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about how egregious or dangerous this Texas case is?

(138,127 posts)but I rarely gamble.
The Velveteen Ocelot
(122,949 posts)because Texas doesn't have standing, they can't get as far as considering the substance of the case. They'd just say the case is dismissed for lack of subject matter jurisdiction (which is required for the court to hear the case at all but can't exist without constitutional standing). It could be a one- or two-sentence order.
(44,924 posts)Since they believe the Court has to hear state v state cases (notwithstanding a century of precedent to the contrary that Alito and Thomas want to overturn ).
The Velveteen Ocelot
(122,949 posts)boundaries and water rights, not whether a state has an interest in another state's interpretation and implementation of its own laws. Even if Alito and Thomas believe the fact that the court's original and exclusive jurisdiction over state vs. state cases requires them to hear all such cases, when a case arises in which the plaintiff lacks standing, that's normally a threshold for hearing a case at all. If a party lacks standing to bring the case at all, there's no subject matter jurisdiction and the case would have to be dismissed. I suppose it's possible that they could agree to hear it for long enough to write an opinion that Texas lacks standing. However, if it's only Thomas and Scalia who think they have to hear the case, it would still be the end of it.
(28,835 posts)Primarily because they won't take the case. I think it'll be like the last one. A one-sentence rejection with no opinions written.
""The application for injunctive relief presented to Justice [Samuel] Alito and by him referred to the Court is denied," said the court's one-sentence order, which did not suggest any dissent among the nine justices."
(11,869 posts)This SCOTUS is dangerous to many areas we hold dear, and will rule against the wishes of the many, and for the few who gave them their spot on the court. But, this Texas case is not their schtick.
(31,261 posts)Even the hyper conservative Justices must know how dangerous even hearing oral arguments for that ridiculous suit is.
(1,235 posts)Thekaspervote
(35,247 posts)Demsrule86
(71,040 posts)Wounded Bear
(61,283 posts)IMNSHO they will basically just not deign to hear arguments in the case. They basically choose what they want to hear.
The Texas case is bogus. They know it. They'll accept the counters the defendent states are offering and decline to accept.
(60,536 posts)even hear it the first Monday after Biden is inaugurated