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Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsTo Any Republican Lurker: Your Party Hates America.
And your party, your candidates and your "media cult" have proven just how un-American you are as you
- try to steal elections
- try to suppress the vote
- make old people stand in lines over night to cast a ballot
- undermine the the democratic process
- mock the sacrifice of our nation's troops by sabotaging the electoral process
- systematically "purge" American voters by race or last names or gender
- destroy public education
- whip up xenophobia against immigrants
- pick on the poor and unprivileged
- close down polling stations
- intimidate Americans from voting with threats
- disdainfully ridicule 47% of our Our People
- speak about rape and women's rights like you actually have any say whatsover
- start wars that you and your children will never fight
- terrorize the lives of gay and lesbian soldiers by having made them serve in fear of your bigotry
- steal from the old and the weak and disabled through your economic tricks
But the most un-American thing of all, is for you to wave my flag, sing "America the Beautiful" and gush about your twisted concept of patriotism when you don't know a single, god-damned thing about my country.
Oh, and your presidential nominee, Mitt Romney, is a real piece of shit.

(77,097 posts)DCBob
(24,689 posts)-- your nominee is a crook, liar and an idiot.
(2,101 posts)David Zephyr
(22,785 posts)2012 proved the GOP was worse than we knew them to be. Because this year they made no effort to hide their vile intentions.
But the American People will not reward them and see that we have a great President. A great All-American President.
(2,101 posts)to the people of this country by not playing up his accomplishments. This allowing of the vile intentions to show, certainly did more for GOTV than I can imagine. Thanks David.
(138,152 posts)Liberalynn
(7,549 posts)
Pukes are some of the sleaziest slimebuckets to ever walk the earth.
Baitball Blogger
(49,149 posts)quinnox
(20,600 posts)Ironic because they often use the "that is unpatriotic" line of attack.
David Zephyr
(22,785 posts)I hope any Republican reading this knows how treasonist they are to our America. Our America.
Gidney N Cloyd
(19,847 posts)(Kick, Rec', Bookmarking & Fuck The Bastards!)
(32,255 posts)You're a bunch of chickenhawks
(461 posts)

Jack Rabbit
(45,984 posts)dmoyer
(116 posts)_monty python and the holy grail (1975)
(2,892 posts)you said it perfectly
(10,942 posts)no love for republicans, but some of those people are looking for a home where there are sane people to align with.
(872 posts)'re idiots for proclaiming your hatred of government, electing people who hate the government, then complaining that "government isn't working".
(3,448 posts)It's impossible to understand how so many Americans are hoodwinked by this crowd. Worse still are the KKKarl Roves, Grover Norquists, et al., who are the sick masterminds of this madness.
Major Nikon
(36,917 posts)Quantess
(27,630 posts)bigtree
(90,980 posts)'a real pos'
(14,807 posts)Wish there was just one State that was all Dems and Progressives and similar. I would move in a heart beat.