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Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsAnyone think the threat of NY prosecution will make the Pig not run for second term?
Cut his losses and get ready to run...
Wonder if Frick and Frack, and the Princess are in deep too...

(280,693 posts)any day now
(15,837 posts)LOL!
I actually saw them perform in the Ice Capades when I was young. They were incredibly talented and very funny.
The Velveteen Ocelot
(122,847 posts)is the fact that he's POTUS.
(15,090 posts)He got elected having said and done things hundreds of things in past and during that campaign that would have been terminal for a POTUS candidate and over the last three and a half years has run amuck completely unabated.
But, once again people think he will just up and walk away.
(5,052 posts)Trump's support among republican is still exceptionally high at 90%+. Of course the reason of his high approval among republican is a direct result of any sane person leaving that party. But, it would be a disaster for republicans to run anyone but Trump this year.
Not to mention, who is going to replace Trump? There is no upside to handle the disaster that is left after by Trump. If I want to run as a republican, I would wait till Trump is gone and come out as the reasonable anti-Trump "return to republican core" person.
(34,623 posts)They will keep him going & propped up till he face plants in public. **FTR I do not want him to, b/c the country, but he is definitely physically & mentally deteriorating.**
Sherman A1
(38,958 posts)He will delay, obfuscate, drag his heals, challenge, threaten and more at every step of the way. He thrives on court proceedings. This will just feed into his persecution complex.
(4,131 posts)His status as POTUS greatly shields him.
(4,919 posts)This case may provide an incentive for him to resign if that's the case.
Or, if he goes for it and wins, then it's likely the statute of limitations would run out during his second term.
Everything is crazy up in the air, right?
The Velveteen Ocelot
(122,847 posts)But it has political costs, just ask Jerry Ford.
(27,137 posts)The state of New York is keenly interested in Trump's finances.
(4,919 posts)I thought there were some limitations somehow regarding how the SDNY could proceed. Thanks for the clarification!
world wide wally
(21,835 posts)Wounded Bear
(61,227 posts)pretty sure there are extradition agreements between NY and FL.
(4,665 posts)Long answer is: Not Happening.
(26,355 posts)20% chance that he drops out and bolts.
He's a stubborn-ass narcissist, but he's also a sniveling coward.
(27,137 posts)Keep in mind that he's a narcissist, which means no one else in the entire world matters at all. Just look at how he's been whining for quite some time now about how badly he's been treated while in office. If he's not being praised and coddled every second of every hour, he can't stand it.
Plus, he's probably delusional enough to truly believe his claim that all of the polls that show Biden ahead of him are truly rigged.
To put it another way, he will not have a concession speech prepared for Election Night.
(96,882 posts)Not clear what she'd be criminally liable for.