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Spoken word from a mom who's had enough of having to feed her child in toilet stall.
This is a righteous rant.
Her comments about the video:

Cooley Hurd
(26,877 posts)
(44,298 posts)which is referencing a phrase repeated by the poet in the spoken word video.
You didn't watch it, eh?
(20,618 posts)to who?
Cooley Hurd
(26,877 posts)lumpy
(13,704 posts)probably invented it. Not sexist.
Cooley Hurd
(26,877 posts)TransitJohn
(6,934 posts)
Ron Green
(9,853 posts)To sell crap to the tits-focused demographic.
(41,692 posts)randome
(34,845 posts)
You can see more provocative images in your local grocery store checkout lane.
I wonder if the taboo against women being topless was dropped, then men's prurient interest in boobs might also drop. Eventually, anyways.
[font color="blue"][center]The truth doesnt always set you free.
Sometimes it builds a bigger cage around the one youre already in.[/center][/font]
(30,994 posts)Or, hopefully, maybe.
(18,318 posts)the Big Butt.
In some societies this is seen as the proper reserve of sexuality as it relates to choosing partners with suitable reproduction cues.
(13,704 posts)attention grabber. Time to change to butt worshiping ? Or how about pubic hair ?
Women who choose to breast feed should not hide it; most women would be willing to support those mothers who choose to do so.
(25,592 posts)

We are such a prudish country. We deny our own animal roots.
Think of the children? That suckling baby is a child. There should be nothing obscene in feeding our children in public, even if they are too young to sit up.
The End of Days is nigh!
(8,791 posts)Not sure why the people in this video seem to have such a problem with it.
(12,072 posts)treestar
(82,383 posts)Especially now, as it seems low cut tops are in style.
I'm tempted to make some feminist-sounding generalization, like, if it's for men's enjoyment, it's OK, but if for babies, gross - maybe that's how they see it.