General Discussion
Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsThe lesson is that "justice delayed is justice denied".
Justice delayed has ended up with a crime syndicate running our government.
Special Counsel Jack Smith is due to release his report soon and it will be meaningless.
I fear that the damage to our justice system is irreparable and permanent. The cornerstone or our democracy is gone. It will be replaced by something more like a tyranny.
Thanks to a rabid MAGA base and a sophisticated propaganda strategy, the damage has been done.
Will we ever recover from this disaster?
Only time will tell.

Blues Heron
(6,334 posts)Seinan Sensei
(832 posts)FoxNewsSucks
(10,944 posts)BonnieJW
(2,713 posts)The right wing media lying 25/7 and the corporate media keeping silent, which makes them complicit to the lies.
And then we come to Merrick Garland, the weakest AG in the history of our former country. I place a gigantic chunk of the blame at his feet. May his name be forever associated with shame.
(13,774 posts)Far too often the corporate media are mere puppets of Right Wing propaganda campaigns, chasing sensationalized narratives rather than truth.
(21,030 posts)TSF did.
(2,225 posts)You can buy as much justice as you can afford.
Dennis Donovan
(28,975 posts)From:
That was one sign. Another was the rapid proliferation of alternative narratives. In the old days, when news happened, the media would report the factstwo planes crashed into the Twin Towers, which then collapsed. Only later would conspiracy theories emerge9/11 was an inside job, for example.
Then came January 6, an event that unfolded as fact and fiction simultaneously. While the mainstream media showed us footage of Donald Trump supporters storming the Capitol in real time, Fox News, other right-wing outlets, and social media told people that the riot they were watching was actually the work of antifa. And so, before our eyes, the fictional version of the moment was born at the same instant as the reality.
Rule of Law runs on truth, and we might be in a post-truth world.
(12,554 posts)And our entire country has changed because of it.
(311 posts)or so it seems.
(4,712 posts)then the world is not further long for us. Survival, as well as civilized living, depends on knowing truth and exercising actions based on that truth. If truth is completely destroyed, there is nothing upon which to base our existence. May the species that comes after us do a better job than we did with evolution.
(113,179 posts)No, they can't.
They are a major part of the problem.
The supremes will be irrelevant in a short time. when t hat bloateate orange bag of lard becomes dictator for life. Farewell u? once were a great country ,now you are the laughing stock of the world.
(148 posts)That is all it will ever be now.
(63,461 posts)It is clear that the US GOP crime syndicate sold out their country to the world autocrats.
And now Trump and his billionaire minders will consolidate their power by taking over all three branches of the US government and the federal bureaucracy.
Dissenters will be purged.
If this were a movie, there would be a band of brave Americans who would risk everything
to preserve and restore the US, the greatest democracy in the history of the word.
But this is not a movie. And we don't know what will happen.
(47,230 posts)We know WHO the people are that he want's running the show. I take that fuck at his word. Anyone who doesn't is a fool.
(5,857 posts)There is very little support about to come from our leaders. Until now, unfortunately, the grassroots have shown no willingness to be inconvenienced or to sacrifice with consistency towards a common goal. Even when we do organize in support of some action or other, instead of our leaders showing up in force to support us, almost every one of them sits it out in their offices. We will not regain our accustomed freedoms without direct action, indirect actions, and passive resistance. The most enthusiasm right now is coming from State
Governors and Legislatures.
(63,461 posts)31% of Americans* voted for Harris, and many of them are in shock, denial, or have shut
down completely, refusing to deal with the new reality.
Yes right now our leadership has gone radio silent. I don't know what is going on.
Perhaps they are trying to figure out what happened, and making plans. IDK.
I agree blue state leadership seems to be stepping up to the plate for the time being.
Of course they have yet to receive the Trump mob boss treatment, so anything can happen.
*University of Florida Election Lab, Vote Tracker
31.26% voted for Harris
32.04% voted for Trump
36.70% didn't vote
(269 posts)Is fiction has to make sense. You reminded me of that quote. Mark Twain maybe?
Who would have believed a world wide pandemic would break out, and a vaccine was quickly made. But the story ends with a million people dead and widespread mistrust of vaccines? I would have bet money against it. I don't understand humanity at all. I have no idea what to expect going forward except trouble.
(63,461 posts)Truth is stranger than fiction, but it is because Fiction is obliged to stick to possibilities; Truth isn't.
Who benefits from America becoming a backward, third world country?
No safety net. No health care.
No belief in modern medicine.
A ruthless dangerous psychopath and known criminal traitor in the White House.
Yes we have stepped into the looking glass but I think there is some rhyme and reason behind it.
(1,974 posts)Bumbles
(284 posts)However, I doubt I'll be around long enough to see the pendulum swing enough to make much of a difference. On the other hand, I don't want to be here to see my son and other family members and friends suffering, physically and psychologically, whether from climate change or while living under a fascist/oligarchical regime.
(1,158 posts)"Will we ever recover from this disaster?
Only time will tell."
(1,676 posts)I am not sure we have any more time. The "chicken littles" warned us. They were ignored or ridiculed. Now the sky is falling.
(19,858 posts)Garland dithered, no Rome burns.
(10,944 posts)as soon as his ineffectiveness became obvious.
Or DeJoy, and every one of the tRump holdovers. All should have been thrown out on Day One, or as soon as possible.
(3,403 posts)CrispyQ
(38,998 posts)Not in every case. We weren't perfect. But SOP was that people who lead the community, the nation, law enforcement, justices, heads of companies, even department heads, were held to a higher standard of conduct. Somehow that's flipped & those at the top are now cut the most slack. When the folks at the bottom see the folks at the top breaking laws & norms & flaunting it, that creates resentment & a "if they can do it, so can I" attitude.
No one has respect for the system anymore.
The Wizard
(13,046 posts)into "The Island of Lost Souls?" "Law no more," Thus spake The Sayer of the Law.
(39,557 posts)And a wrong one. It will be extremely meaningful.
Maybe not to YOU, but to American history and the American public who want to know the facts and that Main Justice justice did its work well. was done as far as election timelines might/might not allow.
Moreover, those who say Garland won't release Jack Smith's report should remember that he released the Hur Report.
So those who say Garland will make some excuse about "norms," forget that he has already set the norms.
Garland will then release Jack Smith's report -- with all the evidence that report contains (some names redacted, and some classified info recorded,and therefore subject to redaction, in the report) of all the crimes Trump committed and federal laws he broke.
To the entire nation.
(113,179 posts)The others will not read it or even care.
(39,557 posts)pre-trial disclosure could the actual evidence have been known, and not necessarily what would have been selected out to use in the actual trial.
Reference to the laws and evidence have been in filings, but actual evidence? Only known precisely by the judge and defense but not publicly available pre-trial filing records.
That evidence will accompany the Jack Smith Final Report, likely in some appendices.
So no, even those interested in the report don't know the breadth and scope of the case that would have been prosecuted.
(53,872 posts)The hope was that the rest of the country would find out BEFORE the election and not elect the ones who are about to ruin us.
There will be no magic revelation that will make the maga cult suddenly come to their senses. As Kentuck says, they will merely ignore it. And the worse the revelations are, the more the maga cult will be emboldened by the knowledge that they CAN merely ignore it.
(39,557 posts)As for this:
You needn't flog this accepted reality on DU.
No one here thinks Maga can ever come to their senses.
As for the rest of voters, those who couldn't vote for a woman likely will change their votes in the midterms.
But Dems here do pay attention to what our House and Senate Dems have done and still can do to get voting majorities on bills that shock the conscience.
As for the rest of what you say, it's conjecture unrelated to the release of the Report.
Believe what you want, but the reality of the report is what counts in a lot of current and future historical and legal circles.
We don't have to cave to pessimism in advance.
(53,872 posts)The disaster a timely investigation could have averted HAS HAPPENED.
Evolve Dammit
(19,833 posts)ancianita
(39,557 posts)It's never too late to do the right thing. It's never too late to know the truth.
Evolve Dammit
(19,833 posts)whatever Jack Smith's team presents will be too late to have any significant impact. Sadly.
(39,557 posts)Last edited Mon Dec 2, 2024, 02:51 PM - Edit history (1)
As it stands, Trump can no longer travel to 38 countries.
Mucking around with venomous swamp slime, Trump will go to his death knowing that the world sees him as nothing but a criminal.
You say sadly. I say happily.
Evolve Dammit
(19,833 posts)May his report be damning and covered
(64,648 posts)The nation may splinter and fall thanks to the petty, vindictive rage of a felon and rapist wholly unaccountable to the law, but don't you dare say one mean word about Garland, because that would be the real tragedy.
Just ask his cheerleaders.
Kid Berwyn
(19,067 posts)The AG follows the Presidents direction. Biden wanted to heal the country, so he did not prioritize holding MF to account. Too bad, as all of us who were more removed from the Washington Merry-Go-Round could see he was forgiving a traitor. And when allowed to remain free, traitors will continue their treason until successful.
(86,210 posts)Removed from our history, and then from our collective memory
"I was innocent! Delete all those records!"
Just watch
(41,192 posts)...but we already knew that going in. How about a different tried-and-true phrase - "Don't do the crime if you can't do the time. Don't do it!"
(92,348 posts)... entered office if not for the only reason to remove himself knowing he wasn't the asshole towards MAGA insurrectionist America need.
Garland was an administrator when the US needed an warrior to protect the country.
(18,702 posts)No one is above the law. Ha Ha Ha
(53,872 posts)Pesky1
(26 posts)The effects of the Reich's assault (and the MSM's distorted narrative that both sides were equally awry) have been metastasizing into the general American culture. Increasing acceptance of dishonesty, confusion about "news", increasing interpersonal friction and acceptance of violence, etc.
So now, at college football games around the country yesterday, on field "riots" broke out as the games ended, led by the incident at the OSU / Michigan game. Players there had to be separated by police, some even being pepper sprayed as a huge melee broke out.
In my life as a serious college football fan, I've never seen anything quite like these MULTIPLE events yesterday. A new low.
So, thanks all involved for giving us this new disgraceful Zeitgeist.
(6,463 posts)came out and complained about a lack of urgency at DOJ that it spelled trouble. Instead we seem to have gotten an approach like this was a more or less normal large criminal case involving high profile people. It should have been all hands on deck because it was the most serious internal threat to our country we have faced since the Civil War.
Charmin One
(242 posts)A name that will live in infamy
(104 posts)...FOR TRUMP.
He will be rewarded.
The most important thing they needed to do was to stop psycho and they failed.
(125 posts)that would allow a c criminal to run for the office? Nothing at all could have been done to stop the criminal buffon from burning it all down? Especially this particular crim?
(125 posts)to disallow a criminal from running for the highest office? Nothing at all could have been done to stop the criminal buffon from burning it all down? Especially this particular crim?