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I live in an apartment community built around a park-like courtyard three blocks long with no streets going through it. Its very private and secure because you can only access the courtyard through the apartments around the perimeter. There are some families and kids living here and the kids can run free within the courtyard. Ive only been here six months and have been getting to know the kids and like them.
I was walking in the courtyard and encountered three of the little girls who live in the apartments, ages 6, 7 and 8. They showed me a small dead bird that theyd found and said they wanted to bury it and were looking for a good place. I said, You could have a funeral for it after you bury it. They told me they were planning to do that.
I left them looking for a suitable place to bury the bird while I continued on my walk. On my way back, they showed me the place they had found to bury the bird and said they were going to have the funeral now. They seemed to be including me. They were very reverent as they all stood in a circle. The first one said to the bird, We didnt know you, but we hope you had a good life. They each said a few words, and then each said, Rest in peace.
I said, That was a lovely ceremony. I felt honored to be included in this special and moving moment.
What struck me is how they recognized that the little birds life had value and meaning and were acknowledging and honoring that. And their wish for the bird was that it had "a good life." Every time I think about this experience, I feel uplifted. I decided to share the sweetness and goodness with you all in hopes that you too will feel uplifted.

(14,161 posts)Amaryllis
(9,933 posts)Raven
(14,161 posts)JoseBalow
(6,373 posts)
(85,126 posts)Its so encouraging and uplifting, and its so nice of you to share it.
Were gonna have such unbearably shitty news starting to pelt us like an ongoing hailstorm, with that orange guy moving back into the White House next month. Were gonna need lots of doses of goodness and sweetness to help counterbalance the next four dreadful years we face.
(9,933 posts)calimary
(85,126 posts)ancianita
(39,522 posts)All humans love children's innocence, hearts, humility, curiosity, and wonder, even when children are sad or hurt.
(23,690 posts)surfered
(4,718 posts)LoisB
(9,338 posts)their hearts stay that pure for a long, long time.
(4,184 posts)I always hope a life of any species was well lived, happy and rich with dignity. These girls certainly learned the right lessons about live. And so did you to allow the time to take the kids seriously. Many would have told them to leave them alone or don't bother me.
(121,971 posts)beautiful, heartwarming moment with us. Blessings to those gentle, lovely children, and to you, in whom they recognized a kindred soul.
(13,119 posts)As adults, we all seek it, but some have been misdirected into thinking it can be found in the obliviousness of drugs or drink, or heightened personal security through weaponry or wealth, but the true path is to cultivate honesty, wonder and playfulness, which nurture and preserve the innocent, who will reward you by sharing that bliss in sometimes unexpected ways, like an invitation to the funeral of a fallen bird. Such rewards are priceless.
(280,528 posts)Rec
(1,124 posts)He had to write a paper about what he did over the school break. He chose to write about a hiking trip where he found an elk skull.
He wrote that he "hoped the elk died of natural causes."
Kids are great! 25 years later he still has the skull in a rock garden in his yard.
(6,873 posts)Danmel
(5,323 posts)There is good in the world. We're going to have to find it and celebrate it.
(9,933 posts)it is easy to forget and overlook the positive if we don't make a point to notice it.
(1,013 posts)A couple of kids found a deceased Cat. A bunch of us had a funeral to bury it. I was being the good Catholic child to bless the grave. Many children learn to respect life in their early years.
Clouds Passing
(3,509 posts)
(1,355 posts)The little bird's life was not lived in vain,as it provided an opportunity for the power of hope and kindness to manifest.
Clouds Passing
(3,509 posts)Ilsa
(62,450 posts)bluboid
(738 posts)proud patriot
(101,454 posts)beautiful
(10,716 posts)
(6,668 posts)It soon evaporates in the static that is the real world.
Once gone, it does not return.
(14,633 posts)Sounds like you've made some great new friends!
(683 posts)

(21,025 posts)Texin
(2,685 posts)It's wonderful to realize that children have the capability and innocence to care so deeply. It's tragic that so many - I suppose most of us - lose that quality of innocence and compassion as we are barraged with what life throws on us as we mature and face so many challenges and ugliness around us. I certainly see how calloused and unfeeling some people become and how they have been indoctrinated to intolerance and hatred of "the other" (whatever 'other' they've been convinced are to be relegated as worthless and to be purged from their lives and the world in general).