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Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsMy Worst Day in my Teaching Career.
The bell rings, 1st period is over and the students squeeze into and through the hallways to transition to 2nd period. 2nd period was my planning period that year and my first period was especially exhausting. I always looked forward to doing some quiet work after that class. I walked over toward the window of my 3rd floor classroom that overlooks the parking lot in front of the school. My school sits far back from the road, so we have sort of a driveway. As Im looking out I see a caravan of police cars, lights on, racing down that driveway and into our parking lot. My first thought was, they must be chasing someone. I stepped into the crowded halls to tell a coworker what I had seen. At that time I heard the intercom click on and a muffled voice. I couldnt distinguish any words over the movement and loudness of life that exists in a school. I then saw another teacher down the hallway moving quickly in my direction. They yelled in repetition, Lockdown. Active Shooter.
I can still see everyones face. They all looked the same. It wasnt shock or disbelief. It was a collective look of, ok this is happening. It was only a second, but it had magnitude. The kids went running in all directions. All of us teachers were standing at our doors pulling and pushing kids into our rooms. A kid I didnt know ran past me and I grabbed his arm and he yelled at me, Im going to my second period. I yelled back, no youre fucking not. And pulled him in my room. When the hallways were clear I shut my door, pulled the shade, turned out the lights. I ordered the kids to shut up and told them Ive got you, just listen. I got all the kids to our hiding spot in the room. There were a few guys I knew and I had them help me move the tables to barricade the doors. They were all sitting on the floor, knees to chest, arms hugging their knees. I teach art so I got my class set of scissors and passed them out. I stayed standing. I whispered, no one is getting in here, but if they do Im going to kick their ass. I dont cuss at my kids, but I knew if I did my kids would know I meant what I said. The kids got out their phones and began texting with friends in other classes. If something appeared interesting to them the kid would show me their phone. we sat there in silence for 2 hours. The intercom came on and the Principal said, We are all secure, but an administrator and a police officer will be going room to room to check each classroom. Apparently they had tried to do that before making an announcement and the administrator and police officer got attacked by the students armed with books and pencils. No one was seriously hurt. The administration later acknowledged their mistake and praised the teacher and the class for bravery. After they finished moving room to room we got the all clear and told to transition to our last period classes and wed receive an email with a full account and explanation. Essentially, here it was. A student was off campus and called 911 and reported that they were at school and that there was an active shooter. Our school had no idea. One of our administrators saw police show up and moving to the doors. They went out to see what was going on and the police filed in and yelled to the AP you have an active shooter, youre on lockdown. All hell broke loose, but the leaders in my building reacted as appropriately as anyone could. All of our training went out the window bc this was like nothing we could have prepared for, but we all exercised good judgment.
While this turned out to be a false alarm, in the moment, it was real and terrifying.
This keeps happening bc WE let it happen. When WE value a tiny, and potentially imaginary, tax cut over the VERY REAL lives of children, what does that make US? The only thing that WE consistently demonstrate any sanctity for is money. Money is our Nations Northstar.
Listen, I will without hesitation do whatever is necessary to keep kids safe when they are in my care. Even. If. It. Costs. Me. My. Life. They deserve the right to go home at the end of the day, to graduate, to grow up and to have the opportunities and experiences that Ive been fortunate enough to have, but we shouldnt live in a world where someone who wants to teach children should have to even have that thought.
As democrats were on the right side of this issue, but theres more WE can do. We cant control republicans and its very difficult to change their conditioned minds. So WE have to take the lead. This needs to become our number one issue. As Kamala and Tim have said, This is about Freedom. Our kids deserve the freedom to be safe at school. Just as conservatives latched on to abortion and created a pro-life movement. We need to create our own pro-life movement, but ours will be for kids that are actually living. This isnt just this election. Like David Hogg we need to turn tragedy into purpose and stay focused.
If you love a child that sits in a classroom everyday, make THIS your number one issue and DO SOMETHING. If you love a teacher, and cant bring yourself to imagine them disfigured by bullets while huddled over a PILE OF CHILDREN, YOU/WE need to DO SOMETHING. We have a choice to make. And if we make the wrong choice, then WE have blood on OUR hands. Shut up and DO SOMETHING. If you live in or near Pennsylvania, DO SOMETHING. GOTV. Lets stop handwringing and stressing about what might happen. We know what its like to sit there the day after and wish we had done more. Leave nothing to chance. Organize and go. Our kids lives are literally depending on us to DO SOMETHING.
ms liberty
(9,907 posts)Karadeniz
(23,666 posts)summer_in_TX
(3,376 posts)Link to tweet
Eric Swallwell says it well.
(5,600 posts)they are for the killers, because the NRA keeps pouring money into their pockets.
(274 posts)Thanks for this epic description! We need to Do Something.
(43,291 posts)IbogaProject
(3,928 posts)Let the free market properly price gun ownership and gun sales risks.
(12,392 posts)We need push back.
(9,146 posts)wnylib
(25,137 posts)Include a demand for prosecution of parents whose children use a parent's gun to kill people.
Create an ad campaign in print, broadcast media, and social media. T-shirts and buttons. Marches and protests in local towns and cities, state capitals, and DC. Protests at legislators' local offices. Local discussion forums. Protests on college campuses.
Make public hall of shame lists of the legislators who vote against gun controls.
Be relentless. Refuse to back down.
Create slogans:
If you are pro life, then protect the lives of school children.
How much is a child's life worth to you?
Will you vote for someone who promises a tax cut or someone who will protect your child from being slaughtered?
(2,670 posts)At the time there was a lot of bombing and shooting violence in the Middle East and Israel. I remember telling my husband, can you imagine sending the kids off to school every day and worrying about bombings or shootings? I just could not conceive of the notion that sending my kids to school was putting them in danger. Columbine was in 99. My youngest graduated in 2000. They never experienced active shooter drills.
As a country, I believe we are truly harming our children.
(53,576 posts)Even in the schools where the little guys went, they all knew what to do. They all knew what it was about.
That is horrifying.