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When shit goes south, MAGAts will suffer with along with us. That's 100% what I am looking forward to. They can be smug as fuck now they won. But when their lives are torn apart or ruined by Trump and the GOP fascists. I will sit there with a tub of popcorn with the biggest and smuggest fucking grin on my face. HEY MAGA, YOU WANTED TO BURN THE COUNTRY DOWN! FINE LETS BURN TOGETHER! WE ARE IN IT TOGETHER NOW! LETS BURN!

(2,675 posts)😁
(30,162 posts)johnnyfins
(1,685 posts)Beachnutt
(8,377 posts)vercetti2021
(10,427 posts)This is what they wanted, burn for it.
(16,560 posts)and the Democrats.
(5,869 posts)Unfortunately, their hate will rise for all of the minorities they already hate and blame.
(24,783 posts)JI7
(91,311 posts)how exactly is that going to happen.....
(2,226 posts)Couldnt move the needle a millimeter on this guy. So yesterday, my husband says cant wait to see how Trump solves inflation. And his friend says oh its going to take a long time probably more than the four years. Meanwhile, he blamed everything on Biden in three years.
Island Blue
(6,287 posts)When their kids are diagnosed with polio (or whatever), Ill just say Well, thats a shame. Too bad there wasnt something that could have prevented that. Oh, well. Good luck. Yes, Ive become cynical as FUCK.
(10,551 posts)About our neighbors in Montana. My mother was taking my older siblings to get the new polio vaccine that had just come out, and offered to our neighbor to drive her kids too to get the free vaccination.
Our neighbor laughed and said God would protect her children. (She was very religious, a Baptist although I dont know what denomination of Baptist.)
Her oldest daughter ended up with a leg brace for life due to disabilities from Polio, after our neighbor refused the free vaccines.
Our neighbor did not blame herself for one second. Said it was Gods will.
I do not expect any self reflection from the Trump voters.
A dear friend of my sister-law-law refused to get the vaccine for the fake China virus despite all her family and friends encouragement to get it. She died from Covid in late 2022. 🙄
(35,231 posts)hauckeye
(739 posts)C_U_L8R
(46,189 posts)...when the rest of their teeth...
(12,636 posts)TurboDem
(304 posts)Over the last couple of days I've become hardened and cynical! Let it burn! Another school shooting? Thoughts and prayers. Another pandemic? Good luck! Prices on everything soaring through the roof? I've got mine, fuck em!
I haven't watched any TV news stations since Tuesday and I plan not to anymore. I'll check in on DU every morning and every evening to see if there's anything major going on that I need to know about, but other than that, I'm done!
(10,427 posts)How darkened your heart can become knowing that evil has been unleashed and its like. This is what you unleashed, now suffer with us too. I didn't want this, but this shit has changed me for the worse now.
(36,594 posts)Blocked every news Chanel from my tv.
a kennedy
(32,764 posts)Ill miss Nicole and Rachel, but am not going back.
(15 posts)Well miss the MSNBC opinion hosts shows but well get our national news here.
(1,127 posts)I prayed last night for my 86-year-old mother to live long enough to see the destruction of our country that she voted for.
I can't watch the news right now and it's like withdrawal for a news junkie like me.
In 2016 I was energetic and marched and called and now I just can't feel it. My fellow Americans want this and I'm going to prepare myself for the coming storm and then sit back and let it happen.
(23,303 posts)Cynical? Thats too polite for how I feel about half our country.
I give up.
(2,480 posts)Its hard to give a shit anymore. This administration is going to gut the government.
Its time to take care of your own, only.
I just cant anymore.
(7,754 posts)What happens out there doesn't matter. They've nuked it all.
I have no room for the fascist adjacent.
(12,224 posts)I wont have any sympathy when they stare, bewildered, at the ashes.
(10,427 posts)When their daughters die from a ectopic pregnancy, their child is slaughtered in schools, when their 3 dollar eggs become 10 dollar eggs, when extreme weather wipes out their entire livelihoods, when they lose SS and Medicare. I told you so...but I don't care. You suffer with the rest of us now. Now live with the consequence of your actions.
(37,573 posts)a kennedy
(32,764 posts)He has NEVER EVER been held into account for anything .🤬 🤬 🤬 🤬 🤬
(91,311 posts)We need to focus on ourselves. Build support networks to help get through things.
But they should experience what they voted for.
(95,219 posts)I will ASK anyone who whines about how their life in spiraling into a pit of fecal matter, "And who did YOU vote for last election?" When they say ^%$*&, I will simply remind them that they got what they wanted, sorry about your luck, pal." and smile cynically as I walk away.
Fuck them and their trumpamerica, it's not my country anymore.
(30,162 posts)the only people who won this election are billionaires and sociopaths - and glee is not happiness, security, food, water, clean air. Love.
It won't take them far in the post-democratic America.
Though I'm not going to engage in the bitterness that would allow me to laugh at them. I'll be suffering too. We all will basically.
I don't know. I can't believe I have to travel on Saturday and it's Thursday already and I still haven't even watched Kamala's concession speech or done anything, really. This angst is deep and painful. I'm finding it hard to even comprehend where the energy to resist will come from this time around. But no, no, no: RESIST.
A few more days, 4 days doing my level best to concentrate on my sick sister and interact with my siblings for probably the last time, then back to where i live, to work, to devise whatever way I can to get that energy required to RESIST.
(1,462 posts)Healthcare, FDA, education department, mass deportation, tariffs on imports etc. What they don't realize is these people work our farms and clean houses etc the jobs no one else wants. Tariffs will increase prices. Everything is going to suffer. This sucks 😞
(10,427 posts)We did everything to prevent it. So now they have to suffer along with us. That's what is driving me now. To watch them suffer from their choice.
(867 posts)when the leopard eats their faces too. F*ck 'em.
(17,718 posts)probably put it all on Biden for the next thirty years.
I may actually be done with politics for good. Why bother if too many people are too stupid and greedy to see beyond their hatred of, well, whoever they hate at any given moment.
I'm learning hate. I can't even consider seeing my right wing relatives any time soon. I just can't do it.
And we're looking at never having another election, because make no mistake, we are on the path to actual oligarchy now.
And don't forget, he's going to let the muskrat destroy our economy for his own amusement.
(986 posts)And their followers will eat it up because they can never take responsibility for anything.
live love laugh
(14,890 posts)BlueKota
(3,830 posts)They have basically become the U.S. version of Pravda. Not watching or reading them anymore.
(6,369 posts)roamer65
(37,373 posts)Now it gives me a retributionary motivation, sort of like the country felt after Pearl Harbor.
(24,783 posts)lark
(24,526 posts)It won't change the fact that we are no longer a functioning democracy once he takes over. He and Putin plan to destrooy America, that will hurt everyone of us and change our nation and the world for the worst - especially after they start WW111 with Europe and America sides with Russia and China.
(64,664 posts)They will blame whoever their sacred orange prolapse tells them to blame, and they will never blame him.
(6,738 posts)I want them to suffer big time. I want them to whine and complain.
(3,767 posts)Im sure they will be hit the most. But also sure they will get the most and fastest fema funding. Everyday expenses will go up, they will get less everyday funding, and tfg will be signing giant red state fema checks in public acting like it comes out of his pocket.
Like Puerto Rico he will be tossing out paper towels to reporters and government officials. Not the people who actually need it. You would normally see a politician handing out supplies for a short time directly to the people affected. Even though Cancun Cruz is an idiot he went to a place handing out water and was actually able to hand out one case of water so he could get a photo op. Tfg couldnt even do that.
Lemon Lyman
(1,477 posts)First off, he'll start off with a booming economy left him by Joe. Prior to inauguration and immediately after taking office he'll take credit for (Joe's) "The best economy a president has ever done by himself when taking office...many people said this was impossible...I'm setting a new record for the best first week a president has ever had. I turned this joke of a country and fixed it before I even took office"
Then, he'll get to coast for a good while on Joe's economy before all of his shit kicks in and the results are felt. It will take too long for all of his horrific policies to be seen and felt. All the while the mainstream media will praise the current (Joe's) good job #'s and (Joe's) inflation #'s. His sycophants will claim EVERYTHING IS AFFORDABLE again, even though prices are the same as they were before he took office. Hell, gas was $2.50 in Davenport, Iowa a few days ago. The lemmings will be talking like he did that for them, ignoring that it happened during Joe's successful presidency.
But yeah, when everything gets bad it will be funny as hell. His sycophants will deny it as they're losing their homes and their cousins are being deported. I'll be laughing. Hopefully none of our people are too negatively impacted, although I'm sure that's not possible.
Evolve Dammit
(19,920 posts)and trade wars. Not to mention Medicare and SS.
(2,692 posts)of two to three (or more) SOCTUS justices by this orange hitler. The everlasting harm this will impose will be impossible to undo. They've vowed to do this and, as the adage goes, "when someone/'they' tell you who they are, believe them".
There's no going back now. And our so-called futures will be short-lived because the planet is already burning up. Why would anyone believe that humans, together with the rest of all living warm-blooded creatures on this soon to be plundered, raped and won't be burnt to oblivion.
(2,426 posts)I did my part in supporting Kamala.
(3,830 posts)I think yesterday was my depression stage. Today I am pretty sure I have hit the anger stage of the grief cycle as I started singing, "they're going to get "f..ked." I still feel horrible that people who didn't vote for him are going to get hurt too, but at least we didn't purposefully choose to stab ourselves and others in the back, like they did. It really is going to be the ultimate example of FAFO
(1,525 posts)n/t
Jimbo S
(3,027 posts)when I first joined DU.
I have many threads bookmarked from back then (unfortunately, the links are broken) stating the same thing. No sympathy for W supporters when things get bad for them.