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Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsWith just yes men around Trump this round, it's just a matter of time before there is a major fuck up
He actually had some pretty smart people around him the first term. I was just listening to John Bolton and he said Trump said something to the effect of, "I wish such and such was my National Security Advisor, he only gives his opinion when I ask for it."
With the stupidest man on the planet who is losing his cognative ability quickly running the entire show this time, this is going to be a total shit show of epic proportions. Even during the Kennedy Administration the Bay of Pigs was determined to be because of a breakdown of communications because of group-think and that was an all-star team.
(11,167 posts)TommieMommy
(1,341 posts)I'm hoping someone with brains will stop him from doing too much damage but he wants total control of everything. 💩💩💩💩
(17,303 posts)This time around do not expect too many leaks from this djt White House.
It will be exponentially harder to find out what is going on in this Oval Office.
Too bad the investigative journalism of our fourth branch of government the US media is so pathetically anemic to effectively entirely nonexistent.
Fascism could really rapidly gain a strong foothold with so few constraints.
Ocelot II
(122,056 posts)All of Trump's appointees will be incompetent but ambitious backstabbers who will climb over each other to gain the favor of Dear Leader, and they'll be leaking shit about each other to get competitors fired.
(17,303 posts)I hope your assumptions are correct.
Ocelot II
(122,056 posts)Competence and experience are irrelevant, maybe even a hindrance, because people who actually know what they're doing will probably clash with him when he inevitably wants to do something stupid. So this cabinet will be even more North Korean than the last one; at first there were at least a few appointees who could feed themselves and zip their own flies. But we all remember that totally cringe episode where they went around the big conference table extolling the virtues of Dear Leader, and we can anticipate a rerun of that, only worse. Expect more 20-something former golf caddies and shoe salesmen and internet trolls along with the triumphant return of Steve Bannon and Roger Stone and Stephen Miller and Kash Patel. And before long they'll start fucking things up because they don't know how to do anything but carry golf bags or sell shoes or post Nazi slogans on Xitter, and Miller and Bannon and Patel will fight with each other while JD Vance holds their beer, and Trump will encourage them to fight with each other because he loves the chaos. If his first term was a shit show this will be a shit festival, a shit extravagaza, the apotheosis of shit. It will be the World Cup of shit. The shit Superbowl. The World Series of shit. Die Scheißedämmerung.
I can hardly fucking wait.
(2,605 posts)Pepe memes. Frogs in SS uniforms. Most of them plagiarized from r/Frenworld, for those who remember that shitshow.
I can't wait.
(20,608 posts)Toadyism is not an indicator of competence or good intentions and may be quite the opposite.
(91,113 posts)and looking to profit themselves.
Peter Thiel through JD Vance. Elon Musk. And then you will have foreign govts tryng to bribe him.
It's people looking to get what they can out of it.
One good thing is Trump appears to be getting weaker all the time so he may not be able to personally grift like before.
(37,291 posts)Woodwizard
(1,085 posts)There will be some entertainment, too bad real people will be hurt in the process.
Its going to be a shitshow of huge egos and stunning incompetence.
(2,143 posts)He will surround himself with ass kissers who are just as dumb.
He's a conman but as far as governing he is stupid.
(18,238 posts)magicarpet
(17,303 posts)... of hard chore disciplined Nazis.
Think the Federalist Society and how they quietly managed to ransack the USSC. That was the most unethical thing imaginable the way they carried that off. But if you are an evil Batman character,... Leonard Leo and the Federalist Society Team did a bangup masterful job.
Hopefully this current version of the Heritage Foundation, their Nazi Manifesto - Project 2025 is not carried out with the same level of in your face Nazi like expertise as the Federalist Society accomplished delivering the Christo-Fascist Supreme Court and the resultant horror show rulings by this Nazi court thus far dumped in our laps.
My carpets and wooden floors can't take any more puddles of vomit.