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Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsWhat the hell is wrong with you people, are you purposely trying to set us up to lose this election
My final Biden/Punditry/Pols/ op for a whileDear Punditry and Pols
Kamala Harris is VP and you want to replace the President because of optics..
What kind of crazy phone tag are you playing with one another.. Are you saying to one another "we can do this or we can do that.. we get someone young in there.. yeah that's the ticket'.. VP Harris has really got the experience now?.. Just switch them out.. oh you might get a few upset people but they will get over it?.".
What are you trying to do.. Blow up our VP as well as our President?. VP Harris is going to make a great President in 2028 and we have the grace from God to have her in office now in case some actually did happen to our elected President.
No one is promised tomorrow. any of us could have a health scare today and life would change.. that is true of every person on this planet.
Look at what a mess the republicans have. Trump blew his VP out.. they are stuck with someone who truly has cognitive as well as behavioral issues. And no one that we know of who is experienced to help if something did go wrong.

(107,642 posts)trajectory for changes with age--any more than we can predict a young person's mental and physical capabilities based solely on their age
And to ignore Biden's track record, documented positions, and vision... is unbelievable.
I have tremendous disdain for most of the reporters and pundits right now and am only satisfied to think that THEIR TIME IS COMING. Ditto some of the opportunistic politicians--even from the LEFT.
(45,728 posts)Ive posted this a few times, but it is a bottom line truth.
Amid allegations of Bidens decline, no one can point to anything hes done wrong as a consequence of aging
Ageism doesnt require proof.
And because no one can point to a serious, consequential, unforced error that is the result of his alleged mental deterioration, we must conclude something thats distasteful to conclude. Maybe the disastrous debate says more about us than it does about Biden. It showed us something none of us has seen before, a president aging in public view. And our reaction to it showed us something else that it doesnt matter how accomplished you are, how good you are, how decent you are, how deserving you are if youre old, youre done.
Nows the time to answer
Ageism seems to be the root of most of the reaction to the presidents performance. Normal aging, like losing your train of thought, cant and wont be tolerated. (If Biden shows several mental lapses, or even just one, its over.) Because discrimination against the old is so common, and because weakness, which is associated with age, is so commonly despised in politics, most of the reaction seemed rather reasonable.
And because most of the reaction seemed rather reasonable, a lot of liberals and Democrats lost their nerve. We let the Times editorial board and its columnists, including liberals, undermine our confidence in ourselves. And we let it happen, in part, because we did not fully appreciate the ageist lens through which we watched the debate.
Liberals and Democrats spent more time talking about what other people think of Biden and not enough time talking about what we think. That allowed rather reasonable arguments rooted in ageism to go unanswered. But that was then. Nows the time to answer them.
(107,642 posts)calimary
(85,100 posts)mental deterioration on two legs.
Mr. Mommy, does that have something to do with me? - when he was presented with a cake or some other ceremonial gift that was made to resemble the White House. I never liked or trusted him. I remember reading that and thinking HAH. I was right about him.
My computer always corrects for a capital R when I write his name in lower-case.
(265 posts)Harris if and when a change happens to our nominee.
(48,412 posts)Trump trolled Biden for weeks about dementia as Trump displayed dementia daily.
Trump was in court for over a month and is convicted of 34 felonies.
Now Democrats are discussing replacing the top of the ticket. That idea will rebound on Trump, soon I suspect.
SCOTUS is showing flexibility. So are some small minority of Democrats.
And by the way, there are inflexible numbers in the public's head. 34 felonies, and Project 2025. 34 and 2025, or 25. A constant reminder, that's what numbers do, they fix your mind. They echo.
So I'm not particularly worried. We're playing the hand we are dealt.
(107,642 posts)WTF? What planet are you on right now? Here on earth, SCOTUS is single-handedly enabling Trump's authoritarian next term if we do not manage to stop him. You can't really mean that?
(72,150 posts)meanwhile
beyond harris, lets remember he has the greatest cabinet ive ever seen. if he rly did start to slip, which he hasnt, they cd run things just fine.
(82 posts)to just trash Biden and force him out of the race. They just like it cause it sounds good on twitter.
(2,047 posts)Being bombarded with all the dangers of Trump, MAGA fascism, SCOTUS secular authoritarianism has done its work.
Politicians are afraid. Mostly importantly, they are afraid they can't win their elections on their own.
So, as Schiff said yesterday on tv, Biden needs to win in a landslide, so huge that it will carry all the pols down ticket. Running within the margin of error just doesn't assuage the anxiety.
And the media producers are, as always, just selling advertising. And using fear to do that. By our human nature FEAR grabs our attention. And it is attention that directs ad dollars to the media.
(45,728 posts)The last landslide I know of was 1984, Reagan over Mondale.
Have no clue what Schiff was thinking when he said that, the political climate (and media climate w propaganda outlets like Fox and Newsmax) now is that Presidential elections are close.
(2,667 posts)in her Schiff interview, first re Biden, then re Harris. should Biden step down.
And, very unfortunately, Schiff went along with her terminology. No pushback. No one had previously talked about this election using terms like winning overwhelmingly or by a landslide.
Not pleased with Schiff. He could have easily countered.
(2,667 posts)that Schiff had used the term overwhelmingly In a previous tv appearance and Kristen Welker played that before she asked her questions of Schiff on Meet the Press.
That portion of MTP wasn't shown on the clip I saw later on MSNBC.
(2,676 posts)Model35mech
(2,047 posts)The folks wanting to dump Biden mostly -need- Biden to win by a landslide so that their anxiety about down ticket candidates not being carried by enormous strength at the top of the ticket dissipates.
(1,986 posts)I lack appreciation for politics, but I'm pretty sure Democrats need to be at their best in this time. For me this means thoughtful and courteous.
Bernardo de La Paz
(52,323 posts)karin_sj
(1,153 posts)I have been disappointed in so many people that I previously really admired. But so many have stayed strong. I just hope that the Democrats will unite behind Biden when they see, without a doubt, that is what the majority of we voters want.
(1,390 posts)Get your message out.Vote BLUE.
(2,690 posts)And if something so unfortunate were to happen we could possibly have more than 8 YEARS OF THE FIRST WOMAN PRESIDENT!!!
It's a win win for a Biden/Harris ticket hands down.
(47,397 posts)especially when the other side has a convicted felon who hasn't selected a VP yet. Maybe nobody wants to be Trump's VP. We can beat that POS if we are unified.
(25,002 posts)Nixon's dirty tricksters hounded LBJ out of the race just before the Democratic National Convention, ultimately choosing Hubert Humphrey as a replacement for Johnson, who dropped--or was pushed--out of the race. The Vietnam War was the excuse and Nixon cruised to victory.
Biden is right to stay the course and resist pressure to drop out of the race just because the media is hounding him with rumors and harassment about his age. But what about Trump's age? Biden's old enough to be Trump's brother, not his grandfather. And I know why the conservative press is harassing Biden: to get him out of the way so Trump can waltz into the White House effectively unopposed, simply because Trump--the darling of the press--can't beat Biden.
(47,397 posts)Twice impeached Trump probably won't be persuaded to resign like they did with Nixon.
(564 posts)They are all trying to make sure with save the democracy.
Everyone needs to be on the same page
(32,146 posts)
(3,703 posts)to try look "fair, just, independent, non-follower, blah, blah, blah", and there are so many examples of it, that is how they got rid of Al Franken, and now they want to do it to Biden.
Can they just for once shut the f&(* up? You hear them talking about the danger that a trump presidency would be, and then they turn around to boycott the presidency of a great President such as Biden's.
WTF is wrong with these people?
(10,239 posts)1) Joe Biden is the ONLY politician in the last 10 years to beat Donald Trump (well, second by popular vote, but he WON and took the office).
2) Joe Biden is 81 years old and Trump is 78. Neither is on the underside of the actuarial tables any longer. HOWEVER - the people behind each administration are LIGHT-YEARS apart in compassion, capability and empathy for the people. Its not even close - START RUNNING "PROJECT 2025" snippets EVERY SECOND OF EVERY DAY...THAT is what we're running against, not the clown who wants to be in office to make his legal woes blow away.
3) Did we learn NOTHING from 1980? Did kneecapping President Carter help us beat Reagan? Did it do ANY GOOD for anyone not in the GOP donor base? Will kneecapping President Biden help us stave off totalitarianism now? The answer to all of these questions is a resounding "HELL NO IT WON'T!!!!"
Joe Biden is the president seeking re-election. Kamala Harris is the sitting Vice-President who needs to be on the stump every day from now to the election both touting her grasp of the administration's policies and its goals to roll back the fascist gains of the popular press's horse race coverage crews...
Biden-Harris 2024.
There IS NO ALTERNATIVE that wins for us. Period.
(16,332 posts)We have to get that out there so everyone is familiar with what they are planning. As of now, even I'm not as up to speed as I should be. I highly doubt the general voting public, especially the older ones not on social media, is even aware of what Project 2025 is. Dems have to get out there and inform the public in plain English (please, no PhD dissertation type explanation) so people know what is at stake here if they vote GOP.
(12,540 posts)More Americans need to enlighten themselves and read about Project 2025 before they continue their Joe is too old whining.
(7,723 posts)SomedayKindaLove
(1,108 posts)Despite all the chatter, Biden is actually rather strongly rallying people behind him like never before.
(4,701 posts)only with the eyes of youth (whether they are or are not actually young, themselves). You're right... tomorrow isn't promised to anyone. Not only that, but the health of today isn't promised to be there for anyone tomorrow. I had that slammed into me 30 years ago. And I think too many are looking at Joe through the images of their parents - most of whom haven't had the great immediate health care that Senators, VP's and Presidents have access to (dangling participle, I know). This conversation should come to an immediate close and everyone should rally behind our President and VP. Either that, or get ready for Project 2025, cause it's coming if democrats don't stop being in "disarray!" It's all propaganda being spoon fed to us. Recognize it for what it is, especially since the donald seems to be doing his sleepy time right now, so that all attention is on "old Joe"...!
(5,563 posts)2) There is no practical way for President Biden to be off the ticket other than the President deciding not to run and if he does so now, after releasing the letter, it will be widely regarded as the powers that be/big money class that that forced him out, and rightly so.
3) There has been damage done to the President's re-election campaign due to the fallout from an admittedly bad debate night, and I would argue the 'containment' put forward by the WH and the campaign. The President is ultimately responsible for that. However, the chattering class and some D lawmakers are extending and expanding this damage. I am not saying this damage is fatal. But in an already hard re-election fight this is something we do not need.
4) President Trump and Rs are staying (amazingly) quiet as an adage of politics is when your opponent's team is ripping itself apart, don't interrupt. 10 or so days and hardly a peep .......
5) Since the letter of today, the only viable option I see going forward is to be 'Riden' with Biden!'. Perhaps those calling for President Biden to 'gracefully exit' could have made the case that would not have damaged democrats chances to win in November. That is no longer an option. None of that is to say President Biden should have withdrawn, just gaming out the possible outcomes.
(515 posts)It's shameful and makes us look bad along with putting a lot of undue pressure on Biden.
ANYONE not for Biden is a traitor and enemy of the party.