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Welp, this makes me want to die.
aaron from queens
AOC asked her followers who split their ballots either for Trump/her or Trump/downballot Dem to explain why and posted the replies:
11:55 AM · Nov 11, 2024

Link to tweet

(8,714 posts)but at a 6th grade level.
(5,055 posts)[url=][img][/img][/url]
(11,625 posts)A trained Russian KGB agent free access to our most popular social media would be a stupid thing for democracy.
But capitalism trumps democracy in the US.
Evolve Dammit
(19,810 posts)whopis01
(3,781 posts)by the Republicans is no coincidence here.
The less informed and less skilled at critical thinking a population is the easier it is to control them through lies and misinformation.
There is a good reason that Trump said I love the poorly educated
(1,572 posts)We dare not question their intelligence. That would be mean.
If their thinking didn't have such tragic consequences for us all, I would laugh. Instead, I feel exactly as Mr. Mystal does.
(65,380 posts)Putin's investment paid off for him.
Ocelot II
(122,789 posts)There's so much of it there that it must be measurable as a physical substance or force. What would you call a unit of stupid?
(39,546 posts)Evolve Dammit
(19,810 posts)dchill
(41,179 posts)"We love our uneducated."
And they love him right back.
(26,576 posts)have been examined as ...
Background: Obesity has been linked to an increased risk of dementia in the future. Obesity is known to affect core neural structures, such as the hippocampus, and frontotemporal parts of the brain, and is linked to memory, attention, and executive function decline. Snip...
So the answer to your question is closer than we may think.

(19,319 posts)Sorry, but this touched a nerve for me. The idea of blaming the stupidity of American voters on obesity is disturbing to me. Fat people get stigmatized too much already. (If that's not what you meant to imply, please accept my apologies for misunderstanding.)
If I'm reading right, this was one small study done on a cohort of only 175 subjects. In my opinion, that's not nearly enough data to be conclusive or upon which to base any assumptions about the cognitive functioning of fat people in general. Besides, I know far too many smart fat people who vote blue and far to many stupid skinny people to find this convincing. Anecdata, I know, but I can't discount it completely.
I'm sure you had absolutely no ill intentions in posting this, but I'm afraid that some could come away with an oversimplified impression that fat people in general are stupid, and I wanted to register my discomfort with that possibility.
In case anyone wonders, I am a formerly obese person who lost a large amount of weight with the help of bariatric surgery. I'm now at a healthy weight, neither clinically obese nor as thin as many would consider "ideal." I am also not one bit smarter now than I was when I was fat. I swear! (I know, more anecdata, but still.)
I apologize if I seem to be overeacting, but as I said, this touched a nerve. Even though I'm no longer obese, I still have a lot of feels about the stigma fat people live with and the way many people are quick to form negative judgments about someone who is fat without knowing anything else about them. Please feel free to ignore me if I seem to be going overboard.
Peace out. ✌
(26,576 posts)Just because I posted it doesn't mean that I agree.
There are plenty of stupid suppositions made via science. Statistics by nature are extremely susceptible to manipulation.
(3,781 posts)Alternatively you could use horses-ass power.
(54,510 posts)Solly Mack
(93,806 posts)unblock
(54,510 posts)Depressing in hindsight, sure but it does suggest that a firebrand candidate could ply these people away from Donnie.
Kamala had elements of this with the big optimism, and I think that resonated and helped pull in big crowds already.
But I get that they saw her as "establishment" while aoc is seen more as someone who challenges the establishment.
I think our next candidate shouldn't hold anything back.
That said, the real problem isn't the candidate or the campaign; the real problem is the propaganda, and nothing we do will work until we figure out how to counter it and cut through to reach the people trapped in its sinister mode of "thinking".
H2O Man
(76,139 posts)And very important points.
(11,625 posts)This is so important. The fact that Facebook allowed the Russian bots, trolls and deep fake sites back. The fact that Saudi is allowed to invest billions in our media mega corporations like Disney. The fact that Musk was allowed to buy up Twitter and turn it into a right wing septic system. The fact that a political party owns a huge media conglomerate with no checks or balances to their constant lies.
It's all these rightwing foreign influences spewing propaganda 24/7 onto our voting populace with very little push back.
Because if it was reality getting through to them, there is no way a fat, demented, malicious narcissist turn Nazi could be equated with AOC. There would be no way they could see this guy giving a blow job to a mike as being good for them and the American people.
Someone else posted that they saw Trump as just another old white guy running for president against a former VP. But what didn't seem to get through at all was that Trump is not just another old white guy. That doesn't even seem to touch their thoughts.
It's all the rightwing foreign noise spewing constantly how great a malicious narcissist is going to be for the US. While continually tearing apart his rival.
That's what has to change first but because free trade is a capitalist montra, it's never going to change.
AOC and Trump knew how to use social media.
(433 posts)Or Buttigieg & Crockett? We have our firebrands and great speakers, some of whom may be seen as outsiders or real people.
I could see value in moving away from the familiar in the future.
Not that I thought less of Harris. I wish (desperately) that she had won.
(56,842 posts)Kamala & her team ran a great campaign given the short time frame, but nobody among the Democrats right now has the ability to hold the attention of the mainstream media like Trump has done over the past nearly 10 years now. Harris had it for the 10 days to 2 weeks after Biden dropped out & endorsed Harris, but then the media swung away from Harris & Walz and went back to 24/7 Trump.
Obama in 2008 got the attention of the media because he was the first major party black candidate. He got a lot more positive attention, but far more negative attention as well, than McCain. Trump has basically dominated the mainstream media coverage since he came down that escalator in 2015 to say that Mexico was sending drugs, crime, etc to America. It allows him to drive the media narrative most days, even if it's negative much of the time. (Remember the old adage from PT Barnum - "there's no such thing as bad publicity", with the corollary from Oscar Wilde "The only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about"
Trump lost in 2020 because he was an effing disaster as president & widespread mail in voting allowed Dem turnout to surge. Obama won in 2012 because he had a good 1st term & Romney was a mediocre candidate. Bush won re-election in 2004 because of 9/11 and Kerry being a mediocre candidate.
Only Bill Clinton & Barack Obama were able to capture the attention of the mainstream media for Democrats and hold it over the past 30+ years now. Bush had it in 2000 & Trump had it in 2016/2024.
Too many Democrats see Trump's gaffes and craziness and think "don't interrupt your opponent when they're making a mistake" - but, it allowed Trump to keep the attention on Trump.
(4,772 posts)hadEnuf
(2,945 posts)And many respect them for it.
This has been a viscous street fight since the beginning and we have been playing it by the Marquess of Queensbury rules because we didn't want "to be like them". So now we are flat on the ground with aching groins.
The OP also shows that people have their heads firmly planted up their asses. We need to understand that and communicate with them keeping that in mind.
(7,251 posts)Response to Dennis Donovan (Original post)
Hiawatha Pete This message was self-deleted by its author.
In It to Win It
(9,984 posts)Last edited Mon Nov 11, 2024, 02:58 PM - Edit history (1)
(7,251 posts)In It to Win It
(9,984 posts)Passages
(1,755 posts)That and bringing it to new heights of demagoguery.
This is just too sad.
(7,251 posts)policies or positions from his garbled stream of consciousness rants... he was all over the place and most of it was bragging and stupid ridiculous lies about Dems.
Did people really just believe he built the greatest economy America ever had???? I mean if people fell for that, they are hopelessly clueless
(1,755 posts)show where he was touted as a big smart success. He had spots in movies, like Home Alone 2. You would think he would be shunned by those who should have known better. Trump was in an episode of Sex and the City, he played himself.
A successful man about town.
Sickening, isn't it?
(7,251 posts)What's just stunning is how many people just ignore all his horrible history of treating people badly and his long history of insane lying.
It is sickening.
(1,755 posts)Trump, and he despised him in a public way, but not the NBC execs.
(56,842 posts)Because his entire 4 year term in office, every tweet of his about the economy bragged about how great it was - even mediocre economic news was celebrated as amazing and awesome. And, every time a Trump surrogate was on the news and they'd bring up that day's controversary, every surrogate would say "but, isn't that economy great?"
The Clinton economy was better by every other measure except unemployment, and Biden's was better by every measure except inflation, but Trump and his media surrogates were rarely challenged, even if a Dem was on opposing them
Seinan Sensei
(828 posts)on the order of a Carnival Barker
(1,755 posts)IbogaProject
(4,032 posts)And started to get really bad from Reagan and the Bushes. The problem is America has become too sorted from each other so many don't understand what life is like for a low income person. Frankly our campaign had lots of flash and was the only one with clear policy positions but there wasn't enough clear soundbites for the low info voter. And celeb endorsements don't matter to the 40% who can't handle a $500 emergency expense even by borrowing from friends and family. I just saw a graph, our distribution of wealth here is worse than pre-revolution France. I am aware Joe has done an amazing job and was hobbled by two corrupted Senators.
(7,251 posts)People who split their ticket are already kind of flaky and/or confused
(576 posts)Trueblue1968
(18,380 posts)Easterncedar
(3,822 posts)Even smart people
(644 posts)he can want to die all he wants, those people voted.
(41,179 posts)liberalla
(10,240 posts)vercetti2021
(10,426 posts)Gaza will likely be bombed off the face of the earth and the US will burn. Good job idiots. I hope you get what you fucking deserve because we are all burning together now fuckers.