
(1,344 posts)Our first trip in 6 years. Also, my daughter who lives in NC and my husband's daughter and family in Germany were all coming to meet us for a week at an Agriturismo.
I am so bummed.
(103,320 posts)I'm there right now. Waiting to see if my event gets canceled or not.
(94,939 posts)but I'm done. My landlady/neighbor is hunkering down though she goes to the hills to hike very day with her dog. I went to a couple political meetings too but we observed safe practices since we are mostly over 60.
Home now, only go out to take a walk and get perishables.
(33,406 posts)No changes, but only because I "self quarantine" most of the time, anyway. Other than a daily trip to the gym, and grocery shopping when the least crowded times, I tend to just stay home.
(21,722 posts)64 and bunkered in. It's really nothing different for me as I am a hermit and semi-hoarder anyway, so I think I'll be ok. One of my sons, who is also in Sac County, was sick this past weekend. He asked for a test and was refused one. I talked to him on the phone yesterday and he sounds crackly, but is feeling better. He works as a hospital cook, and was told to stay home. He said that 3/4 of his coworkers were also sick. He also worked pt at the golden one center, so that job is gone.
Stay safe, neighbor!
(14,486 posts)Did the Hospital not have any or just they didn't think he was bad enough?
(21,722 posts)He had to go to urgent care and get a dr's note in order to return to work (or not). I haven't heard back from him.
(7,697 posts)I live and work in a very remote area
We are pretty much quarantined all the time
(2,260 posts)I already work from home part of the week. My volunteer gig puts me with the same people all the time, and a ton of animals. It sometimes means I will be working in front of the public, and assuming that the next several gigs aren't canceled, I'll be there along with the folks I normally work with, and I don't think any of them are planning to stay home either. I am frequently out and about, but usually it's not in a super crowded setting. I don't fly unless I have to be cross country in a hurry, so I'm already not planning to do that. If I avoided anything at all, it would be air travel. No need to get stuck in another city, or be in a very tight, enclosed space with everyone breathing on everyone else, and it all being recirculated. I'm going to start spending more time than I do around elders, which is already pretty minimal (a lot of the ones I know are staying home already). I already won't use hand dryers, which are an amazingly potent source for spreading germs all over public bathrooms. Washing my hands, not going out of my way to do dumb things... it's all good.
(43,689 posts)I'm relatively young and have a good immune system. Bit of a hypochondriac, and with pollen season in full bloom every little throat tickle gets me a little worked up, but God forbid if I catch anything hopefully I'll be able to fight it off. My concern is less about myself and more about those around me.
Right now no need to telecommute. Office is small and only three of us, so if one of us gets sick, we'll know and act accordingly.
I did decide not to sign up for an open water swim event scheduled for the beginning of April that I had planned on signing up for. I'm doubtful they'll hold it anyways. I already signed up for another event at the end of April. Not sure if they'll hold that one, either.
Went to visit my parents last weekend. They are in their upper 70s but thankfully in pretty good health. My only lingering concern is if somehow I was an asymptomatic carrier and could have passed it on. Thankfully nothing apparently like that has happened yet. Still worry a bit for them. Would not have gone to visit them if my trip was this weekend as opposed to last.
(36,631 posts)I think I went out into civilization a couple of months ago. My wife went to one of those places called a "city" two days in a row this week, stockpiling.
(2,256 posts)I dont like crowds. People put me on edge.
(8,477 posts)Mr. femmedem is out this evening playing with his band, half of whom were just on tour with another band. I can't get him to stay in and it scares the bejeezus out of me. He's 67, too, and still a light smoker. At least he is washing his hands when he comes home.
I live in CT where our governor today issued guidelines for everyone to work from home who possibly can. I just told the woman I supervise not to come in tomorrow and emailed her everything she needs to work from home.
Wounded Bear
(61,176 posts)
(62,444 posts)The Genealogist
(4,738 posts)I already work from home. About he only place I go is the gym, and I am considering buying some basic equipment for the basement so I can do st least minimal strength training. My basemen is open, I do laps around it all the time anyway.
(15,359 posts)for everything else. I figure the blood center is safe. All donors know you can't donate with even minor symptoms of a cold, so no one like that will be around. I used to work there. I know the staff has been told to report anything and stay home if there is any doubt.
Awsi Dooger
(14,565 posts)I wish that were available now. But I always shop at night anyway.
Maybe fewer trips to Aldi because they aren't open as late (9 PM) as my local Winn-Dixie (midnight) or Public (11 PM)
Awsi Dooger
(14,565 posts)Now there's not much to wager on
Golf is still going but we'll see how long that lasts
Popcorn Samurai
(30 posts)Working. Shopping as needed but just essentials. We have a 24 hour grocery here so will try to hit it in the middle of the night when crowds are low...
Thomas Hurt
(13,931 posts)mucifer
(25,003 posts)in the next few months.
(1,402 posts)from a lot of my usual activities. Some because they have now been cancelled (my yoga class run by towns parks and rec and the theatre where have series subscription has cancelled all shows until April 14) and others (meeting up with friends for lunch, shopping, etc., ) because I want to do my part in flattening the curve by limiting possible exposure as much as possible.
I have a small list of things to get at the market (OJ, deli, cheese) and Ill go to the little gourmet market in the center of town. Quicker to get in and out there than big market.
(3,827 posts)If I stay home I'll starve.
(32,249 posts)Retired. But I'm a dog owner--living in a high rise apartment--so we have to ride the elevator at least 4x/day for the dog to go outside.
Returned on Monday early from a trip out of the country--to a Caribbean island--where, if it weren't for my elderly dog--I probably would have stayed for the next month. I had planned to be gone for 2 weeks and came home a week early. My oldest son and his partner were supposed to join me for a week and they canceled at the last minute. Literally. From the airport decided not to come last Saturday, although part of that was due to the partner's fear of flying.
Having flown, I don't want to be a spreader just in case I caught it coming or going.
It is present in my county: we have several diagnosed cases of it in Wake County, NC. Various events are being canceled. Ballet. Touring chamber music group. I expect to see the musical theater group cancel performances of its production due to go up next week.
Went to the library today and stocked up on reading material. My freezer is full. I have plenty of TP and refilled my one and only prescription for asthma inhaler today. I shouldn't have to go to a store for several weeks.
(12,212 posts)I go out about once a day but less than I use to. We are retired so no work, not going out to eat, miss that. Not going to movies and buying more online.
Its only been a week of staying home more and my senior classes were canceled this week I am already antsy and restless. Anyone else feel that way?
(17,190 posts)but I have advised my elderly parents to stay in doors for a bit.