General Discussion
Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsIf you want to make the next 4 years tolerable.
Here is my suggestion. Stop spending. The low hanging fruit is things like Tesla, Amazon, and other high dollar supporters of MAGATs. They call us the elites so let's show them the power of the purse. Save your money. Let the economy crater over the next 4 years. These people that voted on the economy will see exactly how bad the MAGATs are at managing an economy that is running up against a strong headwind. Kick it all off on Inauguration Day with a pledge to buy nothing on January 20th. We have the power if only we decide to use it. And there is nothing they can do to combat this protest. What good are tariffs if nobody is buying anything? We control the economy. Let's use that power.

(6,893 posts)Blue_Tires
(57,596 posts)2. I got nowhere to go
3. I can't leave my mom alone
4. I'm a fucking American and this is my country too... If anybody is leaving it's going to be the Trumpers
(1,111 posts)You don't run away. Dig in and prepare.
I love where I live and it is my country. I may not feel that way in a red state. NY is fairly insulated we got prop 1 passed and got Josh Riley in congress my district.
But plenty of Trumpers in my area my town is 68 percent Republican.
(12,366 posts)Because America is soon to be no more. A name doesnt confer what the American experiment is and has been.
live love laugh
(14,892 posts)Native
(6,893 posts)Envirogal
(188 posts)You think other countries want an influx of Americans coming to them, especially older ones? That is laughable.
Its just like the right wing says to all immigrants filing for asylum here telling them to stay in their country and fight to make things better. Immigration, no matter the country, is what turns people towards the right isolationist ideology.
And the grass is not greener in other countries. So go ahead. I am not leaving and will stay and fight. But dont come back if it does get better.
(6,893 posts)JohnSJ
(97,433 posts)who dont have the means cant unless they have a job ready for them in the country they wish to go to.
Will blue states be safer?
We have to wait and see, and that might be a possibility for some.
(6,893 posts)mucifer
(25,021 posts)of our federal funding. they own the federal government and it's all about retribution now. So things might in the end be better in red states.
That said, for now marginalized communities will continue to do better here.
(6,893 posts)One thing seems to be happening today - just about all the media are now on board with the conclusion that Trump's goal is to destroy our government entirely. Considering how the media normally operates, the speed of their collective conclusion is almost supersonic.
(25,021 posts)Native
(6,893 posts)Last night by the time RFK Jr hit the airwaves, I was done with cocktails and getting ready to start doing shots. I was so emotionally overwrought that the booze had absolutely no effect. I really do hope that there is such a thing as a Deep State at this point. To think that he could actually get away with this is just inconceivable.
(10,610 posts)People think the world will welcome Americans with open arms. We are not thought of too foundly.
But the fact is, Other nations will Not be willing to rapidly deplete the resources they have to immigrates fleeing corrupt nations. Water, food, land, houses, and a black hole sucking up their health care from people that never put a penny into their system. Natural Resources are gonna become less and less as climate brings havoc down on us.
Arrogant Americans think they will be welcomed in to drain those resource.
Right Wingers are world wide. And swarms of American immigrates (caravans) coming to their countries, bringing, disease, drugs, rape, crime and worship of guns will be pounded into the heads of native citizens.
Some need to step down off their pedestals and realize we may not be as welcome as they think we will.
Most will be, are consumers, not producers, and provide nothing but a drain on their country.
(97,433 posts)goodluck, while most of us need to figure out how we will manage the situation because we don't have the luxury to post and run.
(10,610 posts)Can just go and live off of SS, maybe a retirement plan from a Corporation, state or federal retirement.
This will ALL be gone. State and fed budget cuts will end those, and with the Corporation rule, they will end all their pensions and pocket that. But the Gaetz AG will protect us from that
(6,893 posts)I've been fighting for a hell of a long time. Due to my last name, I also could run the risk of being deported, and I have family members who run the risk of being targets of hate crimes. And I'm sure I'm not alone by a long, long shot. You're making the assumption that everybody should stay and fight. I'd like to see you try that logic on the people who are risking their lives everyday to make it to the United States. When things get bad, not everybody has the luxury to stay. And from what we are seeing on an almost hourly basis in the news, things could get really, really bad here for a lot of people.
(97,433 posts)have dual citizenship, which is a luxury most of us don't have.
You are the one making the assumption that I am saying everyone should stay and fight.
What I AM SAYING is that most people in the U.S. do not have the means or the qualifications to emigrate to another country. The fact that you have dual citizenship gives you an advantage right there. Most countries do not open their doors to everyone unless they can demonstrate they have the means to support themselves and special qualifications that would contribute to the country they are going to.
It isn't that they "don't have the luxury to stay", it is they don't have the luxury to go.
If you don't understand that, then you are being quite naive.
(6,893 posts)By not having the luxury to stay I was referring to the people who leave everything behind and risk their lives and their children's lives to leave their countries for a better life elsewhere. They didn't have the luxury to stick around and see what would happened. And if Trump has his way, and he turns the military on us, how much fighting are you going to be capable of doing?
Trueblue Texan
(3,157 posts)...I still have the same rights I had before, so I am in a bit less danger than younger women. I may be older and less energetic, but I'm going to stay and fight for my our daughters and granddaughter with what I have left, the same as my mom did, and the same as I did when I was younger. I will not roll over and let them take my country. I will stay and fight as much as I can.
(2,419 posts)There won't be room for all of us elsewhere.
The country won't recover if all the sane people leave.
If the country doesn't recover, fascism will show up everywhere, evenually.
America created this and America has to turn this around. For the sake of the world.
(6,893 posts)from all the DUers who say they have no sympathy for all the people who voted against their best interests, that they're just going to sit back and watch them get deported or imprisoned or lose their benefits? Now these same people are advocating staying and fighting for them and potentially putting their lives and their livelihoods on the line for them?
If Trump is successful, fighting won't be bloodless.
(2,419 posts)Last edited Sat Nov 16, 2024, 01:07 AM - Edit history (1)
I'm just being practical. At some point the doors will be closed to us. This is too big a country for the world to absorb half of us.
We'll lose the same amount of benefits whether here or abroad.
The fighting won't be bloodless but I suppose most of us won't be on the front lines and can choose not to be.
I fear for our leaders, but I will fear whether here or abroad.
I've never face a situation in my life where I felt so helpless.
(32,377 posts)about who creates jobs. He argued it was the rich man. My argument was the rich man is just a capitalist who is profiting from consumer demand. The consumer creates jobs.
(25,295 posts)(if he's rt-wing). He's an acquaintance.
(32,377 posts)first grade in 1957 and grown old together.
(3,501 posts)It's ok. I think it's crazy to make assumptions
(10,945 posts)is to bubble-ize and antagonize one another further.
(1,715 posts)Here is a rebuttal I use effectively.
Let's exile all of the owners to one remote island, and all of the workers to another.
Who would be more likely to survive? Which group would you rather be in?
(11,514 posts)Why fuck it up with a bunch of THEM?
(32,377 posts)Tickle
(3,501 posts)the engineer who designed the bridge to connect the working man to the owners
A joke? I assume so.
(2,247 posts)why is there no snowmobile dealership in Miami? Surely this is a golden opportunity for a rich person.
(3,501 posts)Nigrum Cattus
(383 posts)Emile
(32,377 posts)Without demand, no jobs.
live love laugh
(14,892 posts)spooky3
(36,932 posts)Nigrum Cattus
(383 posts)Exp
(130 posts)business proposal partnership or on their own unless they have a strong sense of consumer demand for the service or product that they are going to offer for sale. The other consideration is WILL THE CONSUMER have the money to buy such goods.
In one sense, poor people are better for the economy than the wealthy b/c poor people have to spend every penny they have just to live.
And beside, all monies trickle up to the owners / investors. The wealthy get their money either way.
(47,686 posts)Servants, I guess. Plus, they give yacht companies business. How many people hire thousands of workers? Nobody. Businesses create jobs when they hire workers, but not when they buy back their own stock.
(32,377 posts)wryter2000
(47,686 posts)Eom
(19,386 posts)wryter2000
(47,686 posts)It's easier to type than nt
(11,645 posts)How do you get food?
I farm . So, I can raise my own food. But most people don't.
Then you have to buy clothes and cleaning supplies. I could probably not buy anything for about a month. Maybe 2 months at the most.
Joe Nation
(1,050 posts)That's all. Get by with just the essentials.
(29 posts)You reminded me of quiet quitting.
Now, quiet consumption.
It won't work and I can argue why B2Bs, B2Gs, G2Bs contracts will contain cleverly constructed clauses that will require obligatory purchases of some sorts, obligatory corporate team-building themes that invoke consumption via acquisitioning etc.
Evolve Dammit
(19,971 posts)ALBliberal
(2,922 posts)need to be comfortable? Can an old jacket suffice rather than a new one? Do we need a new set of towels? Can we eat at home more? We are having to replace a 20 year old dryer thankfully we are doing it now rather than after Jan 20.
I type these things more for myself because consumerism? I am very caught up in it and I know I will need to retrain myself regarding own spending habits. So I dont mean to lecture.
Dark n Stormy Knight
(10,160 posts)Most newer versions of things are lower quality at a higher price.
(24,906 posts)It will likely outlast any new one.
(64 posts)I have been buying clothes at second hand/ Goodwill stores for many years, mostly for recycling/environmental reasons. But it robs the big retailers from sales. And I have found plenty of designer stuff-Liz Claiborn, etc., for only $5 each.
Stock up as much as conveniently possible before Jan 20, then we all cut way back as much as possible starting Jan 20 -I like it!
Nigrum Cattus
(383 posts)It's don't buy anything you don't NEED. Not, don't buy anything.
Also, if there are tariffs on all imports we won't be able to buy
many things anyway.
(85,167 posts)And pet food if you have pets, plus gas for your car or money for basic transportation.
Just no splurging if possible. And for Christmas, gift YOURSELF to your loved ones. Treat 'em to lunch, or take them to a really nice park or beach or forest-y area, for a walk. Or walk their dog for them once or twice a week. Or if you have a baking specialty, do THAT!
Think THE ESSENTIALS. It'll be the gesture itself that will matter most.
(1,312 posts)Need my Xanax. Lots of Xanax.
Seeking Serenity
(3,116 posts)mr715
(1,312 posts)The xanax does wonders for making the feelings go away.
Seeking Serenity
(3,116 posts)mr715
(1,312 posts)You've given me pharma-guilt. I'm gonna need a xanax.
Seeking Serenity
(3,116 posts)a kennedy
(32,778 posts)
It is a particularly addictive and potent one, so should be respected. But I like making jokes about it too. And it definitely does its job at inducing a sense of gentle wellbeing and sleepy calm. Spiritual successor to Valium...
a kennedy
(32,778 posts)
(3,968 posts)Guess I picked the wrong month to give it up.
(122,093 posts)on youtube, in honour of the first TRAITOR** reign of terror. Even more apropos today.
(6,361 posts)mom who messaged her doctor and got a Xanax prescription the day after the election 🤣
(122,093 posts)Ponietz
(3,421 posts)Its a hypnotic.
Both! It can enter the rotation.
I've tried kava for sleep before, I don't remember how I reacted. I think it was tea.
(17,588 posts)1.) At the ballotbox,...
2nd.) At the cash Register.
Vote accordingly.
Bleed the billionaires of any income as best you can,... especially if they support fascistic governance.
(57,177 posts)Even in "socialist" countries, they have currency that is used to buy things on a discretionary basis. If you live 50KM from your job and there is no public transportation, even if you ride in on your horse, the horse need to be sheltered, watered, fed and shod. If emulating Bobby Sands is something you consider effective, by all means go for it. There are other ways, though, and most are considered more effective, even if they involve spending money. Just keep an eye on what you spend it on.
Joe Nation
(1,050 posts)Look, I'm not suggesting everyone never buy anything again. Just put off the major purchases like new furniture, new cars, new big screens, etc. We all have to buy groceries. We don't have to buy big ticket items in most cases. Buy only what you absolutely need. It's 4 years. Think how well off you'll be with all those savings.
(5,980 posts)Care to elaborate?
(2,494 posts)it's all going to happen anyway. it's their nature to bring the econ down.
Evolve Dammit
(19,971 posts)BannonsLiver
(18,648 posts)BlueTsunami2018
(4,151 posts)I want to keep my house and I want it to increase in value. I want my retirement funds to keep growing. I want to be able to enjoy the fruits of the labor that Ive spent thirty plus years building.
Look, I hate these people with the fire of a thousand suns and if they enact these insane policies theyre probably going to fuck the economy hard but I dont wish for that to happen. Theres going to be enough misery to go around without me to trying to create more of it.
Im not old but Im not young enough to have a burn it all down and well fix it ten or twenty years later mentality. Im not interested in eeking out an existence to prove a point.
Joe Nation
(1,050 posts)Pain is inevitable but democracy is worth the sacrifice.
Evolve Dammit
(19,971 posts)
(155 posts)Bonx
(2,275 posts)And make it 4 years!?
(550 posts)This kakistocracy of clowns has no idea what the fuck they're doing, and Elon Musk's plan to imitate Milei is only going to exacerbate it.
(35,241 posts)The same goes for cable news, including msnbc. They are not our friends
(9,926 posts)and Medicare.
(26,314 posts)to wreck the economy far more than we ever could.
If they do this Bitcoin insanity those dollars won't be worth spit anyway so better to squeeze what value we can out of them.
Plus, they will crash the Bitcoin in the process too.
Might be wise to look at precious metals while they crash a bit or land or even long term food stores.
Evolve Dammit
(19,971 posts)Aviation Pro
(13,866 posts)Let these fuckers try to operate without their interest free loans.
(11,514 posts)We sell rocks and jewelry. Yep. Probably stuff nobody needs, but at the same time, it's been modestly profitable this year. Sure, it's a side hustle for him, but at the same time, it makes money for both of us. Do you want folks like us to go broke?
Joe Nation
(1,050 posts)Your business might even benefit from a general decline in the sale of Walmart crap.
(26,641 posts)I encourage everyone to watch this.
Post-Election Mass Call: Making Meaning of the Moment
Donald Trump will be returning to the White House. It's up to us to build the movement that will fight for each other.
Join with members of 200+ organizations as we make meaning of the moment, lay out concrete actions, and share thoughts on the path forward.
Because giving up is not an option.
WFP is a progressive grassroots political party building a multiracial movement of working people to transform America. Text WFP to 738674 to join us.

(7,091 posts)To think you can live for the next four years and not purchase anything. And crashing the economy is not going to help the situation. Its going to hurt everyone and make things much worse, so no to this.
I cant afford a Tesla anyway and I would never have bought one if I could. I remember when people here used to say em is a genius etc. I laughed, I knew hes just somebody with money who pays other people to do things. He has no original ideas/ inventions etc. and no major talents, and is certainly no genius. In addition, he was obviously a fascist. But he had quite the cult following here and elsewhere
Joe Nation
(1,050 posts)This has been addressed.
(71,889 posts)Hotler
(12,662 posts)if you're not spending, you're saving and sticking it to the man. I understand many have no money not to spend.
(5,445 posts)Find and buy from businesses like Penzeys.
Stock up now so you can minimize spending in the entire month of January (which is probably a low spending month, anyway, cause of Xmas) and into February or even March if you can. Or spend through 1/19/25 then stop on 1/20 for as long as you possibly can.
Patronize local businesses owned/run by individuals from marginalized communities (I'm thinking of that restaurant run by Haitian immigrants in Springfield).
(6,377 posts)My current car is fifteen years old and starting to show its age. I normally take six to nine months to purchase a car, but this time I'll have the new car before Christmas.
Then I will slow the unnecessary purchases to a crawl.
(39,250 posts)... and look out for the welfare of my family, friends, and community as best I can. My social support network goes both ways.
I've been boycotting industries I find especially pernicious all my life, it's something I learned from my parents. I don't do it as any kind of effective protest, it's mostly it's about my own conscience.
The smallest environmental footprint I ever had, a time when I was boycotting damned near everything because I simply had no money, I was living in my broken down car in a church parking lot. I upgraded from that to the garden shed of a PTSD Vietnam war veteran, but neither of those are lifestyles I would promote.
Republicans crash the economy so their billionaire friends can buy stuff for cheap. Then they profit when the Democrats pick up the pieces and put everything back together again.
I'm weary of these cycles.
The "average voter" in the U.S.A. hasn't seemed to notice yet that every Republican president starting with Ronald Reagan has been some kind of meat puppet for the sociopathic billionaire class.
(45,365 posts)Last edited Fri Nov 15, 2024, 12:07 PM - Edit history (1)
a new appliance, a piece of furniture, a new coat, winter boots, etc.get it NOW if you can before Trump craters everything.
(1,484 posts)I'm planning on only buying what I need to survive this crap. Gonna be a hard 4 years to get through 🙏🙏🙏🙏
(300 posts)sincere understanding for you from a Florida resident too. Only because my older father died when I was 6 do I understand how tough your "social security" situation is. Don't "suffer in silence". Since I moved here from GA, I have had ups and downs and learned there are lots of help, assistance and support in various individuals and groups within Florida, especially some very helpful with the elderly population ( I am in Sarasota area) Check them out and take all the help you can get from them as needed. as one simple example, I live near a street where a surplus meal program passes out food weekly and one thing I know for sure, there is a long line of people and cars pass by my street every single week. Oh, and by the way, if I have any issue with any local, state or federal agency or representative, I let them have it and often, they get results if we raise enough hell. Thinking of you, my friend.
(1,484 posts)ToxMarz
(2,256 posts)I definitely will put off any higher dollar non-essential purchases. Already been trying to avoid buying on Amazon. I use it to identify products, then look for them elsewhere or direct from product maker. Not really a fan of buying used, but maybe give it a try for things I need but can't put off. Maybe a less expensive and good enough item to tide me over.
Blue Full Moon
(1,700 posts)All of our money will be worthless. The promised hardship for Americans.
(24,533 posts)I, however, will not make myself miserable just to hurt him - I will continue my pot buying because my anxiety and inability to sleep.
We also just moved and our old furniture doesn't look good in our nice new house so we definitely need to upgrade. We're trying to find one we like and purchase it before he takes office. In fact I'm going shopping in a bit for some stuff I put off buying but need.
Once he takes office, we plan to have our big purchases done so we can NOT contribute to any good tsf #'s.
Response to Joe Nation (Original post)
Name removed Message auto-removed
(7,295 posts)Pepsidog
(6,326 posts)Next Turkish shows which are over 2 hours long and have hundreds of episodes.
(6,843 posts)Mom and pop small business supporting democratic causes. It's been easier than ever.
The loud and proud signs pointed my route for 10 years of this jerk running for office.
(2,028 posts)Tesla at the top of the list.
Identify oligarchs, then what they own or profit from. It needs to be coordinated.
(5,173 posts)kimbutgar
(24,168 posts)I was going to get my kitchen remodeled but have given up the project. And I plan to spend more at farmers markets and swap meets. No more amazon purchases. I have prime but my husband loves to watch the streaming part.
And if I travel anywhere itll be within my state or another blue state or. Europe. I am stuck going to Arizona because my mother in law lives there but outside I wont be buying anything else there.
(29 posts)Two years midterms.
(5,039 posts)I'm broke, I mean overdrawn and no money coming in.
I'm all in. Jan 20th I'll try and not buy anything. If they haven't closed my bank account.
A customer for 25 years and for 15 bucks, they will send it to collection and close my account.
Living the dream.