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No paywall for this NTY INSURRECTION VIDEO REPORT, released June 30, 2021This was posted when it came out in June, but it's worth posting again. The video is 40 minutes & is a compilation of video collected that day from various sources. Included is a map of the Capitol grounds with graphics of where the rioters were & where they breached the building. It's so worth the 40 minutes to watch the entire video. I noted some key events, below, including when Ashli Babbitt got shot. She was clearly warned not to proceed.
Day of Rage: An In-Depth Look at How a Mob Stormed the Capitol
8:55 - Map of the outside of the Capitol Building & where the rioters were gathering.
14:14 - Floor plan of inside of Capitol Building & then fans out to the entire grounds.
19:17 - Floor plan of Senate side of Capitol Building. Rioters have broken into the Capitol building by this point.
20:44 - Officer Goodman lures the rioters away from an unguarded door & into a line of fellow officers.
21:33 - Layout of the Rotunda & Crypt & House side of the Capitol Building.
22:22 - A copy of the tweet Trump sent out at 2:24pm as the Capitol Building was being stormed by angry MAGA.
22:50 - Rioters breach the other side of the Capitol Building & look for House chambers.
27:16 - Ashli Babbitt arrives at the place where she will be shot.
28:20 - Ashli Babbitt is shot trying to breach the House chamber.
29:49 - Map of outside Capitol Building & where the crowd is. Continues into stunning footage of how the police were overwhelmed & their calls for backup were ignored.
33:00 - "Law respecting" trumpers beating police as they storm the Capitol Building.
34:06 - Trumpers trample one of their own, after she collapses & her friend's cries for help are ignored.
34:55 - Map of the Capitol Building & an overview of all the places it was breached. If you don't watch any other part of this report, watch this. It shows the scope of the breach.

Stuart G
(38,726 posts)tecelote
(5,141 posts)This was no group of tourists.
I thought I had seen a good overview before but this is incredible.
(3,048 posts)This video starts out with them all sitting on a bus wearing the same goofy outfits. All they ever do is project their shortcomings onto everyone else.
(466 posts)This sounds like something the investigations of the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol should be taking a very close look at: Most of the ground-floor windows and doors in the Capitol had been reinforced just a couple years ago. But the insurrectionists were in several cases able to zero in on the dozen or so ground-floor windows and doors that hadnt been reinforced, the Los Angeles Times reports.
Video shows some of the first rioters to break through the police line running past 15 reinforced windows, making a beeline for a recessed area on the Senate side of the building, where two unreinforced windows and two doors with unreinforced glass were all that stood between them and hallways leading to lawmakers inside who had not begun to evacuate, the L.A. Times reports.
...had some part of the mobsay, some Proud Boys or Oath Keeperscarefully observed the Capitols defenses in advance, then led the rest of the crowd to those places? That could really juice the level of conspiracy understood to have been at play.
Or, worse, did they have inside information? And if so, who provided it?
(38,960 posts)I'll bet some repub house members are sweatin' it a little, today.
We've become so hooked on convenience we never think about how much privacy we've given up.
(14,270 posts)How they got away with EVERYTHING. No real consequences for rioting and insurrection, excepting babbitt.
The active duty marine mentioned went to court in september and got his right to have guns reinstated.
Note the one clip of the terrorists with hammers attacking the defenders? A texas guy just got 46 months for attacking a LE with a hammer during a BLM protest. But the longest insurrectionist sentence is 41 months.
(38,960 posts)I realize he was sort of their mascot, but hardly the worst offender. The man parading with the confederate flag was worse, IMO. The sentences the insurrectionists are getting are a total joke of the justice system. They get their guns back. They get to go on vacation. The white privilege is so obvious & yet I still have family & friends who don't see it. Or don't want to see it. That's probably more accurate.
(457 posts)I mean every one of those who entered the building should be prosecuted but the politicians need to be loudly shamed for their BS at every chance.