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Elon Musks America PAC has Republican operatives more than a little concerned about Donald Trumps ground game.
Nine Republican operatives and canvassers seemed alarmed about issues with the super PAC, which has reportedly collected a plethora of faked canvassing data, NBC News reported
d Friday.
As the PACs phony canvassing numbers were revealed, an operative close to the effort told NBC that all hell has broken loose inside the America PAC.
The PAC has reportedly received a large quantity of suspicious data from its canvassers, following reports that some had learned how to spoof their location to create the impression that theyd visited voters homes.

(7,181 posts)Start with pedos before or after all the other crooked politicians/Russian assets get theirs or perhaps concurrently?
they have their standards🤣
(19,737 posts)And now he's extended his acceptance of fake users to the Trump ground game.
Couldn't have happened to a better group of people.
(306,812 posts)I just got a Text talking about Progressive PCCC Ground GOTV in MI, PA, AZ, Etc!
(30,516 posts)keithbvadu2
(40,915 posts)progressoid
(50,929 posts)to fuck with Musk.
(8,117 posts)Musk thought running a social media site was easy and others were just making it look hard, employing too many people, and treating them too well, so as a genius, he'd obviously be able to do much better and build it into a behemoth that people would gladly allow to take over most aspects of their lives. $30-odd billion later and counting ...
Trump, the political genius, squandered most of the GOP's funds on self-serving legal fees, so there was little choice but to hand everything over to Musk to take care of.
Musk thought running a PAC and a GOTV organization was easy, and all he had to do was throw money at it, hire in some cheap labour, treat it like dirt, ramp up the hate machine, and the votes would roll in ... Unmotivated people who're being shafted by their boss tend to cut corners and fake results to meet ridiculous inhuman quotas when threatened with not getting paid, or being stranded penniless far from home. Whocoodanode?
Twitter under Musk has had negative consequences, but it's also contributed to the demise of the right as it got too cocky in its echo chamber and just thought it had to MAGA harder and everyone would be converted or crushed.
(18,062 posts)No, not just the money. TSF now has someone to blame when he gets his mammoth ass handed to him on Tuesday.
(9,043 posts)Tomorrow would be nice. 🍿
(7,779 posts)Or whenever the results are final. Nothing is ever Dolt 45's fault.
(448 posts)Everything Trump touches turns to crap
(41,118 posts)Johonny
(22,638 posts)usonian
(15,579 posts)If the loan SHARKS don't get him first.
(16,459 posts)Using technology to rip off Musk. Can't make this stuff up.
(12,996 posts)ToxMarz
(2,256 posts)jumping around like a 12 year old that just got his first boner, and all the bro voters will leap into action to save the election for Trump.
(22,622 posts)

(48,392 posts)tclambert
(11,150 posts)Somebody must have set a bad role model for them.
(18,276 posts)Wednesdays
(20,328 posts)Imagine that.
(5,035 posts)Gotta love it.
No volunteers on the MAGA side? Only mercenaries? ROFL
Ms. Toad
(35,851 posts)people who are passionate about what they are doing do a better job canvasing, phone banking, gathering signatures for ballot issues, etc. than people who are paid per door knock/signature/call.
(I seem to recall problems with signatures gathered by paid canvassers, resulting in ballot issues being rejected because of too many fake signatures.)
(121,109 posts)peggysue2
(11,566 posts)Republicans should have started worrying once the announcement was made Musk was taking over, a man with absolutely no experience in running any campaign function, let alone an effective ground game. You don't start 30 days before Election Day to successfully pull something like this off.
Billionaire incompetence! Will go down in history as the worst campaign, ever.
(523 posts)He is a world-class con man, so he has been able to raise enough money to cover the fact that all of his products come in 5-10 years late and the first 5 releases are crap. That's who he is and how he rolls. So nobody should be surprised that his first foray into retail politics is a giant F-up.
(157,466 posts)MistakenLamb
(790 posts)Made his daughter in law in charge of the RNC and gave over turnout to a pathetic little nerd who knows nothing about voter turnout and overspent billions on Twitter