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christmas is really for the children, isn't it.
children are taught the story of the shepherds and wise men bringing gifts to the baby in the manger and "hark" the angels singing etc
children are also taught the sick story of jolly old st nick and his lists of "naughty" and "nice."
it does not take long for kids to understand that their schoolmates with more affluent parents seem to be higher on the "nice" list than they are. this fact of life certainly is internalized by the rich kids, who can't wait to show off their new toys to the kids who really needed those shoes and that sweater that santa brought them.
this tradition of conspicuous consumption is detrimental to rich and poor alike, and follows them throughout their lives and all year round. class warfare under a decorated tree.
Progressive Jones
(6,011 posts)rampartc
(5,835 posts)i was about to write that the same people who taught you about santa claus also taught about the virgin birth and the baby jesus. so, as adults, we are supposed to believe the literal truth of the child born in a manger to save the wotld when we KNOW that santa claus is pure mythology?
(2,343 posts)One story leads people down the path of authoritarianism and believing in impossible things, while the other creates monsters who lust after consumerism.
Everyone should just be given a gray box as a gift. That way they'll get bored quickly and might actually spend quality time with family.
(5,835 posts)and is really the same answer as i gave to the first reply, above.
(13,720 posts)Throck
(2,520 posts)And screw all that bogus Christmas music.
Nothing says reduced carbon footprint like LED lights. All 10 megawatts on your house.
We celebrate but not as decadently as some people.
(5,835 posts)Throck
(2,520 posts)....right after the inflatable Halloween crap comes down.
Nothing says Christmas like an inflatable baby Jesus manger scene.
People don't comprehend the hidden energy consumption in fans.
I'm not against holidays, just the conspicuous consumption and decadent levels it's been taken to.
(5,835 posts)NCjack
(10,297 posts)PXR-5
(540 posts)Oh how I hate that song!
I also find nutcrackers as scary as clowns.
Seriously, I had a bad nightmare about nutcrackers as a child.
(53,494 posts)It's what you make of it.
(5,835 posts)make love, not war for christmas.
Midnight Writer
(23,249 posts)We still have a family gathering with a feast of food, with usually about 30 of us showing up.
It spares old timers like me from trying to figure out what six year old kids that I only see once or twice a year want, and trying to guess what they already have. It also spares the younger families that are still financially brittle from having to spend money on gifts for folks like me that don't need anything.
I would prefer skipping Christmas altogether and replacing in with a family reunion type event, one held in warmer weather. I feel sorry for the ones who have to travel across the country during the Christmas rush for a day of family communion. It is the gathering of the clan that is the true joy.
Philosophizing Fool
(73 posts)The focus on what you receive versus what others get will always lead to unhappiness. It is up to you and you alone to determine the worth of what each day brings. Rather than look at what the neighborhood kids were gifted, fill your day with love and kindness. Years later that will matter much more than some fancy sneakers or the latest toy.
Giving a well thought out gift, either purchased, passed down, or created with care will bring more joy than anything received. Seeing your gift used years later will bring more joy and create closer relationships than any words can describe. Enjoy your holidays and cherish the season.
(5,835 posts)Throck
(2,520 posts)My mom in her 70's and 80's spent her last 20 years giving back all the dust collecting knickknacks she got as gifts.
My mom had the right idea though, she bought her sons good tools so we could do projects around her house. She made cookies and canned the best dill pickles. Time was the gift no one picked up on until later in life.
FWIW there are two local food pantries always in need. Our charity dollars get sent there and kept local. We have a local cat shelter that we donate to as well. In return we get good leads on cats needing adoption. Not sure if that's a win-win some days.
captain queeg
(11,780 posts)or metaphors very early. I think I was 3 or 4 when my brother told me Santa was fake. I pulled his beard and saw he was right. That was my brother. But we asked my son about it at thanksgiving. He said he didnt really believe it but played along. He was so excited on Christmas morning it was all worth it. The wife had a tradition of going out in the middle of the night to put Santas presents under the tree. She almost got caught one year when he wa up in the middle of the night. Hed drag us out of bed at 4 or 5 in the morning. He just couldnt wait any longer.
(23,195 posts)Don't forget that many RWNJs are deeply invested in believing the mythology surrounding Christmas. They see us liberals as being godless heathens that threaten their beliefs and by extension, their entire existence.
As a poster above noted, belief in the Christmas myth leads one to believe in non-existent magic leading to authoritarianism while the silly childhood belief in Santa feeds the capitalistic consumerism found in much of our society. Those are some really bad lessons we teach our children.
(23,670 posts)I like getting presents too.. and more power to you that this is not your thing.. I am not at war with you.. but I love Christmas..
Wounded Bear
(60,988 posts)I'm just not sure which side I should be on.
(94,181 posts)It helps my mental health.
Elessar Zappa
(16,224 posts)Nothing wrong with kids getting gifts from Santa. Youre free to celebrate or not celebrate as you see fit.