General Discussion
Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsI was just with my very Liberal family for Thanksgiving in Massachusetts.
5 of us. I'm the oldest. I have two brothers and two sisters.
None of us could discuss politics.
I'm wondering if we all have PTSD?
I feel like the whole sane population of the US does.

Clouds Passing
(3,503 posts)Delicious food, beautiful table, excellent company, It was delightfully pleasant and fun
(1,177 posts)Avoiding political anything, for now
(24,292 posts)bucolic_frolic
(48,412 posts)We have a window of opportunity right now.
Trueblue Texan
(3,137 posts)I did accept the position of secretary for the county Dem party. I dont even know how to begin to breathe political air again, even after being a lifelong dem. Stepping blindly into the future at least thats how it feels as this world now seems completely foreign to me.
(38,958 posts)We're all depressed.
(52,538 posts)And I am not kidding at all.
(1,647 posts)It is not depression. It is trauma.
(8,158 posts)Armed combat is not necessary to give someone PTSD. Of course with unarmed combat the symtoms are different - which is a good thing. There is never a time when it would be good for the country for a bunch of liberals to shoot themselves.
(6,859 posts)Usual emails from one, but he doesnt always reply right away and hes a lot older. And an email from another just sent the borowitz explanation of how psycho could win again or something like that. I have not heard back from her thoughts. But shes not really good at replying to emails so I have to call her. Otherwise its just me and my brother and we have talked about various things and my cats of course who I talk to, but Im trying to keep them calm because me being upset does not help them.
(2,161 posts)Interesting, I never thought about it until you brought this up, but except for one comment by yours truly, politics was never brought up!
We were all enjoying the moment, why downgrade it with such.
So except for moi, COOL!
(4,018 posts)Kind of a rare thing. Not for Thanksgiving, but for my mom's (our Matriarch) Birthday. We are all basically Liberals.
Me, Mom and my Cousin talk politics all the time, but at this dinner with his 2 boys (and their girlfriends)... we all abstained from politics.
For me it was kind of weird. I have this sarcastic inside voice constantly going on about (doom gloom TSF, etc) that I had to make sure didn't come out. It would ruin things for everyone else, who seemed to be having a marvelous time.
Edit to add: That sure does make me look at myself.... maybe I am making myself miserable with all these politics. I feel weary of it all.
(9,839 posts)When Vance said "no fact checking" during his debate, we learned that debates are meaningless. And that goes for discussion. BS is no way to run the world.
(138,087 posts)LT Barclay
(2,815 posts)Two very progressive siblings, plus nieces and nephews, and conservative but T***p-hating parents. We agreed up front that politics would not be discussed. The closest we came to a political discussion was comparing the severity of our insomnia since election night.
(30,139 posts)have for some time. on the right, i think it's mass sociopathy. We're a sick nation and I blame, primarily, republicans.
Prairie Gates
(3,956 posts)Not a single person there had watched a minute of news since November 6. We were all talking about our other activities: reading novels, watching shows and documentaries, various exercises and hobbies, travel.
People are fucking done with it.
(43,858 posts)We never talk politics.
(11,693 posts)There were 14 adults and young adults all of voting age.
We are all politically minded. This was the first Thanksgiving where no one wanted to " go there".
(688 posts)Response to sellitman (Original post)
Name removed Message auto-removed
(6,361 posts)Would you like to pre-order your pizza now, or wait until later?
(3,397 posts)Evolve Dammit
(19,769 posts)KT2000
(21,132 posts)and we are dealing with a shift within ourselves. How could half the population of this country have such different values? I don't know about you, but I thought we all shared basic values. Now we know that so many think so differently - and with such hate.
(11,693 posts)My friends who voted for him aren't real friends.
That hurts the most.
(4,323 posts)All HATE Trump.
I told my wife before they all came, that I wanted to get all of the Harris/Walz signs, as well as the Biden/Harris signs out of the shed and put the around the dining room. We could make believe, in just that room, that Kamala won the election!
Wife said no.
OAITW r.2.0
(29,270 posts)Losing to Bush/Cheney sucked and blew up the ME. Project for a New American Century:.
Now it's Project 2025. Will this be the future? IDFK.
Different Drummer
(8,957 posts)Haven't watched any local or cable news since 11/6.
(3,971 posts)I don't dwell on the loss on November 5th, and can take news only in short increments and not every day.
(9,774 posts)Were all liberals and all still in a state of shock I guess. I know none of us want to talk about Trump. Weve had our fill of him.
(29,309 posts)JI7
(91,260 posts)before we can really start to discuss things again.
I think it's also best to focus on ourselves and doing what you need to make life easier for you.