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Last edited Mon Feb 3, 2025, 03:48 PM - Edit history (4)
C-SPAN cut them off as they began trying to enter the USAID building.
UPDATE: The Democrats were blocked from entering the USAID building according to BBC.
Sen. Chris Van Hollen (D-MD) led the group of members of Congress and USAID employee to the doors.
One hell of a lot of great speeches.
The gist was that they would not allow an unelected oligarch like Musk to unconstitutionally shut down USAID or other federal agencies.
Only Congress has the power to do that, the speakers said, vowing to stop what they called an illegal action.
BBC has live updates on the Democrats' remarks at
BBC: Democratic lawmakers call aid shutdown illegal
published at 13:54
We've just heard from a number of Democratic Party lawmakers. Here's a recap of some of the main points from the press conference:
Democrats pushed back at Trump's attempts to shutter the US government's main international aid department, calling the moves illegal
They also took aim at Elon Musk who appears to be leading the charge - one lawmaker called him an "unelected billionaire oligarch"
The Democrats have emphasised the agency's life-saving aid work but have also raised national security concerns and geopolitics - noting that money from USAID goes to guarding Islamic State prisoners, and that US rivals are celebrating the turmoil
The lawmakers contend that the shutdown of the agency is against the law and that changes can only be made after debate in Congress

(20,786 posts)
Wicked Blue
(7,249 posts)There could be members of Congress being turned away by Musk's goons or even being arrested for all we know, but there's no coverage.
(1,605 posts)But dont be discouraged. Share this online so it goes viral on other platforms. The evening news and others will be forced to cover it.
Have another protest tomorrow and the day after etc. more and more media will show up to see the spectacle.
(205 posts)That have the rat bastard on droning on and on. With freaking Rupert Murdoch sitting next to him.
Get Elon musk out of our Government Now!
(3,342 posts)ananda
(31,199 posts)But it's good to see Dems finally taking some action.
(2,382 posts)Which exposes these bastards.
(29,321 posts)I'm not returning as a regular viewer if they fail to do so.
(7,972 posts)The Owners of Every. Single. One. of these cable news networks are IN BED with Musk, Trump, Et Al and have been for years, earlier to a lesser degree but the past year or so, they're all in.
It's been as obvious as the nose on my face, I don't understand how it has been ignored, passed over, dismissed by any of ccommon sense and intelligent DU members.
I just don't understand it.
There is only one answer to this issue and that is to completely cut the cord from their cable and streaming propaganda services.
End of Rant.
Yes. Exactly what msfiddlestix said.
(62 posts)She seems to be resisting and getting out as much of the truth as possible. Correct me if I'm wrong.
I quit cable, but watch her online on msnbc sometimes.
(19,837 posts)Last edited Tue Feb 4, 2025, 02:27 PM - Edit history (1)
The ones I consistency listen to.
Probably Ali, too?
(2,684 posts)msfiddlestix
(7,972 posts)however, they are diamonds in a pool of sewage, produced and paid for by TSF and friends of the enemy of democracy, and for that reason I make a personal choice to deprive their profiting from me from clicks and views.
Could we please get a tv station that supports Democrats.its really important not to have to rely on Republican Comcast. Most msnbc are former Republican operatives.
(378 posts)Dem4life1234
(2,382 posts)He sure cranks those videos out!
He definitely keeps me on the loop.
(161,569 posts)THAT is what we need
(8,376 posts)Market forces steer them into lowest common denominator and sensationalism to drive profits.
(96,001 posts)I saw something when I turned on MSNBC at least an hour ago. Clicked off when hubby walked in
Hes not hostile he just cant take it any more. Ill be watching Nicolle (also MSNBC) at 1:00 i.e. 45 minutes from now. I expect shell have more info.
Even the reliable news stations cant be running only one trump-created crisis 24/7 theres just too much too fast being fire-hosed at us, which is by trumps design.
Pick who it is you want to watch in my case Nicolle Wallace. I have a little tv in the kitchen that I click on while Im working in there to see if theres anything happening with someone intelligent reporting, and click off if, for instance, its just Andrea Mitchell yakking. I dont conclude that theres no coverage on MSNBC based on that short interval.
(19,372 posts)Andrea Mitchell of all people has a seat on their council. She sat with Samantha Power after her 20 minute summary of how USAID takes on poverty, hunger, illiteracy, disease and conflict around the world. Great bits on the US and Russia, which makes sense out of why trump would be interested in rooting out this agency if he is working on behalf of Russia.
yellow dahlia
(1,120 posts)bronxiteforever
(9,847 posts)I apologize to the USAID workers who have to put up with this offensive bullshit.
Now that is good fighting.
(26,256 posts)Hope there are people there to talk to.
(137,919 posts)2naSalit
(95,027 posts)Not allowed. It's why we're no getting any info from them.
(22,957 posts)And who do we contact to express our displeasure at their doing so?
Alice B.
(347 posts)But the cameras werent?
(22,957 posts)DeepWinter
(780 posts)USAID is an Independant Agency that has oversight from the State Dept, but is not an intergrated part of it.(wasn't) It's funding only exists as long as congress chooses to fund it. (Roughly $50 billion/year) There is zero obligation to fund it.
As of today Marco RUbio has said it's not disbanded, but merged into the Stae Dept. So there may be some shell and pea game going on. We'll see how the next week, month play out. We're going on a lot of hearsay right now. Let the facts come out.
(146,795 posts)It has been amended multiple times since and haven't had chance to go down the rabbithole for the details of it and the amendments.
ONLY CONGRESS can create, eliminate, or move agencies around.
You might recall when FEMA was at one time, an independent agency, but was placed under DHS just before Katrina hit and we saw the mess with that. But CONGRESS did that through H.R.5005 - Homeland Security Act of 2002 , NOT Tom Ridge (who became DHS Secretary at the time of the creation of DHS).
(27,958 posts)BumRushDaShow
(146,795 posts)I went completely down the rabbit hole!
(22,957 posts)malaise
(280,565 posts)Beat you by 2 minutes!

(280,565 posts)😀
(22,989 posts)They are all on fire. Loving it.
(22,957 posts)Courageous.
(13,774 posts)chia
(2,452 posts)JustAnotherGen
(34,286 posts)If they were able to get inside our building. Not Musks. Not the Felon's. The peoples'.
(66 posts)🙏🏽 Thank You.
(41,150 posts)... are allowed access to the interior spaces?
(550 posts)And there will be secondary reporting of this showing. Moreover, that gives Dems opportunities to practice the speeches and sharpen their points.
Keep hammering. This will break through, especially the point that ELECTED officials who actually have AUTHORITY over these agencies are being locked out, while an unelected jackass is inside burning the place to the ground.
(842 posts)malthaussen
(17,882 posts)Whoever is doing it is carrying out an unlawful order and should be held responsible.
-- Mal
Blue Owl
(55,204 posts)They are there to tamp the opposition and help fat Donny fail upwards at all costs.
Fuck ABCNNBCBS and the billionaire fuckers they are serving
(25,008 posts)the major news outlets.
(22 posts)to always mention that USAID is a legacy of the Kennedy administration. Regardless of how odious the electorate seems these days, I believe there is still a reservoir of affection for JFK. The tie to Kennedy also establishes how long the program has been in place. Its almost a tug on our heartstrings to recall a better time.
Dark n Stormy Knight
(10,132 posts)😱😱😱
(447 posts)to see the Democrats taking some action, any action, there are much bigger fish to fry here than USAID. By choosing to go after this issue rather than the much bigger issues of the illegality of Musk running around like a madman destroying the functioning of our government they're missing the more important domestic issues. With the Democrats spending their energies on USAID they've given the Repukes the chance to publicly point at the Democrats and say something along the lines of "See, all the Democrats care about is aid to foreigners".
I agree this is an issue but keep your eye on the ball Democrats. Focus on the bigger legal domestic issues Trump and Musk are involved in. There's PLENTY there to fight about and they are issues more important to the average American citizen.