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Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsAnyone Care to Wager How Long It Will Take?
How long do you think it's going to take for the pitchforks to come out once...
1. the effect of havinbg lost Christmas bonuses really hits home.
2. they see what a 25% universal tariff does to inflation.
3. they to lose their healthcare and get priced out of the market for their medications.
4. their children no longer have IEP's or 504's or school lunches.
5. an entire segment of the workforce is deported and we're facing...
A) astronomical prices at the grocery store and food shortages.
B) construction coming to a grinding halt due to not having the workers.
Yeah, MAGAt's Fucked Around, and now, they are going to Find Out!
Most of us have MAGAt's in our families or among our friends, whether you continue interacting with them or not is entirely your choice. Each case is different. Some are redeemable; some are not. It's up to each one of us to discern what we're willing to put up with for our own mental and emotional health. Whatever you decide, no need for apologies.
I just want to send everyone on DU warm wishes and support for you to do what you need to for your own peace this holiday season.

(35,780 posts)
Dave Bowman
(4,483 posts)airplaneman
(1,295 posts)And will never be great again after T leaves office. Do I need the sarcasm thing?
(85,133 posts)bucolic_frolic
(48,477 posts)Plunder was a goal of Nazi Germany. Passing stole loot up the financial and political hierarchy.
(4,754 posts)RainCaster
(12,075 posts)They will remain convinced by Faux News that it is the fault of the Dems. There will never be that moment of introspection that any intelligent creature would have.
Oopsie Daisy
(5,175 posts)* that MAGA still needs to root-out the "deep state" that's sabotaging Trump's grand plans.
(11,098 posts)Dem4life1234
(2,401 posts)Supporting this nutjob.
I just can't!
See, I can forgive them for 2016, cause he was like a shiny new penny, a reality show character.
But now? Nope.
(17,669 posts)almost all of the special needs kids at our school are the children of MAGAts. They are going to be shocked when there are no services for their kids.
And they won't have anyone to blame but themselves.
(1,437 posts)kimbutgar
(24,066 posts)And Im afraid for his future.
I am a substitute teacher and schools are overwhelmed with children who need help and will those programs and aids that help them be defunded.
That said Im surprised that any parent with a child with specials needs would vote for the orange Hitler after its on video he mocked a special needs person
(2,180 posts)autism for a number of years. I don't know the particulars, but she travels to their homes vs. in-school, or perhaps a combination of both. She recently went through a divorce and moved several thousand miles away for a new job, doing the same thing.
She is very concerned about spending cuts that could take away this greatly needed service that she and so many others provide, and the impact it will have on those they are helping.
Until the epidemics start without vaccinations. I can remember whooping cough. Kids making a funny coughing sound as they turned blue, gasping. Some kids not only breaking out in a rash from measles, but also some may lose some hearing or eyesight. Mumps turning into meningitis and death.
(6,646 posts)When vaccine was offered in our little town, my Mom had us at the beginning of the line to get the vaccine. And then we were in line for smallpox, diphtheria, tetanus, etc. We had already had the following diseases: measles, mumps, pertussis, rubella, and chickenpox.
(40,915 posts)
(2,828 posts)I had all of those, including polio as a boy in post-war Hungary. I'm very hard of hearing, still have nightmares about whooping cough, and I have a gimpy walk from polio. The Soviet Union wasn't really big on vaccines, even for the families of nomenklatura.
(12,075 posts)As well as some special needs teachers. Some will be more screwed than others, but their kids will get hit worst of all.
(295 posts)When they disband the Dept of Ed, you just know Texas isn't going to make up the funding shortfall. She will likely be able to find work in a normal teaching position but those students and those who have to care for them will be in for a rough time.
(19,388 posts)About lost wages.
About high grocery prices and low supplies.
About runaway inflation.
About high Unemployment.
About the lack of educational opportunities.
About the loss of Freedoms and Rights that were taken for granted.
About the loss of jobs.
About the lack of affordable medications.
About failing Infrastructure.
And on down the line. My response will be as I too suffer..."This is WHO and WHAT you voted for! You thought that all of this would 'own the Libs!' YOU THOUGHT WRONG!"
COL Mustard
(7,166 posts)That the government is just another reality show. It ain't. We have the tanks, the troops, the FBI, the IRS, and oh yes, the nukes.
(10,675 posts)mindless, brainwashed, ignorant cult members it was Biden's fault....AND he was left with it, and it may take some time for even him to straighten things out......Giving him more time to destroy America and obliterate the economy before some of them get wise.....
All the MAGAots I have observed since the election, are acting out even more, and emboldened.....especially when driving in traffic.
Like their Mentor/Leader, they think they are invincible, like never before........They STILL have no idea/clue that they are gonna get creamed just like us libruls.
not fooled
(6,154 posts)his delusional cultists will NEVER admit they were wrong, or that he isn't invincible.
Besides, as long as they get their quota of watching brown immigrants get tormented, they will be fulfilled.
(65,568 posts)It is up to a free press to show the people who voted for Trump to see how his policies have FAILED his own voters. Forget the libs and queers all the haters hate, when they turn around and see THEY are the ones whose "ox" is being gored. It will only go for just so long, when the Dems have long been out of power and all that "bad stuff" is taken away from the avid Trump voter. Stuff they need! Meds they need!
Unfortunately, we will all be hurt. My husband is one whose diabetes is being helped due to a med I just hope Trump's people won't price us out. I am worried sick about it.
(92,333 posts)Wiz Imp
(3,485 posts)LONDON The British public would vote by a sizable margin to rejoin the European Union if a new referendum was held, according to a nationwide poll.
The YouGov survey, carried out more than eight years after the U.K.s Brexit vote, finds public support for rejoining in a hypothetical new referendum stands at 59 percent, with 41 percent saying they would be against joining the EU.
Brexit has completely failed for UK, say clear majority of Britons poll
Just one in 10 believe leaving the EU has helped their personal financial situation, against 35% who say it has been bad for their finances, while just 9% say it has been good for the NHS, against 47% who say it has had a negative effect.-----(snip)------
Ominously for prime minister Rishi Sunak, who backed Brexit and claimed it would be economically beneficial, only 7% of people think it has helped keep down prices in UK shops, against 63% who think Brexit has been a factor in fuelling inflation and the cost of living crisis.
The poll suggests that seven and a half years on from the referendum the British public now regards Brexit as a failure. Just 22% of voters believe it has been good for the UK in general.
(92,333 posts)Ocelot II
(122,783 posts)though once it gains momentum it really piles up. By November of 2025, if the deportations and tariffs have been accomplished as promised, inflation will be too noticeable for Trump's fake government to cook the books. There won't be enough workers to harvest summer and fall crops, so food will be more expensive. Produce imported from Mexico will be more expensive, too. Black Friday sales will be down because people won't be able to afford the electronic toys and other things imported from China. The announcements about Christmas bonuses or the lack of them will have been made. Schools and universities that rely on federal funds might not be receiving them this year, so services and programs will have been cut. College tuition will increase when federal education funding is cut, and the student loan forgiveness program will be gone. Housing and construction costs will be through the roof; wood needed for home construction that's usually imported from Canada will be more expensive, and there won't be enough workers to build houses anyhow. People who can't afford to buy houses will have to rent, and the demand will drive rental costs up. And so on.
Get ready with your "Don't Blame Me, I Voted For Kamala" t-shirts. Might consider giving them as Christmas gifts next year. Maybe even this year.
(2,564 posts)MineralMan
(148,428 posts)Frank D. Lincoln
(894 posts)The scenario you painted is entirely plausible, but I think things will be a lot worse even than that.
Tens of thousands of civil service workers being fired. Musk and Ramaswamy imposing their draconian DOGE budget cuts. The loss of FICA protection on our savings. Employers being empowered to stop paying their workers overtime pay. Veterans benefits being slashed. A crackdown on unions, worker pay, and fringe benefits. The loss of the Affordable Care Act. The return of pre-existing conditions. The privatization of Medicare and massive denials of claims. The gutting of Medicaid and food stamps. Medical bankruptcies soaring. People dying because they can't get access to healthcare. Tax cuts that are going to raise the national debt even higher. The stock market collapsing. Life savings wiped out. Eventually a recession if not a full-blown depression.
All of that calamity (plus what you mentioned) with an autocratic, sociopathic, treasonous convicted felon at the helm who's controlled by Putin and with a Cabinet that'll function like a wrecking crew. All thanks to Trump voters.
(92,333 posts)Silent Type
(8,140 posts)LastLiberal in PalmSprings
(13,071 posts)and George Soros for his failing to accomplish any of his promises to the "common man" that worship at his feet.
And they will raise their eyes from their dog food meals, ignore their own children's cries from hunger, and watch their friends' children die because they aren't vaccinated against common childhood diseases which had been virtually exterminated. Then they will join the chorus of GOPers calling for a third T***p term.
(91,283 posts)it's our job to tell them they DID vote for that . It was clear to anyone this would happen and it was their own fault for excusing what was right in front of them and their hatred for others which got you to vote for him.
(9,674 posts)Idiots.
(2,664 posts)Anyone remember that? One of Trump's MAGA chuds complained that she got conned in a New York Times article.
(398 posts)The GOP does not want to be a part of Healthcare Without Clean Water to Drink, Industry for Goods, Safe Food Handling Laps, Galvanized Pipe Feeding Water from City water supply Health book on Heavy metals, something to read up on. How did the Roman Empire end?
(13,365 posts)this is Biden residue.
(145 posts)
and have basically resigned myself to grabbing the popcorn and gleefully watching as various Trump-voting morons get creamed by Oranginas policies
I am laser focused on maximizing my personal arbitrage opportunities in this situation
. Bad for the planet and my kid, but hey, guess we are all on the crazy train now.
(1,215 posts)And the "deep state", and immigrants, and communists, and gays, and George Soros, and feminists, and the media, and...
Ars Longa
(51 posts)LymphocyteLover
(7,244 posts)uponit7771
(92,333 posts)DBoon
(23,411 posts)because that is where all right wing conspiracies end, and have ended for hundreds of years.
(100 posts)..with the Democrats. Trump will tell them it's Biden's fault or whichever Democrat or liberal he hates the most at the time.
100% of his followers will believe him.
There isn't ever gonna be a time when Trump supporters will be sorry they voted for him. That isn't the way cults operate.
(12,075 posts)Remember those Biden stickers that the MAGAts would put on the gas pumps? I want to see those with the Orange Jesus on them. I would put them all over the grocery stores and gas stations.
(186 posts)I'm hoping this happens. However, I also see a strong possibility that Cheeto Benito and his minions will frame it in such a way to make it liberals'/ Democrats' fault. And since Trumplicans believe every word from his facial sewer pipe, they'll buy it without question, leading to the real potential for violence.
I PRAY that I am wrong.
(60,158 posts)AllyCat
(17,444 posts)alfredo
(60,158 posts)Youre on your own motherfuckers.
(1,187 posts)They will blame Obama for several decades. Their Russian media tells them so.
(10,545 posts)Gambling.
Gonna need all those damn Pennies I got in jars I thought were useless, to buy an egg or two to survive. Thank God I dont eat pig.
Possum bacon will work.
(1,334 posts)And Fox News will convince them to blame the dems. As usual.
We are in the middle of one of the greatest economic recoveries in the history of this nation, thanks to the Biden administration, yet Fox convinced them we were on the road to ruin, and they bought it hook line and sinker. You think that won't keep happening?
Until we have a progressive news network as far reaching, and reich-wing talk radio, we will continue to lose. Absolutely.
(4,224 posts)Musk and trump are taking over all t h e communications they can.
(12,544 posts)And MAGAs will lap it up.
(25,008 posts)Runningdawg
(4,633 posts)Exp
(119 posts)COL Mustard
(7,166 posts)How long will it take TSF and his henchmen to blame the Democrats? And how many MAGATs will fall for it?
(49 posts)The problem is they'll be pointing the pitchforks at the wrong people. They'll blame Democrats, minorities, etc., but never whom they should. Blaming others is basically the Republican platform.
(19,382 posts)I promise president Biden is still president!!!!!
(3,463 posts)That due to the coming tariffs the businesses were forgoing bonuses in order to purchase needed product before the tariffs are implemented. This could possibly save a few jobs down the road.
(15,301 posts)Even so, I have to wonder if any of those stories are real. None of them seem to be first-person accounts. It's always third-hand accounts about "my neighbor's cousin" or "my brother-in-law's friend" or whatever.
(1,191 posts)The rich, unqualified, racist, white male rapist women haters are in charge. That's all they care about, no matter how miserable the magas make their individual lives.
(1,664 posts)There will never be any regret.
Look to history and read what William Shirer discovered when interviewing everyday Germans after WWII. Every German city lay in ruins and millions had been killed. Did they have any regret about supporting the Nazis? Did they f around and find out? Were they sorry?
"There was so much that was true that did not make sense: the monumental apathy of the German people and their deep regret, not that they had started the war, but merely that they had lost it; their whining complaints at the lack of food and fuel and their total lack of sympathy or even interest in the worse plight of the occupied peoples, for which they bore so much responsibility; their boredom at the very mention of the Nuremberg trial, which they were convinced was only an Allied propaganda stunt; their striking unreadiness for, or interest in, democracy, which we, with typical Anglo-Saxon fervor and blindness, were trying to shove down their throats."
― William L. Shirer, End of a Berlin Diary
Their deep regret was not that they had started the war, not that millions of innocent people had been killed, but merely that they had lost the war. Let that sink in.
Frank D. Lincoln
(894 posts)Hard-hearted and egocentric.
(123 posts)JustABozoOnThisBus
(23,947 posts)I WISH it only impacted Trumpists, but alas ...
(24,858 posts)The right wing agitprop machine has prepared a long list of liberals, leftists, and institutionalists for the rubes to blame. As it stands now, we're well-positioned to become the "Juden" of Neo-Nazi America.
The Democrats need to stop self-blaming and begin campaigning this February, to ensure availability of a counternarrative. Otherwise we get our asses handed to us twice over.
(17,131 posts)Fortunately, there are very few in my sphere. Since I'm an old gal, and will likely soon leave this place, I've made the decision going forward to be as kind as I can be to all the folks I encounter.
So, for me this will be a challenge with these people, but I've decided that being polite will suffice, and will not hinder my satisfaction one bit when these folks learn that actions have consequences and tariffs are not what they think they are, and that more than the price of eggs is going to rise when the rapist deports all the farm workers.
Honestly, their ignorant arrogance is a pox upon on us.
(3,097 posts)Word will spread like wildfire when people get laid off and get a new job that will not insure the whole family because one of more family members have a pre-existing condition.
They all now have the equivalent of the slave visa where you cannot change jobs.
"You want a raise. Nope, go ahead and quit. Good luck getting insurance at your next job peon. Welcome to the 1800 robber barons all over again ' that's what I figured my boss will say now that we were bought out by a venture capital group
(2,412 posts)From 6/26/2018:
In Gallups new weekly poll released Monday, Trumps approval rating had cooled off to 41% while his disapproval shot up 5 percentage points up to 55%. Its easy to ascribe Trumps approval fade to his disastrous past week in which he badly underestimated the damage done by his administrations zero-tolerance policy at the border. Trump eventually flip-flopped on his insistence that an executive order wouldnt solve the family separation crisis but, even then, legal and logistical questions remained.
And well likely see the same in the middle of 2026, just in time for midterms.
(8,578 posts)Unless it crumbles quickly we are screwed.
(92,333 posts)Grins
(8,028 posts)So I can remind them, You voted for THIS!
Like Mencken said, they deserve to get what they wanted
good and hard!
And think of the mid-terms!
(9,995 posts)will jump first, in response to tariffs. This will happen early next year. Almost immediately. Then, food.
Regardless of how quickly the deportations happen, the second the first one hits the news domestic food prices will jump. Because the excuse is there. Add in increased prices on imports, and food will be going up and up all year.
Drug formularies are in place for 2025, but the following year will be rough. Huge increases to prescription drug prices will happen then.
But I think the biggest shocks will happen when the cuts to SSDI and medicaid kick in. I dont think most of the morons on disability understand that they are collecting social security. And their payments will be the first to go. Much easier to deny a disability claim than cut benefits across the board for millions of retirees. Just accuse them of cheating, make them the villains and the thing is done. No more disabled!
Thats my prediction. My prepared response to the whining: But arent you proud to sacrifice for your leader? Why dont you love your country?
I can hardly wait to use it.
(53,865 posts)czarjak
(12,635 posts)Unless....
(8,823 posts)2. they see what a 25% universal tariff does to inflation. - Emphasize lingering effects of Kamalanomics, CHECK!
3. they to lose their healthcare and get priced out of the market for their medications. - Play up keeping communist healthcare at bay, CHECK!
4. their children no longer have IEP's or 504's or school lunches. - Encourage homeschooling and liberation from government schools, CHECK!
5. an entire segment of the workforce is deported and we're facing...
A) astronomical prices at the grocery store and food shortages.
B) construction coming to a grinding halt due to not having the workers. Reminder that it's all a mere trifle when protecting American women from rapists, drug dealers, and asylum inmates, CHECK!
(690 posts)I don't want to witness the inevitable. I want to get a nice croissant, cafe au lait, and watch the world go by.
(6,676 posts)We have some idea of what may be coming our way, and won't be too surprised by the future turning ugly.
The MAGAts, the Trump voters, the low information superficial thinkers though, will be caught unawares.
If enough negatives accumulate in their lives, they will get a vague feeling something isn't right, something is not going to plan.
If they start to complain, pretend surprise, say something like . . . gosh, how did that happen?
Comments like . . . Trump did that! Who did you vote for? . . . will just drive them deeper into denial.
Let them work out for themselves who the big orange boil on the bum of America is, why they are sitting uncomfortably, and - at a stretch - decide voting is more important than they realised? And maybe stop being MSM led sheep?
I live in hope!
(15,550 posts)He will SAY he is imposing tariffs so he can lower taxes on billionaires (by raising all that money on tariffs). Or bring other countries to heel and do his bidding. Remember his phone call with the president of Mexico this last week. Trump bragged that he got her to agree to stop immigrants and drugs from going into the US. She reports that she did no such thing.
His big promise in 2016 was to build the wall. He didn't build the wall. He can't even say he built the wall because then how can be blame everything on illegals? Why doesn't he build the wall now? Because he'd have to admit he didn't do it the first time. His tangled web.
There will be no mass deportation. A few will be deported to much media fanfare and he'll make it sound like he deported them all. But he can't do tariffs or mass deportation without wrecking the economy and the economy will be the number one priority in his first term and will be again. don't believe a word he says.
(12,968 posts)LisaL
(46,988 posts)TX is already offering land to build their deportation camps.
(15,550 posts)Tom Homan, our new Border Czar recently said he's already in Texas working with Abbott to fix the problem. Then he said illegal immigration is down 86 percent in Texas????? Then why is he in Texas to fix "the problem" if the problem doesn't exist in Texas?
Mark my words. You will soon hear that illegal immigration in Texas is down 89 percent BECAUSE of Trump. Yes, yes, it was only 86 before but they exaggerate. And NO ONE will remember it was already DOWN when Trump took office. Trump will take credit, it will be because of mass deportations and problem solved because of Trump. He'll also claim credit for stopping fentanyl coming into US but remember, Fentanyl deaths have been dropping since March of this year. Guess who will take credit?
Trump will soon own/control the media once Elon takes over MSNBC so it will be reported there is no longer any illegal migration into the US, no more Fentanyl because of trump etc etc. He solves all problems or says there are no problems. Watch what happened in Hungary. This is what Orban did there. His friends bought up media outlets and they are filling the people's minds with lies.
The thing is, nothing will charge. They will only say it changed. And the reason it won't change is change in huge bureaucracies like ours is VERY difficult and you have to know how to do it and work very hard to make small changes. Trump won't put in the work. He's lazy. The only change Trump will make is how many people believe his lies.
We just need to figure out a way to stop the lies. Which is also hard.
(15,160 posts)in the face of this massive unrest?
That's Peter Thiel's plan, I think. And Curtis Yarvin's. They own Vance, and I'm expecting he will become America's CEO (dictator) before 2025 ends.
(738 posts)thank you!!!
(1,334 posts)Until they install the ovens in the concentration camps they are planning to open.
(37,356 posts)probably 90% of all news media.
(4,694 posts)Its gonna come crashing down soon- but I think its gonna be until then before they will admit it.
(6,456 posts)and a similar weird "blinders on" effect takes place for people who live in states that brag about not having an income tax and just relying on a high sales tax and property taxes. They say things like "I couldn't believe how much cheaper things were when we went to (XYZ state) and we saw a gallon of milk in the store was half the price we pay."
You try and explain to people how the ones with high incomes are the ones who push the idea of no income tax. Then you explain that instead of a funding system based on ability to pay it changes under a sales tax system to one with no consideration for ability to pay.
It gets lost on them almost immediately because usually what comes rolling out of them is "Well we believe it's fair for everybody to pay the same." Then one of the last things out of their mouths is how they don't know how I can stand to live in such an "unfair" state.
(47 posts)... for the monied elites to "25th Amendment" his ass as unfit and move on with JD....
"Presidential disability: The president can declare themselves unable to perform their duties, or the vice president and a majority of the cabinet can declare the president disabled. The vice president then becomes acting president until the president's powers are restored."
Ursus Rex
(312 posts)And a lot of it may not even happen. What will happen is an increase in low-level misery: unemployment, corruption, rising cost and stagnating pay, etc. Human rights wont go away, but exercising them will be more difficult and punished harshly.