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Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsKRUGMAN-'US ruled by fear of nonexistent threats+promised rewards that haven’t arrived & never will'
So what do we learn from the rather pathetic search for austerity success stories? We learn that the doctrine that has dominated elite economic discourse for the past three years is wrong on all fronts. Not only have we been ruled by fear of nonexistent threats, weve been promised rewards that havent arrived and never will. Its time to put the deficit obsession aside and get back to dealing with the real problem namely, unacceptably high unemployment.
Spitfire of ATJ
(32,723 posts)CTyankee
(65,472 posts)Spitfire of ATJ
(32,723 posts)But the way the Republicans sold the Public on "trickle down" was to paint an image of everybody suddenly seeing a big increase in their paycheck and your out of work bum of a nephew would get a job and move out of the basement.
It assumed a "share the wealth" through payroll.
All of the DC economists are STILL acting like ANY increase in the marginal rate is going to lead to mass unemployment.
They also act like tax rates have remained fixed for generations.
(65,472 posts)Spitfire of ATJ
(32,723 posts) the conventional wisdom is to not give them any.
The mantra is, "We don't have a revenue problem, we have a spending problem" so they're all focused on cutting spending.
But not at the Pentagon.
Also, Republicans have convinced their followers that the rich need more money or they wont work and the poor need less money or they wont work. Meanwhile, the typical Republican dreams of becoming rich so they never have to work again.
Telling them you want to create jobs is less attractive than telling them you want to "create wealth".
(65,472 posts)than you do. I think those Republicans who dream of being rich resent working their asses off and get none of the rewards that is supposed to trickle down on them and reward them for all their hard work...
Spitfire of ATJ
(32,723 posts)Your poor boss would LIKE to give you a raise but the government is taking away all of his money in taxes.
(65,472 posts)screwed. I think the impact of the near collapse of our economic system has had a sobering effect. Seeing that video of Mitt Romney telling rich folk that workers are all a bunch of moochers had an effect. The utter hypocrisy and disdain really woke a lot of these "wannabes" up. Back during the good old days of the Clinton admin the republican workers could imagine themselves being rich one day but when they saw how devastated their lives had become when the disaster hit in 2008 was another story...
Spitfire of ATJ
(32,723 posts)The idea that these guys ran to the government for help after claiming the government was the problem.
There are STILL idiots out there claiming the entire crash was the fault of the government helping minorities. When you talk about jailing people on Wall Street they say, "What for?"
(65,472 posts)Spitfire of ATJ
(32,723 posts)JDPriestly
(57,936 posts)Wish I could recommend this more than once!
(34,589 posts)Krugman should have a cabinet position,he is an economic realist and genius.
(3,576 posts)Dim wit conservatards and republiCONs either equate economics to a simple household budget or have an ulterior agenda.
Stick with Democrats.
(39,909 posts)...and all the other "Centrist" NeoLiberals who believe in deregulation, Free Markets, and a Giant Invisible Hand,
...because that has worked so well.
All HAIL the Invisible Hand.
The Invisible Hand will Save us All!!
[font size=3]The Graven Image on the altar of the new Church of the Invisible Hand.
Like other religions, this new church demands absolute Blind Faith submission to an invisible deity for which no proof exists.[/font]
You will know them by their WORKS,
not by their rhetoric, promises, or excuses.
[font size=5 color=green]Solidarity99![/font][font size=2 color=green]
(3,576 posts)Scootaloo
(25,699 posts)Neoliberal economic horseshit is as entrenched in the Democrats as it is in the Republicans. It just happens to be the one and only thing that the Democrats are better at framing than Republicans are.
rhett o rick
(55,981 posts)been favorable to the financial industry (the elites) and not the masses.
It is really simple. Those that have been in charge of the treasury and Fed for the last decade plus have failed and failed horribly. It was their job to manage the economy and the economy crashed. Did Pres Obama replace them? No.
When Democrats whine that they are stymied by the republicans, the question we should ask is "how hard are you trying?".
Looks like the President and Congress are willing to let us go through another crash as they have done very little to prevent it.
Spitfire of ATJ
(32,723 posts)Egalitarian Thug
(12,448 posts)After being removed from consideration, Dr. Krugman said he didn't want it but advocated for Dr. Stiglitz, who was also removed from consideration by President Obama.
(6,891 posts)cannot have any position of authority in this country. That is because his position contradicts the official group think narrative of the ruling class. Remember, Wall Street loves high unemployment. The higher the better. It keeps wages depressed. Depressed wages translate into higher profit. Higher profits translate into spiking stock prices. Spiking stock prices translate into higher CEO compensation. Higher CEO compensation means more legal bribes paid to the corporate dick lickers we've come to accept as our political and media classes.
The Wizard
(12,993 posts)The same concept works for defense contractors who make campaign contributions to certain legislators who in turn reward them with contracts that, in the end, weaken the military and damage the economy. Legislators taking bribes from lobbyists is how we're governed (ruled). The Citizens United decision removed all barriers to corruption.
And how much gets hidden in the Cayman Islands?
rhett o rick
(55,981 posts)Support the Progressive Change Campaign Committee.
(11,481 posts)as the ONLY economic path for the world because it puts more money and power into their hands. Even a capitalist economist like Krugman CANNOT be listened to because his positions, EVEN THOUGH THEY'RE CAPITALIST IN NATURE, do NOT echo the conventional wisdom of the ruling class, i.e., neo-liberalism.
It doesn't matter whether it works in the real economy or not. It works in it's primary job which is funneling wealth and power upwards and that's the only thing that matters. Marxists have seen this coming for a couple of centuries now. It's no surprise to me.
(2,892 posts)any mention of socialism gets shouted down even though it is the one system that works for everyone.
(11,481 posts)Well call me an optimist, but the shouting is getting believed less and less by the population. That's why we have such a disconnect between what the people feel about economic issues and what the political class gives us on those issues. Eventually, this disconnect will spark a change when a critical mass is reached.
(429 posts)Very well said.
Only people who Got-It-WRONG (from the Iraq War, to Free Trade, to the Housing Bubble, to Wall Street, to The Economy) get rewarded with positions of power and authority in this administration.
Nobody wants some Goody, goody, two shoes, "hey, I was RIGHT & You all were WRONG" smarty pants NERD hanging around, especially when they KNOW what they are talking about and have the track record to PROVE it.
Failing ^UP^!!!
It is The Uniquely American Solution!
rhett o rick
(55,981 posts)of the masses. And, unless something is done soon, they will orchestrate another big payday (threat of crash). The President and Congress either cant or wont stop it. The elites are going to push the masses as far in debt as they can w/o revolution.
The Fed is supposed to regulate the economy. The Fed board is mostly appointed by the banks it's supposed to regulate. "How's that working for us?"
Stuart G
(38,726 posts)backscatter712
(26,355 posts)Where do you think religion came from?
(12,272 posts)Zax2me
(2,515 posts)Krugman's mind is wasted as a journalist.
He should be engineering an economic comeback instead of reporting on all the screwups.
Egalitarian Thug
(12,448 posts)They were both excluded by the President from any consideration.
Egalitarian Thug
(12,448 posts)And unacceptably nonexistent or weak labor laws.
& R
(36,419 posts)Rex
(65,616 posts)wouldn't stop them from creating these fake 'crisis' so they could steal billions of dollars and continue to do so. These supposed 'job creators' in reality did nothing but steal and steal and steal...with maybe a slap on the wrist and some pocket change for a fine (IF THAT). Then right back to stealing!
One day we will fine and imprison the leaders of the plutocracy...nah kidding, that will never happen. Ever.
(3,845 posts)libodem
(19,288 posts)Cuz he is!!!
(53,661 posts)toby jo
(1,269 posts)Don't think she's got the gonads anymore than O does, but it sure would be sweet. Somebody's gonna get in and get things straight. Lightening strikes once in awhile.
woo me with science
(32,139 posts)Just because it's Krugman and like Robert Reich, they seem to be always right.
(9,137 posts)woo me with science
(32,139 posts)joetubes
(34 posts)You dummies have yet to learn that to fix a tire that has low air pressure,you let out more air! Signed the "tea party" and most of europe. PS. This also works great on economies.
(31,070 posts).. some of our members constant reminder that our country and its government needs to focus on jobs and our own people in a human way.
Jobs please!
(478 posts)jwirr
(39,215 posts)SunSeeker
(54,225 posts)L0oniX
(31,493 posts)they will continue to lie ...about anything and everything.
(66,073 posts)misplaced. The real problem is that the deficit hawks do not care about promoting economic recovery. What they care about is maintaining the policies that will most handsomely reward their cronies and paymasters. If the ordinary citizen suffers as a result, that is not something that concerns them.
Krugman is wise, but he still seems to assume they don't know that their policies are disastrous, but if he can convince them, they will change their approach.
They know perfectly well that austerity will undermine the recovery--they just don't care.
(65,472 posts)He also knows as we all suspect that the republicans know full well that if another stimulus makes things better, Obama and the Dems will be even MORE popular and the repubs will lose once again in 2016. The evidence of history with FDR hasn't been lost on them!
but Krugman can't say that's what they are doing, he has to debate them on the merits (or lack thereof) of their argument. In private, I'll just betcha he talks like we do about republicans. The guy is just too damn smart not to know what we know...
(66,073 posts)CTyankee
(65,472 posts)walking away from the burning car: "Paul Krugman is tired of trying to reason with you people."
(66,073 posts)CTyankee
(65,472 posts)Maybe something like "We're sorry, Dr. Krugman, that you have to put up with idiots."