General Discussion
Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsSteven Spoonamore, a cybersecurity analyst, posted a lengthy thread on Spoutible... accuracy alert was placed on first post, but hes been researched and he is who he says he is.
He gives a very plausible reason why the vote looks like it does. Its worth a look.
I think recounts are definitely in order.
And check your ballots if you didnt vote in person , yall.

(12,557 posts)Thanks for sharing.
(912 posts)BonnieJW
(2,718 posts)dickthegrouch
(3,925 posts)Ive never heard of him, but the premise is entirely plausible.
Im a fellow cybersecurity analyst
(912 posts)Might explain why McConnell blocked all election security reform bills.
(6,689 posts)Right now is the time to test his theory. He suggests finding precincts with whacked out inexplicable or excess vote shifts and request they be recounted. Its not necessary to do an entire recount but a limited targeted one that can yield a meaningful statistical sample. Call it quality control which is what is routinely done in testing mass produced products. I think its worth it, and the money in the recount fund can finance it. At least it would produce meaningful evidence one way or the other.
(95,253 posts)
(2,659 posts)dlk
(12,557 posts)There is much to lose.
Wiz Imp
(3,654 posts)If something "wrong" happened, the people deserve to know even if that "wrong" can not be "righted". But you should never assume anything, if evidence points to something being wrong, I sure as hell want it investigated. If wrongdoing is then proven, we deal with that when it happens. Never, unilaterally disarm and give up without a fight.
(5,173 posts)Response to albacore (Reply #6)
Chin music This message was self-deleted by its author.
(2,659 posts)Response to albacore (Reply #35)
Chin music This message was self-deleted by its author.
(2,659 posts)If you see some kind of rosy scenario coming out of this clusterfuck, please share.
The Repubs control both houses of Congress, the White House, and the SCOTUS.
Nobody with half a brain will work for trump, so his cabinet will be a clown show, and the oligarchs and the Heritage Foundation will run the country.
Other than buttoning in and trying to protect myself and my family from the trump-led worldwide economic disaster...and perhaps wars...what should my plan be?
Armed resistance? Remember, trump controls the military from 20 January 2025.
Response to albacore (Reply #41)
Chin music This message was self-deleted by its author.
(2,659 posts)Response to albacore (Reply #48)
Chin music This message was self-deleted by its author.
(2,659 posts)Response to albacore (Reply #62)
Chin music This message was self-deleted by its author.
(4,557 posts)I trust that Rethuglicans cheated because that's what they do. The math does not make any sense given the huge number of newly registered young voters who largely supported Kamala. I hope she is putting on her prosecutor's hat and doing a deep dive into what really happened. Some think she set a trap for Shitler and he walked right into it. Both he and Eloon were making some very strange comments in the days leading up to the election, and it was called way TF too soon.
Response to OMGWTF (Reply #42)
Chin music This message was self-deleted by its author.
(7,091 posts)No one is even going to investigate this afaik. Some states are challenging and trying to have provisional and other ballots- mail in and recounted and I guess compared to the digital trail or whatever. However, that has already been blocked or attempted to be blocked by R in one state.
I saw I believe 3 voters say their mail in ballots were not counted who posted on twitter, that doesnt mean there arent more of course, but those are the only ones that I saw. But I get certain things in my feed so I probably would not get a lot of that, but if you search, you may find more.
Response to Meowmee (Reply #53)
Chin music This message was self-deleted by its author.
But unfortunately I dont think it is going to happen. We are stuck with a psycho again. If it happens great.
Response to Meowmee (Reply #56)
Chin music This message was self-deleted by its author.
(7,091 posts)However, Im not sure what Im supposed to do really. I dont have any power in the party and I cant donate to them and I wouldnt even if I were able due to various things they have done which have affected me and my family severely. For nine years I watched while they meaning not just dems failed in every way to stop him and kept denying what he is- now theyre doing it all over again. I am hoping for divine intervention to get justice. If I somehow became a billionaire that situation would change probably because I could then try to change the face of the party. Of course that is never going to happen.
So I intend as much as possible to enjoy each day of whatever is left of my life and try not to focus my thoughts on the severe trauma that has happened to me from all of this and that I now have to be tortured all over again
Response to Meowmee (Reply #59)
Chin music This message was self-deleted by its author.
(7,091 posts)if there is a recount, Ill be happy about it but its going to have to be someone said elsewhere digital forensic recount, not just recounting of ballots, etc. any evidence may already have been destroyed. If there was major fraud, we know theres always some type of fraud in each election. If you dont, you must be living under a rock or very gullible.
Anyway, Im beyond putting too much my emotional energy into this. Im not doing any marches or anything like that but good luck to you and everybody else
I hope you can actually get a result.
I dont think the requirements for a recount have even been met although some have been done in some states, but there are as I said somewhere already trying to block it successfully I think in state in court. After he gets in and I believe he will, hes going to make sure that every judge in the country that he can get rid of who doesnt bow down to him will be replaced with a loyalist.
Response to Meowmee (Reply #64)
Chin music This message was self-deleted by its author.
(7,732 posts)can be exposed to the public and your highest legal entities.
(16,840 posts)I agreed back in 2004.
(73,188 posts)a 3rd party candidate and then calling those votes as they were needed.
(912 posts)Botany
(73,188 posts)We havent had a Republican as President who hasnt cheated or has been the legacy of cheating
since since Dwight Eisenhower. Nixon in 1968 told both the North and South Vietnamese to not
sign the deal that was on the table from LBJ because he would get them a better deal only to wait
to sign the exact same deal in January of 73 which made the war go on another 4+ years costing
millions of lives needlessly.
Btw as a kid in a middle class neighborhood in N.W. PA our next door neighbors brother was
Ray Shafer the Governor of PA and he was as fine of a man you would ever meet and a republican
too. For some reason he liked to talk to me when I was fishing in the lake behind our houses and play
ball with the kids too. The days of good republicans is long gone.
Response to MaeScott (Reply #21)
Chin music This message was self-deleted by its author.
Response to MaeScott (Original post)
polichick This message was self-deleted by its author.
(4,366 posts)Harris had asked for recounts in so.e areas. She surely had the money for it.
(18,088 posts)BonnieJW
(2,718 posts)I sent a text to Josh Shapiro asking what he was going to do after receiving the warning letter. I told him it's on the internet and if I know about it, many others do too.
(912 posts)At least we would know they are aware of this take on things.
(519 posts)I mean the guy sent Shapiro a letter but maybe we need to pressure these governors to do something. I think supposedly in Georgia we get an automatic recount, don't quote me.
(41,267 posts)NJCher
(38,819 posts)I keep saying Donald Trump is the worst puppet ever. He always blows it so he can appear to be the guy who knows it all. Every. Single. Time.
And you know what else? As soon as the election was called for him, I said yeah, watch. This will be another effing blowhard scam of his.
But they needed a puppet and he was the only one they had, so here ya' go.
People, ask yourselves this question. Which one of these is most likely to be true?
--Democrats are conspiracy nutcases who can't accept a loss.
--Donald Trump just did the first honest thing in his life.
Which one is most likely to be true?
(13,607 posts)if I read that right.
Trump being honest--about anything--is so laughable,
Democrats being nutcase conspiracy theorists is debatable at times. For the most part, I think Democrats are the "smart, sensible party",
who can come up with smart, sensible resolutions when they are clear-headed and do a thorough, diligent, investigation of the purported evidence.
What I know to be true right now, is this election sucks and we need to be diligent with everything.
(307,177 posts)Amaryllis
(9,960 posts)OMGWTF
(4,557 posts)It's stunning the number of comments I am seeing whereby people actually voted but are being told they didn't or aren't even eligible. It feels to me like fuckery is afoot.
(13,037 posts)proud patriot
(101,518 posts)we do need to know where nd how votes were suppressed so we can
put the light of day on it next time .
regardless of the election outcome . The info is important to gather .
(39,564 posts)the USPS tracks the mail to wherever -- a P.O. Box for some county supervisor of elections -- state voters are not told where mail in ballots actually go after they're delivered to a county election "supervisor." USPS has done its job from point A to point B. THEN what.
Please show us a way to check that isn't a dead end. I've tried.
(25,631 posts)You can in NC
NCSBE. gov
(39,564 posts)
(527 posts)I dont trust multiple persons handling my ballot and hoping it finds its way to be counted. A couple times this uear, I saw news stories of mail carriers dumping ballots in the woods. No thanks!
The three years my dad was in a nursing facility, third parties offered to collect his ballot with other residents and deliver it to the county. No way in hell! I took it.
Lulu KC
(6,707 posts)I just did. My early in-person vote was classified as absentee, and it's there as "received."
(39,564 posts)So sorry. Frustrating!
(39,564 posts)Now I've learned that they don't want me to know if they even got my mail in ballot, nevermind whether they actually counted it.
Which is why certification is to fraught with distrust, too, when it comes right down to it.
Apparently Trump had experts we don't have. Either way, the Biden administration better seriously look into this deep drop in votes.
(3,053 posts)okaawhatever
(9,560 posts)Blue Owl
(55,246 posts)
(1,497 posts)Blue_Roses
(13,607 posts)This needs a
Pacifist Patriot
(24,916 posts)There are almost double the number of register Rs than Ds and the Independents and NPAs lean right. It's a solidly red area and has been for quite a while.
It was never not going to favor Trump.
Enough of those registered Rs are registered that way because we have a closed primary in Florida and the Ds rarely have primary races of any interest or that matters more than trying to get a more moderate R come the general election.
Perfect place to commit election fraud undetected. Quite a few similar areas of FL, just the one I am most familiar with.
Folks, the Ds were the most organized, energized, and numerically supported in visible and financial ways than I have seen in 20 years.
I met more never Trumper Rs and D converts in the last 3 months than I have in 8 years. They weren't lying to me.
Do I think fraud happened? I honestly don't know. Just saying that if someone was looking for evidence, this county fits his criteria to a T!
But will never happen because there is no cause. Florida wasn't perceived as a swing state and the results aren't close.
However, if and I do mean IF, it happened in swing states, I would bet it happened here too. Friendly officials at all levels and his ego would never allow Florida to even be close.
(4,557 posts)There is so much at stake. Look, $hitler's criminal cases are being put on ice ever since the election, which was called way too soon. He needs this to stay out of prison and the other thugs he admires like Putin and Netanyahu need him to complete their bloody plans while $hitler loots our treasury.
I want a full investigation and hope someone smarter than me is on the case.
(4,013 posts)
(13,037 posts)Heck
(10 posts)Last edited Sun Nov 10, 2024, 05:25 PM - Edit history (2)
Summary of what may have happened: Trump is a Russian asset working for Putin (see American Kompromat by journalist Craig Unger or Active Measures documentary with Hillary Clinton). Trump stole election software in 2020 (see below). Starlink, Elon's satellite company was installed in voting tabulation machines across the country. In September, Politco had an investigation finding Russian malware on a state voter registration database. Also there were malicious fake texts and fake DNC organizations likely fishing voter info. Elon and Trump are working together. Elon had results of election on an app 4 hours before official counts had it. They will release more info admitting their fraud because they are a Russian asset trying to start a civil war here (speculation).
Also speculation, but please do your own citizen journalism, are reports of widespread ballot rejection, especially for signatures. There are articles claiming already that it is because GenZ does not know cursive - except the signature simply must match your driver's license. It's not a cursive writing test.
Imo Russia did a 3 pronged attack: ballot signature denials for younger leftists, especially college students; tabulation manipulation; and text fishing which especially impacted 45-65 year olds who aren't as internet scam savvy but still have access to phones and use them.
News Links
Personal Testimony from the Literal Foreign Assets Trying to Kill Us
Joe Rogan says Elon had data for election results on his phone 4 hours before official counts via a personal app
" [Melania, naked] lying on a blue carpet with the U.S. seal, as though the editors of lthe mens magazine knew something in advance about the future of their model."
They are just confirming shes their asset.
In the first minute:
"Your votes are rigged. We can win New Mexico."
"Too Big to Rig"
"If you can watch your vote counter, if we can bring God down from heaven (he's referencing Starlink), we can win this, win California, win a lot of states."
"Our little secret is having a big impact"
(912 posts)Heck
(10 posts)Galraedia
(5,255 posts)Ms. Toad
(35,894 posts)Often verbatim from our own conspiracy theorists in 2004.
Now we apparently want them back.
Isn't amazing that vote hacking conspiracies are only credible when it is our guy/gal that lost.
And, if you're checking to see if your ballot was processed, please make sure you read the terminology used by your state before screaming that your ballot wasn't counted. (Yeah. That's already happened on DU.)
(15,835 posts)Beyond Highbrow reports (from an archived post that bypasses the substack paywall)
Preliminary Results Indicates Suspicion of Yet Another Republican Stolen Election Via Voting Machines Via 6.6 Point Anomaly; Evidence of Republican Election Theft in Prior Elections
If thats true then the only possible conclusion is that there was massive Republican election fraud via voting machines in this election. I conclude that Kamala Harris won the popular vote.
more at the link.
A link in the OP to Steven Spoonamore's spoutible account is not working, but his thread is here:
Also, he is still up on twitler, and the threads are visible.