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Last edited Sun May 8, 2022, 02:45 PM - Edit history (2)
Protesters are outside Kavanaugh's home. The protesters? His NEIGHBORS.
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(3,789 posts)BlackSkimmer
(51,308 posts)Do you think this changes anything?
(3,789 posts). . . although if Alito still lived in West Caldwell, NJ I might consider it. I can't deny that.
However, Alito says that Americans have no Constitutional right to privacy.
He's an American. That includes him.
The protesters outside of Kegs Kavanaugh's house appear to be his NEIGHBORS, or at least were organized by his neighbors.
They are allowed to be on their own block.
(51,308 posts)Im simply saying it wont change a thing.
sir pball
(4,973 posts)Yes, I mean that exactly as it sounds.
Protests only go so far.
(39,034 posts)xocetaceans
(4,021 posts)FelineOverlord
(3,789 posts)intheflow
(29,315 posts)It they find it distasteful, oh, well!
(23,968 posts)Lovie777
(16,615 posts)USA citizens can only "protest" anyone or anything that is not GQP. Florida has done it.
Problem solved.
(8,045 posts)RKP5637
(67,112 posts)FelineOverlord
(3,789 posts)FelineOverlord
(3,789 posts)FelineOverlord
(3,789 posts)meadowlander
(4,820 posts)I have to say I agree with Billy Binion. As angry and frustrated as people might be, there's a line and you don't cross it.
I also used to work with a guy who was fired in a very publicly humiliating way and the media and angry members of the public camped outside his house for days terrifying his daughter who had Downs Syndrome.
People are people, even when we disagree with them or they make horrendous mistakes. Their families and private residences should be off limits. If they're committing crimes, that's what we have a justice system for. If you want to protest his actions, do it outside his offices.
Showing up outside someone's house uninvited triggers their lizard brain instincts to protect their family and home at all costs. It's not going to make him change his mind about the ruling and it makes us look like bullies harassing his kids.
(9,791 posts)I am sorry what happened to you. But the anti-choice folks have NO hesitation about harassing families, publishing home addresses, threatening CHILDREN. Those justices that would end our human rights deserve every bit of this and mores
(4,820 posts)Hoyt
(54,770 posts)to convict someone for protesting if on a jury.
(7,334 posts)I agree harassment/stalking is not, but then you call the police. But the vast majority of people protesting this are not insane.
Taking away a human beings fundamental Human Right is a damn good reason to do this to those fundamentalist theocratic monsters.
We aredesperately fighting for Our Constitution and Our Rights as a Human Beings. This protest is hardly out of order.
(Funny thing, it seems his neighbor is the one who organized the peaceful protest.)
(4,820 posts)Do you think Kavanagh is going to change his mind because his family is being harassed at home?
By all means, let's fight for our Constitution and rights. But this isn't even an effective way to do it and if anything its ceding the moral high ground and making it harder for people fighting through more constructive channels to maintain credibility.
(10,455 posts)He aught not start shit
We need to do everything, everywhere until we get asswipes out of womens decisions
(32,277 posts)Whoever, with the intent of interfering with, obstructing, or impeding the administration of justice, or with the intent of influencing any judge, juror, witness, or court officer, in the discharge of his duty, pickets or parades in or near a building housing a court of the United States, or in or near a building or residence occupied or used by such judge, juror, witness, or court officer, or with such intent uses any sound-truck or similar device or resorts to any other demonstration in or near any such building or residence, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both.
(3,789 posts)So protesters can go there.
(26,158 posts)Farmer-Rick
(11,645 posts)To destroy our families with the burden of too many children; to ruin our daughters' future for having sex; to have our young girls so desperate for abortions they die from coat hangers and back alley abortion; to allow our wives and mothers to die from ectopic pregnancies because no doctor will sign off on an abortion; to force our little girls, Down Syndrome or not, to carry a rapist's fetus to term so that some commit suicide; to invade our medical privacy and allow greedy religious fools to bring lawsuits against us for helping each other obtain an abortion.
That's all perfectly acceptable. But just don't protest at their houses and disturb their little families. Just don't bother their little families, their girls, their wives, their mothers at their homes. They just want to bring back long dead atrocities because their sky daddy cryptically tells them to.....and of course to increase the domestic supply of infants preferably with less melanin.
I'm sorry you were so harassed unfairly but it doesn't let this black robed junta off the hook.
(3,234 posts)They should NEVER be allowed to be seen in public ever again & their lives made an absolute living hell for eternity.
sir pball
(4,973 posts)To be clear, peaceful protest is best, but it's also a good reminder to them that we know where they live.
Sorry not sorry. Would you have objected to peaceful protests outside Joseph Goebbel's house? Birth slavers are no more "off limits" than Nazis.
(7,506 posts)Do you really think there will be any justice for that?
Ill wait.
Im the meantime, nobodys breaking any laws here. The Christofascist judges were never going to change their minds but now they too have to suffer some invasion of their privacy.
Tough shit. It will NEVER be as painful for them as it is for millions of women deprived of their basic rights
(22,865 posts)Here in Michigan they went to the home of our SoS after the election. Magats claiming it was stolen. I was scared for her. She was tweeting about the panic she felt for her family.
Political protests should be kept in political settings. A vigil held outside SCOTUS would be far more impactful in the eyes of the public.
That being said, maybe if one of these scumbags realizes how bad they fucked up seeing all the anger, they'll change their mind? I doubt it.
(6,115 posts)Fuck Justice I Like Beer
Fuck Justice I Hate Women Alito
Fuck Justice Uncle Tom
Fuck Justice Handmaiden
Fuck Justice Stolen Seat Gorsuch
Fuck Chief Justice I Lost Control Long Ago Roberts
Stay the fuck out of women's uteruses if you don't like people protesting in front of your houses.
(11,645 posts)Do they have any idea how much suffering they are bringing to our families and homes? They don't care. Why should we?
(62,493 posts)

(1,790 posts)Jilly_in_VA
(11,527 posts)One would think the stench would drive them away. Kind of like the smell of empty beer bottles in Kavanagh's trash.
Deep State Witch
(11,623 posts)I'd drive over to Chevy Chase and join them!
(52,561 posts)I read that Anonymous is going after them and I bet they are going to be doxxed by others. Make their lives as Hellish as the lives of the women they plan on destroying.
(11,645 posts)Are our daughter's, mother's, wives, sisters and aunts. If you think messing with them won't affect the entire family, then you are just plain crazy.
Ok, that sounds like I'm disagreeing but I'm not. I 100% agree with you. I was just building on your momentum.
(20,028 posts)USALiberal
(10,877 posts)Farmer-Rick
(11,645 posts)"Many pandemic restrictions in the United States and Canada have been relaxed, but that has not stopped protesters from gathering outside some government officials homes and badgering them.
Though vaccination and masking rules have generally eased in the last few months, protests have continued outside officials residences in Massachusetts and other places in the United States, and in Nova Scotia and Alberta in Canada. Demonstrators have disrupted traffic, disturbed neighbors and, in some cases, addressed officials with racist and sexist language.
Protesters have targeted the mayor of Boston, Michelle Wu, since she took office in November."
They did it through out the pandemic.
But this is not about liking a judge or state official. This about the lives, careers and deaths of millions and millions of girls and women. I lived through the hell of before Roe v Wade, millions are going to die and be mutilated. Many more are going to suffer tremendously so that some idiot judge can say he's following his sky daddy's orders.
There is no soul. Fish like fetuses aren't human. Why should athiests have to follow antiquated dessert goat herders' rules about imaginary beings? Why are we forced to carry to birth fetuses when we don't want or need to? It's not about liking crap. It's about freedom from religion.
(3,789 posts)Over 14,000 replies! People are VERY angry. Civility doesn't work.
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Laura PourMeADrink
(42,770 posts)nice. But when an issue is SO vital and some SO wrong about it...its the last desperate alternative. Carry on neighbors!!
(20,028 posts)Novara
(6,115 posts)Farmer-Rick
(11,645 posts)If you can force your antiquated goat herders' magical beings opinions in us, I can force you to listen to some noise while you're hiding in your home, vacation house or yacht.
(36,557 posts)
(12,286 posts)I mean thats what the GOP says. Right?
(25,432 posts)in front of a family members house who was in county government. Over fees to pay for schools and roads and water/sewer from greenfield subdivision developments. Basically to pay some for the increased service demands on a a county. So the cheap fucks blocked driveway at 7am on a weekday..
So for anyone saying that the a-hole reich wingers deserve peace?
Fuck you too.
(11,645 posts)All through the pandemic. Screaming and fighting over having to protect themselves and others from a deadly virus. Many people died from Covid because they believed those protests.
But they didn't care who died from the virus. Remember Kill Your Grandmother rallies? They only care about that fetus inside that woman......they don't even care if that born baby is taken care of. Just don't let that fish like fetus die.
(25,432 posts)These people are protesting nicely. If THEY the reich wing take it much further what choice do people have?
To lay down and take it?
This country is going to get ugly real soon if they christofascists go much worse than they are now.
(2,442 posts)Just like the lack of protection offered to people looking for legal medical help had things get out of hand. They had their information released, had their communities hunt them. It wasn't an issue for conservatives since they were not the target. Medical practitioners have died because of conservative support for standing mobs invading others privacy.
Conservatives, you know what could happen, since you have always been gleeful about conservatives getting mad and taking things into their own hands. You called it manly while issuing thoughts and prayers to the victims. It is sad that we have lost civility in the last ten years. But the conservative side has been feeding raw meat to their mob and ignoring civility as their troops burned crosses and more.
Conservatives, your side has been using mobs since before any of us where born. You always smiled your little smiles and grinned as you mentioned second amendment solutions when liberal justices did their jobs. Now you are seeing a mob and golly gosh, mobs can sure get out of hand.
Worse yet, your side might just have provocateurs ready to take advantage of this and blame liberals, like the always do. All I am saying is, your side might push this over the top. Please be careful and please think before riling up the usual mob to to push this further than it should have gone.
Thoughts and prayers, Conservatives, Thoughts and prayers.
(3,789 posts)róisín_dubh
(11,956 posts)outside abortion clinics, so I say fuck them and their right to privacy.
I was 18 and trying to get birth control pills, and was shouted down by these jackasses. I was terrified then. More recently, I walked a former student through a mob of them as her support person when she needed an abortion. They got an earful from me that time.
Cry me a river.
(7,506 posts)They should just lie back and enjoy it