General Discussion
Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsThe whining among Democrats over the Hunter Biden pardon is a symptom of what is wrong with the party.
If that couldn't be seen for what it was, then it's no wonder the inconsistency between claiming that Trump was an existential threat to democracy and then abjectly and absolutely failing to bring him to justice, and defending the incompetent attorney general who was the major cause of the failure is also something very wrong among Democrats.
I just wonder if we will ever get it. There are some Democrats who need to take some advice from constituents out here where we can't hide from reality in a government building office all day and sit down and keep their mouths shut, and avoid looking and sounding stupid.

(6,980 posts)I did everything I could to protect American democracy
not the institutions of democracy but democracy itself.
How he chooses to assert his power over the next 7 weeks will in large part define the veracity of that statement.
Love me some Joe and I hope to god he uses the light saber(s) at his disposal.
(6,238 posts)That may be too little too late, though. And they are shoving judges through, though I cannot understand Schumer's giving up appellate court spots in some deal, or Durbin's insistence on following protocol. IF they can't stop it, then run over them with the process, they've already done it to us, and you can't keep protocols and yet insist Trump is an existential threat to democracy. If he is, then you make it as difficult for him on his way in as possible, and take as much with you when you go.
(17,719 posts)where they believe Republicans are capable of decency and honesty.
They aren't. Not a single one of them.
I'm betting they won't wait for blue slips....or give in on anything.
Taking a casserole to a gun fight.
(7,872 posts)their Republican buddies on the hill after work they can bicker about who picks up the check. Even then they probably get out maneuvered.
Jack Valentino
(1,629 posts)have left congress or were kicked out by maggot challengers in the nazi-party primaries....
Shumer and Durbin need to either wake up or step aside---
to make way for some younger FIGHTERS...
(1,755 posts)Information, disinformation, and events move too swiftly. Yet our aged leadership labors beneath the weight of archaic protocols and practices, thus inviting own demise.
Bernardo de La Paz
(52,536 posts)Bettie
(17,719 posts)compromises. The other just gets whatever they want.
Bernardo de La Paz
(52,536 posts)Baitball Blogger
(49,149 posts)Last edited Mon Dec 2, 2024, 11:21 PM - Edit history (1)
We could call Trump dildo head and his supporters would walk around wearing human sized condoms to protect him.
Bernardo de La Paz
(52,536 posts)Trueblue1968
(18,380 posts)Pardon ing Hunter was the right thing to do. I would have done the same thing.
(12,512 posts)Yes, I've seen a very few Democrats criticizing President Biden for his pardon of Hunter, it's only natural for some people to have differing opinions. I believe this is yet another instance of the media attempting to portray "Democrats in disarray" as they always do and distract from the real issue of tRUMP and his Cabinet picks who will help him tear down our government.
(7,872 posts)right thing and shut the fuck up.
Bernardo de La Paz
(52,536 posts)KT2000
(21,165 posts)be the pure Democrats while the RW steals the country. It is called the circular firing squad and that is how we lose our best and brightest. Stand together and stop this horrible persecution of Hunter.
I also feel we have failed Joe Biden by allowing the media discourse to focus on trump 24/7. That has been the focus of our left wing media as well.
Remember that MTG showed nude pictures of Hunter in the House!!! Is that fair.
(6,238 posts)And it's a sign that some Democrats in the Senate and the House have been there too long.
live love laugh
(14,890 posts)Theyve done and will continue doing whatever they want. And what they want apparently is as few Democratic voices as possible.
Who exactly is our left wing media?
Democratic control little to no media in the US.
(21,165 posts)DU and MSNBC in particular. trump has been so successful in capturing the attention of all of us. Did we discuss what Biden has done over the last four years? Mostly we have focused on the latest trump outrage - for four years. No one, right or left, discussed Biden's efforts for the non-wealthy.
I know we do not control the media, but we can use our resources more wisely - IMHO.
(8,847 posts)be something every day - constant BS. Either on social media, or networks, newspapers, ir doesn't matter it will be a daily dose of disgusting insults, threats, and narcissistic BS. We had a chance to rid ourselves of the POS but instead embraced his BS, or delayed until it was too late.
We got him now and who can we blame - majority of Americans.
(15 posts)Rec
(64,664 posts)And not just door-knocking. Actual, high-end strategy and coordination. Her house is full of pics of her and her husband and her kids with Clinton. They're on a first-name basis and can call to chat.
She no longer lives in DC, but she's in frequent contact with her associates there, and she confirms that they are completely out of touch with the reality outside of the Beltway. Case in point, when Trump was blathering about kids coming home from school after having gender-affirming surgery, the DC team laughed it off as obviously ridiculous, which it was.
But what they didn't understand is that to rural and backwoods assholes, Trump had described a very real and active threat to children. While the orange prolapse was whipping up his base of fuckheads, the DC thinkers were chuckling about it.
So now, while those circles are tut-tutting over this pardon, they're once again completely blind to the attitudes on the ground, and it makes them look like ivory tower proceduralists rather than dedicated professionals working on behalf of their constituents.
The circular firing squad will be fine once we have a 75 seat majority in the Senate and 350 seats in the House, but until then they need to stop competing to see who can affect the most righteous indignation.
(I know, I know: "unnamed well-connected sources" and all that.)
(9,752 posts)Biden said he would not pardon Hunter when he felt that (D)'s would win the Presidency.
Then the next (D) President would have pardoned Hunter and everyone is happy.
Reading President Biden's statement on the pardon & unfortunately with Pendejo45 taking office, I have absolutely no problem with Biden pardoning his son.
(465 posts)It was a true nothing burger so just shut up about it. Have you noticed the genius of Trump rolling out one horrid nominee after another? Dems react and whine and he does it again and again. We all need to be contacting the White House and our senators and pressuring them to go ahead with FBI background checks on these nominees. They have the legal clearance to do it. THIS is what we should be talking about and NOTHING else.
(6,238 posts)This pardon is way down the list of priorities for a justice department that is about to be swamped by a Presidency full of criminals.
They need to do this on the down low, and avoid media yakkers, and I am on with the poster about M Garland, why was he able to sit for years with no legal consequence, can not accept that, way too little, way too late, FAIL!!
(12,659 posts)malaise
(280,747 posts)Rec
(32,367 posts)Autumn
(47,249 posts)person in trumps administration.
(582 posts)Biden should preemptively pardon every single person Trump has ever attacked to take away the possibility of the DoJ going after them as an act of retribution. Let the SCOTUS chew on that one. It is right there in the Constitution.
(582 posts)...
and they all can go pound sand
(12,028 posts)ThePartyThatListens
(340 posts)Is what this seems like to me
(3,738 posts)All smug in their piousness without an inkling of the reality we are all in. Ugh.