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Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsWe have celebrated and made light of people being killed before
Last edited Thu Dec 5, 2024, 04:02 PM - Edit history (1)
If it's a Russian Oligarch falling out of a window, a warlord whose plane is shot down, a despot who gets removes, permantly, a terrorist on the wrong end of a drone.
But when it is a scum bag CEO who has cause suffering and death, the pearl clutchers cry that our response isn't appropriate.
Sorry, I don't give a fuck about the victim.
Doesn't mean I think the killing was justified or more CEOs should be killed.
I wish people would stop conflating the two. But they won't.

(16,321 posts)ANY CEO would be REQUIRED by shareholders to maximize profit.
Bad comparison, sorry.
Nigrum Cattus
(383 posts)I hope someday you or a love one isn't told "sorry you're to sick to treat,
our profits are more important"
(16,321 posts)The CEO doesn't matter.
If the CEO stood up and said "No exemptions" he'd be fired.
The CEO does what the Board and the Shareholders want
Like I said... blame the system. Not the guy with the job.
(26,378 posts)It is crony capitalism. United Healthcare creates a monopoly and by cornering and controlling the market it it can damn well do as it pleases.
(16,321 posts)But they use the exiting framework to do those nasty things...
And they are nasty...
Change laws then...
(5,085 posts)Insider trading was dealt with behind closed doors. How about we follow the laws and really punish those who break them, even if theyre millionaire corporate thugs.
(12,557 posts)flashman13
(949 posts)Happy Hoosier
(8,737 posts)Thompson was accepting $10 million a year to be the CEO. He made the decision that the misery and suffering of others was finw with him... in exchange for that $10 million a year.
That man was CEO of UHC when they attempted to deny coverage for my daughter 2 years ago. I'm sure he wouldn;t have lost a minute of sleep if their denial had stuck and we were financially ruined getting her the care she needed. Fortunately, my lawyer convinced them of the error or their ways!
(1,006 posts)The CEO picks the board, he also picks the consultants who decide his salary. He is the one that makes decisions whether its beneficial for the company or not. The board rubber stamps his wishes.
Why should anyone who makes bad decisions get ungodly compensation for screwing up. Because the board and consultants think he should have a golden parachute. It is a rich mans club and we are not in it.
Nigrum Cattus
(383 posts)The top dog always matters, wait until Jan 20th! Saying "blame the
system" is a total cop-out. Blame whomever makes the choices.
(22,166 posts)yardwork
(65,433 posts)However, CEOs aren't powerless. They sit on one another's boards and perpetuate the rotten system. They give one another raises and outrageous benefits. Sitting on one another's boards, they help create expectations of higher profits through reducing costs - which translates to low pay and lousy benefits. And the CEOs hire consulting firms that normalize these expectations.
(35,373 posts)Company deny claims at 2, 3 and 4 times other companies.
It's not just capitalism, not all companies are evil scum.
(16,321 posts)Don't get me wrong... I'm all for changing the system.
But I don't think THIS GUY was responsible for deaths... if any other guy in that office would have done the same.
Last edited Thu Dec 5, 2024, 06:59 PM - Edit history (1)
No other insurance company denied claims at this rate. What UHC did was abusive.
That the law allows it is not an excuse.
The insurance companies write the laws.
(16,321 posts)Laws need to change to curb abuses.
Maybe require by law that services be completed and IF... it's a situation where they're refusing a 7th bone marrow transplant...
Then there should be a Medicare potential so that person doesn't get stuck.
(1,006 posts)When rich men rule. Citizens United decided that.
Dont be mixing up my states flagship university (UNC Chapel Hill) with the evil sonsabitches at United Health Care.😉
to all Tar Heels
The Wandering Harper
(915 posts)then EVERYONE in that office is responsible
(63,788 posts)That is his choice.
There is always good and evil in any society and most people make the choice which path they choose.
(16,321 posts)Irish_Dem
(63,788 posts)The answer to this question is above my pay grade.
(15,205 posts)I think that 'reifies' the 'system' as an autonomous entity. (On reflection it likely is becoming an actual autonomous entity as AI takes over, but that is not yet relevant.) At the moment it is actual humans making explicit decisions that cause massive harm to the general population of the planet. They are literally destroying the habitable environment, the mild climate under which civilization has prospered and grown for like 15,000 years or so, since the last ice age ended. I'm sure they know that shit is hitting the fan and the catastrophe is in progress, and they are actively making it worse. That is some serious bad human intentional activity. It is Marvel Universe Bad.
(1,111 posts)What a weird justification for his actions as ceo. He had choices he took the 9 million dollar a year one.
Frasier Balzov
(3,861 posts)when someone with a grievance assassinates someone you think doesn't deserve it.
(35,373 posts)Someone brings in a strawman that we are saying it was justified rather than not troubled by the loss.
Frasier Balzov
(3,861 posts)When armed individuals can decide at their own subjective whim who must die.
(35,373 posts)hatrack
(61,738 posts).
Self Esteem
(1,931 posts)Imagine if a parent of one of those killed in Afghanistan during the pull out decided to take their frustration out on Biden via a bullet. No one would condone the actions.
Vigilantly justice should not be celebrated.
That is all
marble falls
(63,204 posts)leftstreet
(36,457 posts)Laughter, sure. The irony is hilarious.
But I see no "celebrations"
Prairie Gates
(4,062 posts)One of the primary laugh lines of some of our greatest self-proclaimed moralists.
I got scolded and called shameful yesterday bc I posted that UHC netted 74 billion last quarter. Thats it. I was accused of being ok with murder. Someone on DU wanted to know what UHC netted.
I deleted it bc I wasnt dealing with the scold squad. Tho, frankly, idgaf either
(65,433 posts)You posted a fact. Without facts, how will we ever figure out the problem?
I shut it down. Some ppl search for things to chide others for. I wasnt in the mood.
(18,648 posts)
(8,982 posts)eom
(8,427 posts)Silent Type
(8,259 posts)Passages
(1,835 posts)lawmakers must do everything in their power to control the health insurance industry.
It is the number one reason for debt and many lose their home all because they got sick.
It won't happen and the lawmakers in control are in league with the insurance companies.
We won't see Universal care in our lifetime.
(1,835 posts)edhopper
(35,373 posts)The voters decided against it.
We will go in reverse now.
Undo the ACA and junk Medicare.
(1,835 posts)It is overwhelming, no doubt about it.
(2,480 posts)I am so fucking tired of bringing a water pistol to a nuclear war. I'm so over being empathetic to people who want to kill my children. I'm a proud father of LGBTQ children.
I gave up speaking to family, and will fight, literally, against MAGA.
(1,604 posts)paleotn
(19,887 posts)Demobrat
(10,006 posts)He hurt and killed a lot of people. Someone hit back. Not karma - cause and effect.
(6,513 posts)Elsewhere, not so much.
(4,044 posts)That's how I read this whole health care debacle.
(36,594 posts)So sick and pathetic.
(19,887 posts)The kumbaya crowd is at it again, I see.
I totally agree with you. The morality of the act is beside the goddamn point. One reaps what one sows. That jackass sowed misery and death and made billions doing it. He got exactly what he deserved. I'm just surprised it took so long for something like this to happen.
And as I said in another thread, the reactions to this are similar on the left and right. Seems we're discovering who the true villains are instead of pointing at each other. To end this current Gilded Age, a few eggs might need to be broken.
(1,308 posts)but that doesn't make the person who was killed a saint ... they weren't.
(22,659 posts)The medical profession is not at home with business values.
(35,323 posts)Think of the poor starving billionaires.
(2,835 posts)Some "no gas today" gas stations were heavily vandalized. It didn't take long after that began to spread for the whole fucking thing to go away.
(340 posts)Especially people who cry about things like this, they usually don't carry it across the board.
I bet if you ask some of these cry-babies how they feel about the children of Palestine being shot in the head on a daily basis and you'll find more than a few of them who are ruthless to almost cheering that going on.
I say eff em!
(5,581 posts)aspects of DU ....
(35,373 posts)should be celebrated.
(607 posts)and seeing what the world thinks of him and his "work"