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Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsI'm going to hell for that!
Old dude (but not as old as me) in an old Dodge minivan, festooned with all sorts of Trump stickers, broke down in front of me on a city street a little while ago. He was getting out of his vehicle and waved me around. I rolled down my window and slowed to a crawl.
Need help? I asked.
Well, yes .. he sez, I could use some ..
Damn I feel good! Just the look on his moronic face was worth the price of admission to hell.

(152,848 posts)You may actually go to hell for that . . . if there were a hell.
I understand completely why you said it, but I have trouble with it. It's a tough place to be, dissing someone whose politics offend you completely, but who still needs help.
I don't know what I would have done.
(13,843 posts)If I came across a situation like that.
But I'd probably just drive by if I didn't see any blood.
Flying the bird off my steering wheel out of sight, of course.
I don't want to risk getting shot by some simply inconvenienced knuckle dragger just because I didn't show his stupidity the respect he thought it deserved.
(23,688 posts)probably what's necessary to get through.
H2O Man
(76,105 posts)I respect all members of our DU community but definitely many are more feisty than I am (on or offline) .
Unless someone actively harassed me I would have difficulty being rude over politics irl or online.
It is a thing that makes it complicated for people like me who have very strong views, but prefer to be diplomatic still when it is possible.
Not that I am judging. I dont think being judgemental works. But I prefer your style H20 Man.
H2O Man
(76,105 posts)into an already polluted environment only amplifies the collective harm.
(18,652 posts)H2O Man
(76,105 posts)if a maga person did the same thing to a human being, it would be good, because the maga person "felt good."
(17,652 posts)and they love being nasty and ugly to people.
I live among them; they are terrible to everyone.
I am fully aware of that. Hence, I do not want to be like them.
(5,167 posts)H2O Man
(76,105 posts)Stopping to insult them, however, is analogous.
(18,652 posts)republianmushroom
(18,652 posts)H2O Man
(76,105 posts)Why would I do that?
(25,183 posts)I would have told him to contact a MAGA for help, maybe text a MAGA Congressman.
Then I would have driven away. No swearing or name calling. Just a message that there is no unity between us.
(3,031 posts)The time for civility is over
(3,809 posts)is gasp "socialist!" He needs to pull himself up by his big man bootstraps and help himself.
I know we probably shouldn't be thinking that way, but I am just so tired of them criticizing the underprivileged for, "expecting something for nothing, and accepting free handouts." Yet they all demand tax breaks but will immediately scream if any of the services they benefit from get cut. They don't seem to get the government can't afford to pay its workers without collecting taxes. How is that not expecting something for nothing?
I was hired to do research work for a nearby city, as an independent contractor, and the city manager was always voicing his frustration that apparently people expected the DPW to forgo overtime, so the citizens didn't have to pay any extra taxes, but still get the work done for free. Moochers.
(58,691 posts)magicarpet
(17,519 posts)Likely to compound and multiply as the screws of Fascism are torqued tighter and tighter by the worshippers of the Beloved Fuhrer.
They earned the wrath about to befall them. How will they respond when the Nazi beast eventually bites a big chunk out of their ass on a daily basis ?
(10,646 posts)they are destined to be thrown under the bus and left in the gutter like the rest of us. They were too ignorant and stupid to look at his entire history and see that was in their future, like everyone else in his past who was used and then cast aside....
If any of them come whining to me in the future, I will simply say: "Hey dumbass, You grew it, you chew it"
Bernardo de La Paz
(52,321 posts)BannonsLiver
(18,617 posts)ForgedCrank
(2,517 posts)pretty shitty thing to do to another human over nothing more than a political bias.
Even shittier to vote for someone who has made it clear that if you get sick you can just die.
(6,644 posts)

Elessar Zappa
(16,293 posts)Bullshit! If youre a MAGA, I know you have zero morals and values that I share. Its far beyond politics at this point.
Wrong, voting for the destruction of our country was a pretty shitty thing to do
(17,519 posts)The voter for djt is entirely responsible for the hurt, pain, and suffering that will soon be unleashed on many Anericans.
The junkyard dog of Fascism has been unchained so it can huntdown the unfavorable "OTHERS" who MAGA hates and detests.
On a good day they might get a thought & a prayer - on a bad day just a fuck it - your on your own, good luck.
(8,045 posts)Do you think any Trump supporter would help you if you had AnY stickers on your car.
In Texas they would do a lot worse.
(2,517 posts)the point.
I don't act like them, but if other people insist on behaving exactly like them, who am I to stop them from doing so?
Just know that hateful crap like this only works against us all. You don't have to like it, but that's what it is.
This is not the unity that President Biden asked of us all.
And yes, I do think a Trump supporter would stop and help me. i live with these people every day, and most of them would give me the shirt off their backs if I were in need. Why? Because I'd do the same for them. That's how it's supposed to work.
(25,183 posts)from the ones in my area, and I live in NY.
If the situation were reversed, the MAGAs around here would not only refuse to help, they would do further damage to the car. Possibly to the driver.
(2,273 posts)Was there a taco truck nearby? I'd have stopped and gotten something to eat while the traffic backed up.
(25,577 posts)ForgedCrank
(2,517 posts)do. Regardless, there are a few among us who will remain civil regardless of being flogged for it by our own team members.
Blame it on my parents and my "Christofascist" beliefs. I'll live in Northern MI in a cardboard box in the dead of winter before I abandon my civility.
(25,577 posts)You go ahead and be civil to the people who take away women's rights so that they die bleeding outside of hospitals
You go ahead and be civil to those people who voted for authorities to come round up immigrant families and send them back to where they came from
You go ahead and be civil to the people who voted for politicians that will end Social Security Medicare and Medicaid so that people will starve and die
Enjoy your high ground
You call it being civil, I call it cleansing my life of toxic people
(2,517 posts)I have no prob with what you did, though driving by might have had the same effect on him (less cathartic for you).
If one wanted to say, his experience was karmic; along those same lines, you've incurred such a debt (your existence is independent of his).
(36,594 posts)Can't disagree. Still, I look at myself in the mirror in the AM.
(36,594 posts)Of good in the world. Unlike the pricks on the other side.
(28,098 posts)We'll roast together!!
(4,152 posts)But I would tell him, just wait, I'll get you another idiot from your cult to help you.
(40,915 posts)As if Trump cares about them.
He would sell them another bumper sticker.
(595 posts)MAGA assholes who voted for the arrogant, racist, misogynist Nazi recidivist Felon need to be "shunned" in society. It's B.F. Skinner's "negative reinforcement" which needs to be applied to these MAGAts -- it's all that they are capable of understanding and it is the only thing which is going to change their "deplorable" behavior. That "negative reinforcement" needs to be consistently applied until there is mass change in their social behavior. Don't socialize with these MAGA assholes; don't drink with MAGA assholes in bars; don't purchase goods from them nor from their stores nor their places of business. Shun them and shun them until they change their deplorable behavior!
(4,701 posts)I tend to agree with you... we've got to find someway to break through to them. Negative reinforcement may be one way to do it. Never had much use for Skinner until this... tho much more than I had for Bruno Bettelheim.
(595 posts)... Jesus had to beat the shit out the "money changing" Republicans at the Temple.
(25,183 posts)No physical assault.
(9,992 posts)Especially not one who advertised it. They are too untrustworthy. I would assume he had a gun and would shoot me for fun, and say he was scared. Not worth it.
(15,600 posts)This is what we all need to do given the opportunity. No more Mr. Nice Guy where Trumpers are concerned. There are plenty of Dems who we can help when help is needed.
(35,062 posts)iluvtennis
(21,025 posts)Blue Owl
(55,195 posts)LoisB
(9,321 posts)Kid Berwyn
(19,007 posts)
Fair is Fair.
(4 posts)Made my day. I will see you there. 68 yrs old and have shooting the middle finger........
(22,922 posts)On many levels.
I understand the sentiment, and that's your choice.
Personally, I would feel I was damaging myself more than him.
Disclaimer - I have had people who opposed me politically come to my rescue.
More than once.
Think. Again.
(21,282 posts)BigMin28
(1,571 posts)It's more than differing political opinions. They mean us harm this time. They want to harm this country. He deserved that FU. Magats are stupid or evil. That's the only two choices. In my book, they can FOAD.
(953 posts)I know who Trump is, what was so disappointing, she told me who she was, sitting there with her tattered worn
Bible in her hands. I dont call that a difference in political views, it tells me who you are in your heart.
(8,543 posts)isn't it? I think since they are a member of a religious cult, they easily become 45 supporters because they are pre-programmed to be cult members and follow the rest of their pack.
Those people are lost. I doubt they will ever find themselves in a place that would see the errors of their thinking. It's unfathomable to them that he is not the second coming. It's so gross.
(4,910 posts)Sometimes it's good to help, and then tell them, "a liberal Democrat just helped you. Think about that the next time you want to say something awful about us."
I'm getting ready to make a pretty good-sized donation to a Christian charity because they're specifically turning the items around for a local apartment complex that burned down. When they come to pick everything up, I'm going to tell them "I'm an atheist liberal Democrat and I'm still donating. Keep that in mind whenever your preacher or your news program says terrible things about us."
(161,510 posts)without getting the church involved?
Think. Again.
(21,282 posts)
(4,910 posts)They publicly asked that donations be directed to this charity, who would store all items for the families until they were able to pick them up.
(161,510 posts)
Response to Skittles (Reply #45)
Post removed
(161,510 posts)bunch of charletons
by the way, I help out people all the time (including 67 gallons of platelets), I just don't fall for religious bullshit to do it
(4,910 posts)The word is "charlatans." At least try to spell correctly when you're spewing vitriol based on an uninformed position.
(25,183 posts)There are LIBERAL churches in my city -- Lutheran, Presbyterian, and Episcopalian --that operate food banks or donate to them, collect clothing donations for distribution to the homeless, collect money and donations for homeless shelters, provide people with hot meals, get them set up with health care, help them get treatment for addictions, and teach people how to administer Narcan. They offer spaces for AA, Al Anon, and Narc Anon meetings.
There are also conservative churches that operate homeless shelters here.
I don't know of secular organizations here that do those things.
Think. Again.
(21,282 posts)But don't worry, it's really no big deal if he needs to find some other help somehow.
It's not like you completely destroyed his country or something.
If anything, he might actually think twice about why he shouldn't willingly vote for someone who only hurts other people instead of helping them.
(177 posts)slightlv
(4,701 posts)but man, I salute you! It's about time they started getting a little pushback from their bubble of right wing news! (LOL) Well played, sir! I don't know if I'd have had the gumption to do it... but, just wow!
(2,342 posts)Lmao, MAGAts are such lowlives.
At first I would feel bad but then I'm like, these mofos voted for a rapist felon conman who would also put our military in danger colluding with Russia. Fuck them.
(6,350 posts)
(2,326 posts)They all do.
(280,507 posts)and you sure made me laugh😀
(24,853 posts)Opportunities like this don't come around often enough, we need to prepare in advance

(6,350 posts)
Dave Bowman
(4,445 posts)And you'll spend eternity with them!
(10,411 posts)usonian
(15,601 posts)I once said SATIRICALLY that I blocked a Tesla charger space. Snowflakes got all upset.
I didn't do so BUT
I saw others doing so because the spots were shady, under solar panels, in 110 degree weather.
Muck Fusk
(2,424 posts). . . stopped, get out of my truck, walk back to him, asked if he needs help, when he says yes, tell him to call Trump, then laugh my ass off at him!!!!!
(6,699 posts)Crowman2009
(2,937 posts)You just saved your own life.
Ray Bruns
(4,921 posts)