General Discussion
Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsI am so looking forward to tomorrow's Court session!
Imagine what the Courtroom is going to be like when Michael Cohen is in the witness box testifying and describing in excruciating detail, like the trained New York lawyer that he is, all the meetings he had with the Turd and Weisselberg and McConney when the criminal conspiracy to commit these crimes was hatched, planned and carried out. What is it going to be like when Michael Cohen is decribing, in detail, the planned criminal cover-up of the "hush money" payments to commit election interference? The Turd will be sitting at counsel table with one gawd awful angry scowl all over his face and either angrily staring at Cohen or the computer monitor on the table and cursing under his breath. The jury will be observing the Turd's demeanor through out all of this and as the Cohen audiotapes are played with the Turd's voice on those audiotapes while those criminals were planning out their crimes. Then there will be the paper trail which Cohen will authenticate including the Turd's signature on all those checks for the $430,000 pay-off to Cohen and Stormy. What's the Turd going to do --angrily shake his head and scowl as if none of this "evidence" is true and as if it is all a giant fabricated lie which Joe Biden "made up" for this "hoax" and "witch hunt?" What's the Turd going to say to the American people when he melts down during the Courtroom breaks in front of the cameras?

(122,086 posts)MineralMan
(148,457 posts)I didn't have any trouble reading it.
(122,086 posts)MineralMan
(148,457 posts)It seemed to be a non-specific criticism of what was really a short post. People post as they choose. If you have an issue with the ideas, then I can see why to comment negatively. If you're just commenting about the form of the post, well...I don't see it as relevant.
Now, you see, I am criticizing your post, and you don't like it. That happens when a criticism is irrelevant to the point of the post, you see.
(25,619 posts)And I mean that literally
H2O Man
(76,157 posts)that he will start his testimony tomorrow?
(28,705 posts)the weekend because TFG will have to contain himself which will be difficult. If he can't control his craziness ... look out Social Media and the gag order violations.
Woo hoo ... he may go to jail next week!
The poor Thang ... NOT!
(96,882 posts)Yes he knows where the bodies are buried, but I've been on phone calls with him and his style isn't what I would call sympathetic and compelling.
(3,513 posts)That's really IMPRESSIVE! You were on phone calls with Michael Cohen?
(96,882 posts)American Bridge (the only SuperPAC I support) had him on as a guest speaker.
(43,108 posts)And I mean that in both the smart-ass and mob meanings---it probably plays better with a NYC audience than it does with my midwestern tastes, but he'll need to tone it down as a witness.
(2,666 posts)His Congressional testimony was sympathetic, compelling, and believable. The exchange between him and AOC is worth watching again for doubters, naysayers, doom and gloomers, etc.
He didn't display any mob characteristics, or any undesirable "style."
It took courage to go against the "boss," publicly and under oath, and not many of them do.
I like him.
(96,882 posts)Jersey Devil
(10,376 posts)He's the star witness so they will bring him in on Monday so he has the week to himself. Lawyers think of trials as theater so I expect they will fill in Friday with whatever odd bookeeping witnesses they have left.
The other question in my mind is are the going to call Weisselburg?
As for Cohen, he is going to have to admit to the jury that he was a complete sleezeball but now is reformed and learned his lesson while serving time in jail. It's a tough road to hoe but given all the corroborating evidence that has already been admitted, mostly by witnesses friendly to Trump, I think he can pull it off.