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Just get vaccinated and a booster.
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(107,786 posts)or the equivalent indoor, every damned time with those you know may well come into contact with those possibly or probably unvaccinated, unmasked, and very likely infected.
Don't be on the graph at all.
(15,252 posts)Here in rural western Pennsylvania, theyre not wearing masks, let alone N95 masks. Saw an unmasked small child with a runny nose sneezing in public yesterday.
(131 posts)Every single time I leave home -- mask on. And always N95 or better. Worn tight. Proper face seal is everything!
Just purchased an EnvoMask after reading a lot about them on Twitter from docs and nurses who wear them. Made in Hampton, New Hampshire. Go to YouTube and search for WMUR and EnvoMask to view a local news channel story about the mask.
Very neat concept -- check it out at
liberal N proud
(61,032 posts)I got my shots
I got my booster
I avoid close contact
I wear a mask when in a room with others
I work, I go home, repeat.
I work with a bunch of anti-Vaxers. Their justifications are about as stupid as you can imagine.
If I could, I would quit or work from home.
(12,678 posts)Stay well and don't let the vaxtards get you down.
liberal N proud
(61,032 posts)That I should be immune to everything. It was an animal house in every way.
But I am still taking every precaution
(9,238 posts)I haven't heard anything at all lately about the "wash your hands" step, but I've still been VERY careful about washing my hands or using hand sanitizer when I'm unable to get to soap and water. Touching eyes, nose or mouth with dirty hands is a definite spreader. And with so many people running around with no mask, they're still breathing and sneezing and germing everything up.
(33,424 posts)That is common.
(10,297 posts)sop
(12,514 posts)No more of their bullshit cures, ridiculous justifications and loony conspiracy theories; they're not even going to think about it any longer. We're dealing with children.
(25,183 posts)sop
(12,514 posts)It's like trying to save a drowning man who refuses to be saved, and only wants to drag you under.
(25,183 posts)figure they had a choice. They exercised the freedom that they are so proud of proclaiming, so they got what they wanted, the freedom to take the risk and play covid roulette.
So I am indifferent to what happens to them. I can't even care enough to wish them worse. My concern is for the people they infect, the health care workers who have to deal with them, and the beds they take up that other people need.
(47,507 posts)It feels like they just don't want to hear news about people dying from it anymore.
I suppose they can plug their ears and go "la la la la" and see how well that works out.
(161,764 posts)fucking snowflakes
(47,507 posts)they just want to stop hearing about hospitalizations and deaths
(73,175 posts).... zero out of 100,000 people who had both shots and were boosted going to the hospital. Pre omnicron.
I have heard something like 1,000 red voters per day have been dying of C-19. Good. The shots are free, something like 10 billion have been given out, and the science is solid.
(191 posts)I've lived through 6 Covid waves here in Japan. I wear a mask whenever I go into a public or private building (like everyone else), I wash my hands several times a day and I rinse my mouth out at the same time. I drink lots of liquids (water, green tea, vitamin drinks, etc), and have my temperature taken several times a week (always way below the threshold). After adopting these measures, I haven't even had bronchitis for the last 4 years. That was a condition that used to plague me during certain seasons going back to the '80s.
I mean, I'm sure you have a reason, but I'm curious why you say you don't intend to be vaxxed.
Response to moose65 (Reply #9)
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(12,514 posts)I'm done worrying about anti-vaxxers.
(19,129 posts)Anti-vaxers at 25 I can somewhat understand, but not 65+.
(12,505 posts)the swine flu
..I had Guillain Barre from the swine flu and my Doctor conferred with some of the top Doctors from Cleveland Clinic and other conferring Doctors at John Hopkins and they all agreed that not getting my Covid shot and booster put me at yet a higher risk.
Not trying to tell you what to do
. But confer with some good Doctors.
So many have died because they dont think they need it.
Now people boosted and Vaxxed are getting it because the strain is so contagious.
Blues Heron
(6,367 posts)good one!
Blues Heron
(6,367 posts)problem solved!
(11,645 posts)I got the swine flu vaccine and never ever got the swine flu. I got the 1968 flu shot and didn't get the flu. About 4 million people died from that flu.
Have you ever gotten a tetanus shot? Did you get tetanus? I gurantee you didn't because you would be dead.
Did you get your polio and small pox vaccine? Did you get polio or small pox? I gurantee you didn't.
My spouse got chicken pox as a child. You know what else she got? Shingles at 60. She was in such awful pain. Shingles is the leading cause of suicide due to pain. If you get your chicken pox vaccine, you won't get Shingles later in your 60s.
Yes, Japan has a horror story to tell about 1 kind of vaccine. It doesn't make all vaccines bad.
Here's the thing your "evidence" is nothing but anecdotes and very bad logic. And you are risking your life on this non evidence. You are willing to die from COVID just to prove a point?
I have family members who don't wear mask and pretend there is no pandemic that has killed 800,000 people in the US. You know what they are besides illogical and ignorant? Just damn lucky and under 60 years of age.
They say they don't know anyone who has gotten sick or died from Covid. Yeah, they do because we know the same people, they know at least 5 people who have been admitted to the hospital or died due to Covid. When I start listing the people, they say oh no that was pneumonia, heart disease or diabetes that killed and hospitalized them. You know people you just don't recognize what they had.
But if your willing to risk your life just to prove most of the world wrong, well all I can say is try not to give it to anyone else when you catch it.
(10,877 posts)USALiberal
(10,877 posts)Emile
(32,360 posts)Response to Emile (Reply #11)
Post removed
(32,360 posts)especially when it comes to my health. Millions of people have taken the vaccine without any problems.
(12,505 posts)So my Doctor did zoom meeting with other doctors to see.
(107,786 posts)The poster hits on every misconception routinely cited--including the old "I got the flu after getting the shot" hokum, unwilling to acknowledge they may well have been exposed prior to receiving the vaccination or shortly thereafter before a protective immune response could be in place.
Adamant anti-vaxx older people putting themselves at risk of infection and with the highest risk of dying is something I see right before I intubate them for the ventilator every damned day, but you can't tell them anything that would change that. Dealing with the devasted family members with survivor's guilt is the worst...
(30,613 posts)I don't give a crap what happens to you (apparently, neither do you), but I feel badly for anybody who has to come in contact with you.
(48,702 posts)Now I don't care who I kill!
so fucking selfish and ridiculous
(161,764 posts)it seems like a no-brainer to me
(47,507 posts)Millions of people never thought they would get COVID.
(25,183 posts)a study of how long omicron remains active on surfaces in comparison with previous variants. Omicron lasts longer on surfaces than all the other variants.
The primary transmission of covid is through the air, by inhalation. But it is possible to get it from surface contact if the active virus gets on your hands and you touch your hands to your eyes, mouth, or nose.
Two examples of active omicron virus on surfaces were highlighted, skin and plastic. Omicron stays active for a full day, 23+ hours on human skin compared to 8 hours for delta. So hand washing is especially important to protect from omicron. According that article, previous variants became inactive on human skin after 15 seconds of exposure to alcohol based hand sanitizer.
Omicron staus active for 8.25 days on plastic surfaces, compared to 2 or 3 days for previous variants.
So, is it possible that the high infection rate of omicron is partially due to its long period of remaining active on surfaces?
If you bring a contaminated plastic item into your home, not knowing that it is contaminated, and wash your hands when you get home, you are still not protected from getting the virus. For the next 8 days in your own home, any time you touch that plastic item, you will have active virus on your hands. If you touch your mouth or eyes, you will introduce the virus into your body. It will probably be a low viral load, so your symptoms will be mild, especially if you are vaccinated. But why risk long covid, or transmitting It to others if you get it?
What about plastic containers or plastic wrap covering on takeout food? You take it back to work or your car and eat after washing your hands and then opening the container. Your clean hands get contaminated again when you touch the container to open it, then put your hands to your mouth.
If the employees who wrapped your take out, or handled it to give it to you at the register were not infected, nothing to worry about. But what if they were?
Might be good to start wiping down plastic items or plastic packaging with sanitizing wipes when we bring them home. Soda bottles, water bottles, packaging for snack foods, credit and debit cards, etc. Plastic elevator buttons that dozens of people have touched? Sanitize your hands after using them or don't touch your face until you wash your hands.
Or, if it's too much to be concerned about after 2 years of dealing with covid, then don't. But be sure you are vaccinated and boosted and be careful around vulnerable people.
(34,604 posts)from the grocery store, including prescription medication bottles, and also packages that are delivered (box and items because I know they were packed and handled by someone). Every now and then I forget to spray my mail, which isn't necessarily a big deal except I've caught myself touching my nose right after handling it.
(25,183 posts)that I bring into my apartment that can be wiped. I spray cardboard and mail. Or read the mail, then set it aside for a couple days or toss it, depending on what it is, and wash my hands after handling it.
I wash fresh vegetables with water anyway before using them. If they are going to be coooked, the virus will be killed. If they are going to be eaten raw in a salad, I make sure that I rub and scrub them before eating them. Can't use chemicals or soap on them.
I wipe down my keys, credit card, eyeglasses (plastic), and all purchased items as soon as I get in the door. Then wash my hands afterward. I spray the bags that I use for shopping.
When I am out of my apartment, I wear an N95 and use a tissue or cheap paper napkin to touch elevator buttons and open doors because dozens of people touch those things.
But I am a retired senior living by myself. I have time to do this. I don't have children running to greet me at the door and grab packages to see what's in them. I don't have to go from home to work to shopping and then home again. I don't have to get dinner on the table right away when I get home. It is much harder for other people to follow a regimen like mine after shopping.
But, since I am over 65 and have underlying health issues, I think that it's a good idea to take the precautions that I do.
(34,604 posts)about it than me! I used to disinfect my credit card back in 2020 but stopped because I was afraid I'd damage the chip or something. Glasses I've slacked on as well.
(6,489 posts)And went back to disinfecting surfaces, and opening boxes and mail outside.
This is significant- thanks for sharing!
(34,604 posts)Meanwhile, people are out here dying. It's really unfortunate and I'm really worried about them. The past two years have really sucked.
(10,530 posts)Wifey vaxxed and boosted. Son is fully vaxxed and had an appointment for a booster as it just came available for him (he's 12). Wife works in hospital lab. Wears all the appropriate PPE, including N95 masks (with a surgical mask too, to extend the life of the N95 apparently). Half her lab also caught the 'rona and the lab with one exception is fully vaxxed and boosted (exception is fully vaxxed but won't get boosted as both shots did a complete number on them that their doctor actually advised against shot #2 - but that's another story).
How did the Omicron variant affect these folks? My son's symptoms were like a short flu. So in his case you could argue it's like a bad cold. Mild fever for a day, stuffy nose, headaches, tired. My wife was like a flu - fever for three days, real stuffy nose, headaches and very tired. Wife's coworkers symptoms were similar for the most part but one got pneumonia.
Did the vaccines work? My answer would be yes. None were admitted to the hospital as a customer. My gut feeling is if my wife wasn't vaccinated at all she'd likely have been in the ICU, and possibly dead. But then what do I know - I'm a delivery boy not a doctor.
(22,242 posts)The fact that scientists allowed it to spread that it's less severe is a crime, it's not less severe to society although it on average is less severe for indicviduals.
Omicron infects more people and thus kills a greater number of people. If you had 2 totally separate pandemics and 1 infected 100 Million people while killing 500,000 and another infected 50 Million people while killing 400,000 people, everyone would agree that the one that infected and killed more people was the more severe pandemic.
But people are so consumed with themselves that they only think of Covid in terms of how it affects them, not the toll on society. Omicron is taking a heavier toll on society than any previous version of Covid.
(7,611 posts)Link to tweet
(22,242 posts)Much of the reduction is due to a higher rate of vaccinations. If Omicron had been the first version of Covid, the toll would have been absolutely horrific.
(12,481 posts)That graph is most meaningful if they cover deaths only since people COULD be fully vaccinated. If they charted ALL covid deaths, then the unvaccinated bar shows two years' worth of deaths, while the vaccinated bars show less than one year's worth of deaths, so it's not an apples-to-apples comparison. I'm sure it's still true that the difference is enormous, but it may not be quite the 99% difference they're talking about.
(4,999 posts)thesquanderer
(12,481 posts)RB TexLa
(17,003 posts)I may go back to Mexico to boost the non-mRNA vaccine. Thank you Mexico Health Ministry!
(4,682 posts)Woke up feeling fine, a couple hours later the chills set in. I'm shivering uncontrollably for several hours while the heat tries to go up (elec baseboard + full size single pane windows.) About 1pm the advil I took finally kicks in and I feel the heat but another thing props up. My appetite goes bye-bye. I hope I feel better tomorrow.