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Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsThe most deranged, psychotic inaugural address ever ...
... coming at you, America. You can't even begin to imagine what an insane, deranged, psychotic rant will be forthcoming when that convicted felon/rapist gets his motor up and running during his inaugural address. You can take it to the bank that the Turd is already totally pissed off that his little celebratory parade had to be canceled.

(2,783 posts)Dirty piece of shit.
(2,653 posts)Somebody has to jump on the grenade. My Gunny told me to let somebody else be the hero.
Silent Type
(8,063 posts)Silent Type
(8,063 posts)devoting his life to making Jimmy Carters Habitant for Humanity the largest organization in the world, and trump wont even take a cut.
Back to reality.
Jack Valentino
(1,616 posts)and "saving TikTok" would be a big move in that direction among the younger set---
but he has never had any 'message discipline' except for his LIES about 2020.
(I had the same thought after 2016, with the vain hope that he might
'grow into the office'----- HAHAHAHAHAHA)
"A leopard cannot change his spots", and
"a pig with lipstick is still a pig" or however that one goes....
Even if he were to make a serious attempt at such,
it could never last beyond the first six months...
(likely not beyond the first six weeks)
((more likely not beyond the first six days))
Says he plans to visit Los Angeles this week, because of the fires---
Taking bets about whether he can restrain himself from saying that
they are somehow to blame--- or that they just aren't very good people,
in some respect....or that "illegal immigrants set these fires"
(or did he say that already? I have been out of touch)
Silent Type
(8,063 posts)Jack Valentino
(1,616 posts)I was checking my food labels lately---
turns out those servings of peaches,
which I have recently become very fond of, from Dollar General,
are a product from Canada ! ----
go figure
(of course higher food prices are the least ugly of possible circumstances--
but probably the most far-reaching)
Silent Type
(8,063 posts)CentralMass
(15,834 posts)Jack Valentino
(1,616 posts)"recrudescence"--- something horrible which comes again, after a reprieve (17th century usage--- AND 21st century!)
(from DU post 'Word of the day' to which I don't have the link now)
Martin Eden
(13,741 posts)Not that I have any intention of paying attention, though I'm sure I'll hear about it later.
(3,935 posts)the crowd starts cheering about Brawndo.
(424 posts)Thanks for the laugh. Put me down for the 5 minute mark.
(595 posts)... and someplace within his incoherent rant he will babble about how he spoke with God or God talks to him or God telephoned him at Mar-a-Lago or some angel visited him with a message from God informing him that he was/is God's President and that God voted for him and that his electoral victory was purposeful to do God's will ...
(85,957 posts)PortTack
(35,172 posts)Captain Zero
(7,653 posts)But as soon as he takes the oath,
He is a lame duck.
(6,661 posts)that the event will go down in the history books as a turning point in the collective sanity of America.
(4,276 posts)
(595 posts)... to hear the tyrannical vision of that criminal's rant to his Republican Nazi MAGATS as he outlines the world's Fourth Reich. Fascists and Oligarchs and racists will applaud while the world will be aghast in horror.