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I work a part time job at a local job that hires drivers. One of the hillbilly drivers comes in today, bitching and moaning that he needs more work. I asked him why? His answer was " My mortgage went up again, and I need more money". Then he yells it's Biden's fault. I immediately stopped him and told him Biden does not control interest rates, or terms. I told him if anyone was to blame, to look at his finance company. Then I realized he must not be on a fixed rate loan, so I asked him. He said he was on a variable rate loan.
I told him, you can't blame Biden because he took up a variable rate loan. That's not Biden's fault. So I asked him, why didn't you go with a long term fixed rate. His answer was the he couldn't qualify due to his bad credit. Bingo. And the light in his head still didn't turn on. I had to ask. So, is it Biden's fault that you have bad credit? He got all pissed off and left. As he was walking away, I told him, "If you think Trump will make all this go away, think again.
They just want to blame Biden, whether there is justification, or not. Mostly not. The toopid was really strong in this one. Absolutely no thought process at all. Sadly, there's millions of 'em out there, just like him.

(9,544 posts)At least he was possibly smart enough to realize you were right. Theres a lot of them out there who are not capable of understanding logic. Good job. He will most likely think it over and your words will echo in his head. Sometimes people dont get it right away but then realize the truth.
(682 posts)if he really got it. He had this confused look about him.
(9,544 posts)They heard something that doesnt agree with their beliefs. So they will either have to rationalize what you told them or change their beliefs.
(49,831 posts)They may walk away, but they'll just turn around and double down even if it hurts them. And they may realize the truth deep down, but they are usually too stubborn to admit they were wrong.
(30,139 posts)and conversation over. he doesn't consider the obvious truth of any point i may have made.
(49,831 posts)who knows they're wrong but won't admit it.
(30,139 posts)he will not listen to reason and has no curiosity whatsoever.
(6,366 posts)yardwork
(65,322 posts)I think the best thing we can do is stand back and let them build up their expectations- only to be sorely disappointed when Trump fails.
(1,410 posts)and even then it will be biden, or the commie dems, or whichever minority is next ......
(49,831 posts)They really love blaming Obama for anything and everything.
They blame the black man. SMH.
(49,831 posts)winning the presidency...TWICE! That could be when many of them decided that Democrats were the enemy for putting a black man in the White House.
Ray Bruns
(4,921 posts)PatSeg
(49,831 posts)a black man in the White House is a woman. Of course, a felon and a rapist is okay.
(1,444 posts)COL Mustard
(7,154 posts)That's about all he can do, and we all know it'll happen during the next four years. I just hope the Dems have a good bench ready to go.
(248 posts)On the first part of the subject line, that's only applicable to those who recognize that an unemployment rate of 4.1% is very very low historically and that an inflation rate of 2.3% is only millimeters above the Fed's ideal of 2.0%. The majority of them think Biden has already crashed the economy.
(9,993 posts)he must have had a low intro rate he wasnt aware of. Because hes an idiot. But yep, it sure will be fun to watch reality smack them in their slack-jawed faces. Trump doesnt need them anymore. He told them that flat out at his rallies. He doesnt care if they get hurt and hes not coming to make their poorly educated lives better.
Historic NY
(38,386 posts)Demobrat
(9,993 posts)onto one card, then goes and maxes out the original cards all over again. And blames the credit card companies for getting him into debt.
(2,342 posts)They will suffer because they are not resilient or smart.
(4,323 posts)If the homeowners insurance goes up on his home (as it has on MANY homes across the US), wouldn't that cause a rise in his mortgage payments -- since mortgages typically have insurance and property taxes rolled up into the loan payments?
I'm honestly asking. I pay homeowners and taxes separately, since i don't have a mortgage.
(15,824 posts)But I think the answer is - not necessarily.
I never had my taxes and insurance bundled with my mortgage. People who do have that maybe only put 10% down.
(4,323 posts)Escrow accounts also frequently handle mortgage insurance payments as conventional loan borrowers with less than 20% equity in their homes are required to have mortgage insurance. Federal Housing Administration (FHA) borrowers must pay mortgage insurance for the life of their loan regardless of equity levels. About 80% of all U.S. mortgage holders have an escrow account, LERETA reported.
The LERETA survey also found 36% of respondents with a fixed-rate mortgage believe their monthly payment cannot change, even though it can. And 28% are either somewhat aware or not aware that changes in escrow accounts can affect monthly payments.
I USED to have a bundled escrow mortgage, but, apparently, I was one of the ones who was only "somewhat aware' of how it worked!
Fools rush in.....

(682 posts)When you have 2 of 3 variables that are subject to change, usually upward, one can assume your payments will go up too. Nothing is free. (except if you have an app for it - LOL)
(682 posts)He said his complaint was the interest rate, not the insurance.
(4,323 posts)Seems like the only way out of that, is to refinance. And you usually got to put up cash for the fee.
(682 posts)his shitty credit from his past. Ya know it really don't take a lot of skill to keep the credit agencies away. Live within your means, and don't pay high interest rates, if you have to borrow. Common sense, right?
(5,777 posts)Mortgage insurance costs are often bundled inside of an escrow account with the mortgage.
I am not sure people pay homeowners insurance this way.
(6,752 posts)If not he isn't very bright.
(2,429 posts)Maybe next time you encounter him, sit down with him, ask him a few questions, maybe over coffee, see if there's any way he can get with his mortgage company and get into a fixed rate loan. If he has been making his payments for some time he may have established a better credit rating.
Maybe he could go with another mortgage company? A local bank?
And maybe if a liberal helped him out . . .
I don't want to get preachy because I have committed more than my share of sins --- plus I'm pretty much of an asshole -- but sometimes in the deep reaches of the night I hear my sainted mother speaking to me and this is what she says:
1 A gentle answer turns away wrath,
but a harsh word stirs up anger.
2 The tongue of the wise adorns knowledge,
but the mouth of the fool gushes folly.
3 The eyes of the Lord are everywhere,
keeping watch on the wicked and the good.
4 The soothing tongue is a tree of life,
but a perverse tongue crushes the spirit.
(13,794 posts)J_William_Ryan
(2,393 posts)Mortgages dont just go up.
Yes, this is yet another example of the ignorance and stupidity that put Trump back in the WH.
(682 posts)I really have a hard time with people that can't hear, nor recognize the truth. Ignorance is a virtue of these people.
(9,544 posts)and then theres a huge amount that is due after 5 years. The idea is to be saving money while you dont have the payments due in order to have the money when it comes due. He might want to go to HUD because Biden has a program where each state gets money to help people. Floridas amount is already used up.
(10,426 posts)everyone has a fine house with tons of space, kids, pets, and all the crap from China that money can buy. This has become a lifestyle. They bought an oversized house with a outsized mortgage and now they can't save anything for emergencies. Then, when they have a family crisis (broke down car, child health emergency, unplanned pregnancy) they can't deal with it financially and have to borrow from family, loan companies, or max out their credit cards and then declare bankruptcy because the monthly payments become overwhelming. This is the way my tRUMPist relatives have operated since forever.
It never occurred to them that they would need to save for a rainy day. My folks were both from sharecropper families, yet they always managed to put a roof over our heads, shoes on our feet, and to save for the emergencies. They never lived beyond their means. Now, I see my relatives living way beyond their means and thinking that if they have a crisis, someone will bail them out.
(21,025 posts)things on sale, do with only the necessities, etc.
(36,492 posts)... and yet the payments go up almost every year. It's not the bank charging more, it's the escrow ... mainly homeowners insurance. But some years it's the property taxes also. In the 27 years since I bought my house, my mortgage cost hasn't gone up a penny. But the escrow is almost double what I started out paying. They're all rolled together on the same monthly payment.
I think your friend might not know how to read his mortgage statements properly.
Dave says
(5,006 posts)Just remember, the only thing you will save will be P & I. Taxes and insurance will always be there. Being a senior in my state I can apply for a freeze on my taxes at the end of 2025. Woo Hoo.
(36,492 posts)
(19,853 posts)A shame those things weren't outlawed after the financial collapse. Their purpose is to shift interest rate risk away from the lender and get unsuspecting people into more house than they can reasonably afford. Banks didn't learn. Apparently home buyers didn't either. When we bought our house in VT back in the 20 teens, our loan officer mentioned ARMs. My wife and I look at each other and laughed. "You guys still doing that after what this country has been through?" She said she didn't create the loan products but could see our point.
COL Mustard
(7,154 posts)While the P+I will stay the same for the next 20-something years, the taxes and insurance will definitely go up. Biden's fault? Idontthinkso!!!
(682 posts)due to his stupidity and terrible rate on a variable rate loan. He has no one to blame but himself for putting himself in this position. Claims his credit report is the issue. Yet, he blames the interest rate and term on Biden. The toopid is strong in this one. I can't wait to see how Trump is going to fix this for him.
(7,093 posts)Literally. He can go pick strawberries for extra money. Hell love that, Im sure.
(1,696 posts)
(36,853 posts)People have to pay attention and listen. Many will not do it.
(40,915 posts)(Posted by some else)
(36,492 posts)
(682 posts)That's all they need.
(9,544 posts)kerry-is-my-prez
(9,544 posts)Trump is going to spend all of his time and energy on stupid things like trying to punish Canada, Mexico and China and go after all of his enemies. I guess Republicans who have crossed him are first on the list. Well see if their former Republican buddies will help them or be too scared.
Although the Republicans always come up with a way that they wont look like theyre to blame, evil geniuses that they are. They have a whole team of people who are experts at propaganda and lies. Eventually, this is all going to catch up to them.
(36,492 posts)... by that I mean Faux will feed them lies about what a fearless, brilliant leader he is, etc. etc.
I've never watched Faux and I never will, but these MAGA cultists watch nothing but Faux.
(9,993 posts)I give it until mid summer before they start to go WTF.
(18,654 posts)kimbutgar
(24,012 posts)Is bad now under Biden. I asked him if he remembered Hurricane Katrina and he said yes and I said well George Bush was President then. And bad weather is Mother Nature not politicians. he looked at me with a strange look and walked away.
(40,915 posts)MTG, why can't you republicans control the weather?
Are you stupid?
God won't let you?
(8,818 posts)hatrack
(61,665 posts)During the height of the bubble (going on 20 years now, sheesh!), everybody knew that house prices would go up forever, no matter where you lived. 'Murka!!!!
Fittingly enough, one fairly popular option was the negative amortization loan - for each payment you made, the principal increased.
The idea was you would take out one of these, and then flip the house you bought for way more than whatever your mortgage costs amounted to.
The best part - one of the brand names for this piece of financial seppuku was the "Smart Loan."
(9,544 posts)It did cost her some money, but she got out of it. That guy will end up losing his home. He should have known what the amount was going to be at the end and should have been saving to pay it back because apparently they dont have to make much in mortgage payments for 5 years. And the mortgage people or some bastard is waiting to snap up the property when it goes into foreclosure. Republicans brought up two bills that allowed banks to offer the balloon mortgages and then Clinton signed the bills into law.
Biden had some program to help and the money was distributed to the states.
He might want to go to HUD because all of the states received money to allocate funds to help pay for mortgages. Floridas allocation is already used up.
(2,820 posts)That's the rounded number of -- and I'm going to say it -- fools and fascists who voted against democracy this past Guy Fawkes Day.
(551 posts)They are all idiots.
(12,026 posts)Since reading is not a skill among them, they will never see anything contrary to that.
and they are our soon-to-be downfall. I don't know how they exist. Ignorance is NOT bliss. They have brought all their hard times upon themselves and blame it the democrats. They need to get woke up!
(7,093 posts)Or fuck his credit up? Odds are good one or both were before Biden took office.
(682 posts)But I really don't want to upset this loser any more than I have to. And to be honest with you, I really don't give a shit when his credit tanked or when he got the loan. Besides talking to toopid people such as this, is like talking to a hateful ex.
(7,093 posts)I would be avoiding that dude like the plague he is.
KS Toronado
(20,451 posts)automatically blame Democrats for everything that's wrong in this world.
(35,064 posts)...homeless.
Fuck around and find out.
(17,106 posts)Demobrat
(9,993 posts)Into a fixed rate loan with no PMI, like the guy down at the bank promised?