General Discussion
Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region Forums10 Best JFK Assassination Conspiracies June 4, 1963, President Kennedy signed an order that gave authority to the Secretary of the Treasury to issue silver certificates. The order, known as Executive Order 11110, was intended to serve as an interim measure while the government attempted to reduce the amount of silver being used to mint coins. However, conspiracy theories, like those presented in Jim Marrss 1989 book Crossfire: The Plot that Killed Kennedy, claim that this order gave power to the Treasury over the Federal Reserve.
According to the theorists, the Federal Reserve Bank was safeguarded by a shadowy group of international bankers who resented having their power curtailed. Supposedly, therefore, they used their incredible wealth and influence to have Kennedy assassinated.
6. The George Bush Snr. Theory
According to the second theory on this list implicating an ex-US president, George Bush Snr. is alleged to have been part of a conspiracy plot to kill JFK using his connections with the CIA and the Mafia.
Supporters of this hypothesis cite George H. W. Bushs presence in Dallas on the day Kennedy was assassinated, his long, shadowy involvement with the CIA, and his supposed family ties to organized crime. In fact, the researchers claim that there is a connection between JFKs assassination, Watergate, and the Iran-Contra scandal, in all of which, they say, George H. W. Bush played a part. There are even some diehards who believe that Bush Snr. was responsible for John Kennedy Jnr.s death as well! We look forward to seeing the movie.
See full list at link.

(55,745 posts)Who knows? The guy might've been re-elected and then his brother, Robert, might've succeeded him. Imagine 16 years of peace and prosperity; putting people ahead of profits; exploring space instead of making war on earth?
Instead, we've had mostly 50 years of "Money trumps peace" -- the very words of George W Bush on Feb. 14, 2007, uttered at a press conference in which not a single of the callow, cowed press corpse saw fit to ask a follow-up.
Cindy Sheehan tried to bring it to our nation's attention, but, for some reason, the press didn't run with that story, either.
This is the same mass media that swore North Vietnam attacked America in the Gulf of Tonkin, swore Bush had no idea bin Laden was determined to strike in the United States, and twice swore Iraq had WMDs, and swore for 50 years that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone.
As for the unelected warmonger George W Bush's Poppy: What was he doing in Dallas on November 22, 1963?

Transcript of above:
At 1:45 p.m. Mr. GEORGE H. W. BUSH, President of the Zapata Off-Shore Drilling Company, Houston, Texas, residence 5525 Briar, Houston, telephonically furnished the following information to writer by long distance telephone call from Tyler, Texas.
BUSH stated that he wanted to be kept confidential but wanted to furnish hearsay that he recalled hearing in recent weeks, the day and source unknown. He stated that one JAMES PARROTT has been talking of killing the President when he comes to Houston.
BUSH stated that PARROTT is possibly a student at the University of Houston and is active in political matters in this area. He stated that he felt Mrs. FAWLEY, telephone number SU 2-5239, or ARLINE SMITH, telephone number JA 9-9194 of the Harris County Republican Party Headquarters would be able to furnish additional information regarding the identity of PARROTT.
BUSH stated that he was proceeding to Dallas, Texas, would remain in the Sheraton-Dallas Hotel and return to his residence on 11-23-63. His office telephone number is CA 2-0395.
# # #
Then, a week later, Mr. J Edgar Hoover, the same guy who said there was no Mafia and played the ponies on Nov. 23, 1963, reported "Mr. George Bush of the Central Intelligence Agency" provided info on the pro-Castro and anti-Castro communities' thoughts on the assassination of President Kennedy:

Date: November 29, 1963
To: Director
Bureau of Intelligence and Research
Department of State
From: John Edgar Hoover, Director
NOVEMBER 22, 1963
Our Miami, Florida, Office on November 23, 1963, advised that the Office of Coordinator of Cuban Affairs in Miami advised that the Department of State feels some misguided anti-Castro group might capitalize on the present situation and undertake an unauthorized raid against Cuba, believing that the assassination of President John F. Kennedy might herald a change in U. S. policy, which is not true.
Our sources and informants familiar with Cuban matters in the Miami area advise that the general feeling in the anti-Castro Cuban community is one of stunned disbelief and, even among those who did not entirely agree with the President's policy concerning Cuba, the feeling is that the President's death represents a great loss not only to the U. S. but to all of Latin America. These sources know of no plans for unauthorized action against Cuba.
An informant who has furnished reliable information in the past and who is close to a small pro-Castro group in Miami has advised that these individuals are afraid that the assassination of the President may result in strong repressive measures being taken against them and, although pro-Castro in their feelings, regret the assassination.
The substance of the foregoing information was orally furnished to Mr. George Bush of the Central Intelligence Agency and Captain William Edwards of the Defense Intelligence Agency on November 23, 1963, by Mr. W. T. Forsyth of this Bureau.
# # #
Gee. Odd coincidence, seeing Poppy's name turn up again and again over the past 50 years. And just because he served as president doesn't mean I trust him, especially considering his track record, no matter what SidDithers or environmentalgraffiti write.
For those who believe those in secret government who hold onto metadata and the rest of the inside knowledge and Top Secrets are all good patriots, remember what the national security state has done for We the People lately: Kept the secrets that most benefit them -- the warmonger have-mores -- and most penalized the 99-percent We the People of democracy.
That secret government is at the heart of the rot that is modern America. The management of that same secret government, after being ordered to stop trying to kill Castro, failed to tell President Kennedy about ZR/RIFLE. Then, they didn't tell the Warren Commission they hadn't told him. Later, when asked by Congress, they also lied.
That same secret national security leadership would later tell President Johnson that North Vietnam attacked our destroyers in the Gulf of Tonkin, later bug the Watergate on behalf of CREEP, later meet with the Ayatollah's people to extend the hostage ordeal in Iran, tell Ronald Pruneface that trading arms for hostages and sending the profits to go around Congress in Central America was a good idea, got paid big time by petrodollars at BCCI and big bucks from Rev Moon, would help loot the S&Ls and later the entire banking system, and made war on Iraq and Afghanistan and other nations that had zero to do with September 11.
Odd, that long string of unconstitutionality by the people running the cia and nsa and all the rest of the secret alphabet soup in the the secret government. Going from their actions, the actions of the national security state are treasonous as they only serve to benefit themselves -- the friends of the Dulles Brothers, Harrimans, Rockefellers, the Have-Mores -- at the expense of everyone else, the BFEE. And while it didn't start there, what we live in today was made possible by what went on down there in Dallas, Texas on November 22, 1963.
(44,298 posts)Figure skater Tonya Harding shot President John F. Kennedy in her previous life as Lee Harvey Oswald. That theory is the centerpiece of Tonya Harding Shot JFK: Dreams, Symbols & Synchronicity, an e-book by Vacaville, California author Robert Urbanek.
He pointed to coincidences as evidence that Oswald and Kennedy returned in this life as Tonya Harding and Nancy Kerrigan. Both Tonya Harding and Lee Harvey Oswald have the letters "Har" in their names. Both victims were Irish Catholics from Massachusetts whose last names began with the letters "Ke": John F. Kennedy and Nancy Kerrigan, and both were attacked in cities beginning with the letter "D": Dallas and Detroit.
Harding and Oswald have similar facial features. Kennedy doesn't look like Nancy Kerrigan, but Kerrigan looks a bit like Jackie Kennedy, noted Urbanek, who added, Perhaps God's joke is that JFK, the womanizer, should return in a body resembling his wife.
Sheer genius.

(55,745 posts)Not too many Democrats, democrats, DUers or anyone I know finds anything funny about the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.
(44,298 posts)it's the conspiracists that I find funny.
(20,618 posts)He just acts like he doesn't.
So predictably boring.
(22,457 posts)zappaman
(20,618 posts)Imagination was given to man to compensate him for what he isn't. A sense of humor was provided to console him for what he is.
Horace Walpole
(5,113 posts)zappaman
(20,618 posts)KurtNYC
(14,549 posts)Much the same way a statement like "Bill O'Reilly believes the WCR. The OP believes the WCR, therefore the OP believes everything Bill O'Reilly says" would be a logical fallacy.
(96,882 posts)SidDithers
(44,298 posts)it always comes back to the BFEE.
(3,300 posts)
(44,298 posts)I stole it from him.
(20,618 posts)I see your journal contains no negative posts directed towards the BFEE.
One wonders why, SidDithers.
(20,618 posts)But we all know the driver shot JFK, right?
(44,298 posts)Sid
(15,262 posts)SidDithers
(44,298 posts)Edit: thank you to the Hosts that voted to unlock.
(39,360 posts)Ok
(12,530 posts)That's my favorite Kennedy CT.
(20,618 posts)Since it is the ONLY one that fits the facts and evidence!
(12,530 posts)A-Schwarzenegger
(15,650 posts)that doesn't mean they were working together.
There could have been two or three or more lone nuts
who separately & simultaneously recognized a prime
opportunity to act out at that moment.
(20,618 posts)The bullets found all matched Oswalds rifle.
How did they pull that off?
(22,457 posts)Fozzledick
(3,892 posts)One just happened to be a C.I.A. agent who became known to the Russians after infiltrating the U.S.S.R. and recruiting a K.G.B. colonel to defect, so he was now useless in the one area he had been trained for.
The other just happened to be a Mafia hit man who worked for a family that did dirty jobs for the C.I.A.
All just coincidence!
(44,298 posts)
(46,992 posts)Seems that their hero was a raging hysterical homophobe.
If this, quite frankly, bizarre theory is to be believed, President Kennedy was assassinated, pretty much for the fun of it. According to Jim Garrison, who was the New Orleans District Attorney at the time, pilot David Ferrie was one of the forces behind the conspiracy. It was a homosexual thrill-killing, plus the excitement of getting away with a perfect crime, said Garrison. John Kennedy was everything that Dave Ferrie was not a successful, handsome, popular, wealthy, virile man. You can just picture the charge Ferrie got out of plotting his death."
In Garrisons view, many, if not all of the conspirators behind the killing of Kennedy were homosexual deviants who took pleasure in plotting the Presidents death. Understandably, there are few who take this charge seriously. Ferrie himself died during Garrisons investigation (from an intracranial berry aneurysm, according to the coroner).
(20,618 posts)That's according to the people that worked with him.
And, not only did he lose his case, the jury took less than an hour(including lunch), to throw this sham of a case out.
What a homophobic, self righteous clown.
(5,113 posts)
(44,298 posts)
(20,618 posts)Adding nazis!!!
Esoteric Hitlerism
As with any internet discussion, it all eventually turns to a discussion of Nazism. And alien conspiracy theories are no exception, with my favorite of the weird extraterrestrial conspiracies, Esoteric Hitlerism.
Spearheaded by Miguel Serrano, Esoteric Hitlerists believe that the Aryan race is descended from an alien species of the highest order. Finding evidence in the story of the Nephilim in the bible, Serrano believes that an ancient alien civilization came to Earth to enlighten man. They bred with ancient earthlings, and the Aryan race are the only race alive that maintains any of the purity in their blood of these lofty ancestors. Serrano taught that the alien gods were hiding, with Adolf Hitler, in an icy underground fortress, from which they will one day emerge with fleets of spacecraft to usher in the Fourth Reich.
(44,298 posts)I thought the Nazi zombies in Dead Snow were just about the pinnacle, and you've gone and shown me a whole 'nother level.
(20,618 posts)This needs to be a major motion picture now!
Get Michael Bay on the line!
(5,113 posts)
(15,741 posts)A-Schwarzenegger
(15,650 posts)but I never heard of one single
misspelled word in the whole thing.
Wolf Frankula
(3,698 posts)In Lincoln, Argentina. He is survived by his spouse, Norma Jean Baker, (aka) Marilyn Monroe. The whole assassination thing was a fake arranged with the help of Lyndon Johnson and the CIA. Kennedy wanted to run away with Baker, but couldn't as long as he was president.
(20,618 posts)
(37,748 posts)One might imagine that Colonel North and NSA Poindexter would have loved to have pointed at space aliens too... maybe citing that famous line "I believe that nicotine is not addictive..."
(44,298 posts)The secret service agent whose gun accidentally goes off and kills the president. Its just unbelievable. In the first place, no one heard his gun go off. There were nine other people in that limousine, and they didnt hear a gun go off. You normally would, if youre sitting one or two feet from someone and their gun goes off. The notion that he fell backward, and the gun went off and just happened to hit the president in the same place Oswald had been aiming at, but had happened to miss a second earlier. To show you how not credible these sorts of theories are, at one time or another, conspiracy theorists have accused 42 groups, 82 assassins, and 214 people by name of being involved in the assassination.
Even Bugliosi has his favourites.
(72,631 posts)Nice to know you're still hangin around.
And as always... thanks for the kicks.
(44,298 posts)Eyewitness to history
Norman Similas lived in Toronto and worked as a reporter and photographer for the Canadian Beverage Review. He was on assignment for the magazine in Dallas when Kennedy was shot.
(20,618 posts)Totally believable!
(44,298 posts)Sid
(44,298 posts)
(9,610 posts)SidDithers
(44,298 posts)Sid
(1,443 posts)(teams of shooters, decoys, patsies, altering/destroying evidence, et cetera) when tampering with the man's medication would have done the trick?
Response to SidDithers (Original post)
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