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Renew Deal
(83,465 posts)still_one
(97,339 posts)of the House such as Representative Fudge. We have such a narrow lead there, and I think we are taking unecessary risks with the majority lead by doing this
(58,785 posts)planning runs before Fudge's appointment, and mentioning Turner also, is unfortunately behind a pay wall.
OH-11 is 100% urban and "With a Cook Partisan Voting Index of D+32, it is the most Democratic district in Ohio and the 19th most Democratic district in the nation."
The answer to any questions about why Turner would abandon her principles to run as a corrupt corporatist Democrat.
(97,339 posts)from my perspective, indicate she isn't the person to fill the shoes of Rep. Fudge
(58,785 posts)beat Trump by a wide margin in OH-11.
Turner's anti-Democratic/anti-Biden attitude may come back to bite her. Imagine HUD Secretary Fudge will be endorsing one of her Democratic opponents.
(97,339 posts)Lordquinton
(7,886 posts)Response to Lordquinton (Reply #17)
MrsCoffee This message was self-deleted by its author.
(53,870 posts)And her very loudly and offensively proclaimed hatred for Democrats?
(97,339 posts)made some extremely disgusting statements about President-Elect Joe Biden during the general election, which indicated where she is coming from, which isn't a good place
(14,971 posts)City Councilwoman Shontel Brown but theres also a guy running. Cant remember his name.
(97,339 posts)AmericanCanuck
(1,102 posts)Otherwise those two would divide the votes and benefiting NT.
NT should not win that primary. We need a lifelong and true Democrat.
(107,738 posts)
(1,968 posts)She's what happens when progressives become obstructionists.
(10,565 posts)Did she used to be a Democrat?
(71,038 posts)She went off the rails during the 16 primary. She has said she is not a Democrat.
R B Garr
(17,518 posts)Bill raised money on her behalf, etc. Now she tees off on the Clintons even though Bernie lost twice.
(71,038 posts)supported a right to life candidate in Nebraska and lectured us on what our party should and should not accept, she has black balled Democratic candidates in her former group 'Our revolution'. And said she was more than willing to support Republican candidates. And had started some sort of party to steal votes from us before becoming a lobbyist.
(54 posts)Or will she stay in that party that she switched to?
I don't even remember the name.
(14,971 posts)The Peoples Party to oppose Democrats. She wants access tothose Democratic donor lists and infrastructure.
(71,038 posts)Bev54
(11,976 posts)Hortensis
(58,785 posts)Jeff Johnson are two Dems who've announced already, with a crowded election expected. Fudge reportedly has been mentoring Brown and helped her obtain her current position.
(11,976 posts)octoberlib
(14,971 posts)Shontel Brown. to replace her.
(71,038 posts)NurseJackie
(42,862 posts)Last edited Thu Dec 10, 2020, 08:20 AM - Edit history (1)
I do not believe that will help her. She doesn't have a very good history of winning competitive elections. She's also an avowed supporter of Jill Stein. She voted for Jill Stein over Hillary (just like Susan Sarandon, just like Michael Moore)
Nina Turner is a gadfly.
(9,212 posts)NurseJackie
(42,862 posts)Here's the quote as it appears in the link (above):
Nina Turner, assessing the choice of Biden against President Donald Trump in the November presidential election, told The Atlantic: Its like saying to somebody, You have a bowl of shit in front of you, and all youve got to do is eat half of it instead of the whole thing. Its still shit.
Nina Turner is such a crude, vulgar and classless woman. I can't stand her.
(9,212 posts)dalton99a
(86,173 posts)Demsrule86
(71,038 posts)have lobbying work to get back to or that new party you have started that is supposed to steal votes from Democrats or something. I intend to work for a primary candidate something I don't do very often...I will work for a Democrat, vote for a Democrat in the primary and vote for a Democrat in the election. Best wishes Ms. Turner no really.
(58,785 posts)is in your district? Good for you. I don't normally send outside money to local races, because it is contrary to the principles of representative government, but you all are going to need a whole lot of volunteers to offset the shitpile of outside money she's going to swamp the election with -- and all the dirty tactics it's to pay for.
A combination that's gotten McConnell reelected for 30 years of betrayal of the people of his state, because it works. Fortunately, the Democrats of OH-11 have been electing their own to represent them for even longer.
(71,038 posts)I will be moving to Austintown as hubs got a new job but will go back and forth until this is done so I can vote for someone other than MS. Turner in the primary and election...whoever, must be a Democrat.
(58,785 posts)SOP for that crowd. The only way they could knock out serious opposition from a Democrat would be by character assassination and deceit, and they're experts at that. They've even corrupted the meanings of many words to create their own vocabulary specially designed to deceive those who trust them and take out Democrats.
Here's Turner's buddy Sirota on the evil Democrats presiding over "the darkest timeline as the world burns." So: Taking charge of the executive branch on January 20 will only accelerate America's decent into a corrupt, corporatist hell.
Link to tweet
And here WE think we did good. Go get 'em, Demsrule86!
(71,038 posts)Hortensis
(58,785 posts)tear them out if they could.
(58,785 posts)wing of the Democratic Party.
I just read down her Twitter account, and her content regarding Democrats is frankly disgusting. No mention, for instance, of what Dems in congress have done and are fighting for, only constant dishonest false equivalencies of us and Republicans via hits against a corrupt and uncaring "congress." Here's one where we are referred to separately, though: "...we need a Democratic Party that fights for voters, not corporate donors." Not a nice word for Democrats to be found, but then we are the evil uncaring landlords of congress, and soon the WH too.
Link to tweet
She retweets a long Cornell West smear on Democrats about how Sanders was crushed by "neoliberalism." "Neoliberalism" is an oxymoron -- it means the hard-right, anti-government, anti-regulation, anti-progressive ideology adopted by the Republican leaders and their donor classes 40 years ago. Which is not nearly as long as Democrats have been fighting neoliberal economic policies, but Turner and West lie like Trumps by smearing Democrats with that term. In their version, Sanders was crushed between two inimical forces: the greedy corporatist "neoliberal" Democrats and the greedy corporatist AND neofascist Republicans.
Yes, he calls Republicans fascist but strictly for the purpose of smearing Democrats with their sins. While Democrats have been battling the fascistic tactics of the right and the real danger of a RW authoritarian takeover, Turner's feed is remarkably empty of attention to anything that might differentiate or cause anyone to remember the noble ideals and desperate need for the Democratic Party.
But she filed as a Democrat because that's the only way to win in that district.
Speaking of donors, also disgusting is that she's coming into this race with a huge amount of outside Big Money to swamp what local politicians will be raising from the actual local residents of OH-11.
(53,544 posts)MineralMan
(148,432 posts)I do not believe she should do well.
I do not care for her even one little bit.
(20,680 posts)election, and ridiculously bizarre results can happen. That's how Ted Cruz got elected and that's how a senior Dem like Joe Crowley lost.
(148,432 posts)So, I'll leave it up to those who do.
(20,680 posts)MineralMan
(148,432 posts)I do not consider her to be a Democrat. She is only one when she needs to be. That isn't right.
I will comment here as I see fit.
(20,680 posts)MineralMan
(148,432 posts)OnDoutside
(20,680 posts)DFW
(57,143 posts)More like "DEMolition expert."
(1,725 posts)When you have Louis Stokes, Stephanie Tubbs-Jones and Marcia Fudge to vote for, it's pretty easy. Now, THIS can't happen. Will have to get involved somehow this time.
My neighbor across the street is with the DNC. I will get with him.