General Discussion
Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsOld DU favorite Alan Grayson is running to unseat Marco Rubio!
Some of you may remember Grayson for actually having the guts to call out Republican inhumanity for what it is. He famously outlined the GOP healthcare plan as "Don't get sick. If you do get sick, die quickly."
He has lost some primary and general races in the years in between. And I remember there being allegations of domestic abuse during a divorce.
But he's exactly the kind of person I would love to see in the Senate, calling out Reptilian Bullshit.
See this wikipedia entry for the list of candidates in his race

Tommy Carcetti
(43,693 posts)Val Demmings is uniquely qualified and has none of the baggage that Grayson carries.
(55,334 posts)Pachamama
(17,162 posts)Val Demmings
Crunchy Frog
(27,265 posts)GoCubsGo
(33,415 posts)But, they haven't held their primary yet, if I not mistaken.
In It to Win It
(9,978 posts)which is in fucking! August!
(58,714 posts)and has been for a while now. She didn't just jump in. I think I'll go with her as she's a current rep., a former trump impeachment manager and former police chief.
(25,008 posts)Ocelot II
(122,735 posts)Grayson seems to be kind of a loose cannon.
(58,714 posts)beat Grayson and hopefully go on to beat Rubio in the general.
(19,056 posts)They have similar temperaments.
Tom Rinaldo
(23,024 posts)His political messaging may be aimed squarely at folks like me but I don't trust him a bit as a person.
(16,656 posts)FFS....I hope the pukes aren't trying to split the vote, especially if a few ghost candidates from south florida are tossed into the mix.
That would loosen the collar around littlemarcos neck.
Think about it.
Grayson backed legal cannibis----at the time it killed his chance----FL is a medical mj state now
Morgan----for a lawyer he couldn't keep his mouth shut---in both directions------the pukes will eat him alive again.
Ghost candidates----jeez, not in south fl...
(9,081 posts)The domestic abuse allegations were proven false. It will be baggage anyway. Val Demmings has the creds to beat lil' marco...but this is Florida...we let rick scott into public office. The.Most. Corrupt. Politician.In.Florida.History. Alan Grayson is a good man.
(6,991 posts)And even if they are, DeathSantis will FIND enough votes to pull little Marco across the line. He has a friend whose still in politics (My friend is long retired), and he said the friend told him that they are going to SMEAR Val something awful and take apart her husband with LIES. Yeah, she has NO chance down there in DeathSantisville, the place where the right-winged governor is head of the new KKK, anti gay and who wields power in that state like Stalin. Poor Val. IMHO, she has NO chance. NONE. God, I'd love to be wrong, but I don't think I will be.
My friend in his 70's said for all the flak Grayson got from his own party, look at the "pure, racist, treasonous filth" Rick Scott and most GQP'ers are. My friend is 100% correct. Rick Scott's gotten away with stealing a billion plus from Medicare. Scott should be in jail. Bet a Dem would have been in jail, but no Dem would have done that. The GQP US Taliban party gets away with more and more seemingly by the day. You have Herschel Walker running for Senator from Ga., you have a murderer from Indiana running for office out of Indiana in jail, you have people guilty of treason running to keep their seats, even though they still don't think Biden is President, and they were involved in tRump's Jan. 6th civil insurrection, and you have a pedophile still sitting in the Congress in Matt Gaetz, along with enabler Gym Jordan. SMDH.
We unfortunately don't have a functioning press either. They are all mostly corporate entities and love big ad dollars that tReasonous tRump bought into their coffers.
(5,841 posts)That man is a phony and a flake. Allegations of domestic abuse is not redeemable. Democrats don't need a primary fight. I'll split the vote.
(96,882 posts)Far too many people are enamored by elected officials whose claim to fame is making stirring speeches that they like but don't seem to change anyone else's mind on an issue. I want someone who can develop needed legislation and convince other people to vote for it. Grayson has no such record of accomplishment.
nb: I męt with him the LAST time he ran for Senate. My takeaway was: he think's he's brilliant, and he wants you to think he's brilliant.
(95,027 posts)Rep. Val Demmings for Rubio's seat.
(43,846 posts)He needs to stay the hell out of Val Demings way. She's been campaigning for months and now this guy shows up?
No, just no.
Val is calling out Rubio every step of the way. We don't need a failed politician to gum up the works here.
(37,997 posts)FoxNewsSucks
(10,933 posts)I'd love to see him in the Senate
(71,038 posts)MarineCombatEngineer
(14,772 posts)he can't win a state wide election.
(18,889 posts)Polybius
(19,056 posts)He could never win a statewide office in Florida.
(366 posts)Retrograde
(10,890 posts)I'm on the other side of the continent and everytime he's running for something I get begging emails asking for my support - i.e., he wants me to send him money for his current lost cause.