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the reason the war on drugs will continue
especially and specifically on weed is because it can be grown easily and freely(relatively) The money changers(jesus reference) do not like that at all. They hate not being able to profit off of people. They also not being able to hurt people in the process. Most of all, a plant that allows people the world over to feel good must not be allowed, as the sociopaths love human suffering.
A plant that grows with little attention and could be cultivated for little money or expertise is a dire threat to sociopaths. Unfortunately, sociopaths put themselves in positions of power in all levels of governance.

(68,644 posts)And marijuana is no exception.
Kicked and Recommended.
Welcome to DU!
(517 posts)
Old Codger
(4,205 posts)will take a pretty dramatic turn as it becomes legal in more and more places.The war now will become between the peoples (companies and governments) that see it as a huge cash cow, taxes will be established, licensing fees will be set and competition for sales will be fierce... It will become regulated the same as alcohol is ...ATF will be involved in the tax side same as with booze. Also even though the states are making it legal it is still a federal crime..
(5,756 posts)It makes the case that psychopaths/sociopaths do end up in the power positions.
(13,509 posts).
"Snakes in Suits: When Psychopaths Go to Work" is the full title.
Very enlightening.
(16,485 posts)Oh...and welcome to DU
(15,480 posts)O's waiting for Big Pharma/Monsanto to patent/genetically modify marijuana.
Last edited Sun Jan 19, 2014, 01:23 PM - Edit history (1)
Oh, you sillies - it's clear to me that Obama's comment is laying the groundwork for his full-throated endorsement of smoking pot. As soon as Monsanto completes developing genetically modified marijuana (which I'm sure they're working on right now), and planting crops next to all established marijuana growers, allowing for wind-carried cross-pollination & suits against farmers for patent infringement - probably in the next growing season, you know what's going to happen. Bob's your uncle, the justice department will be immediately called off prosecuting and Obama will hail all the jobs created and positive impact on the economy. It will be touted by him right up there with the (corporate profits) "benefits" of clean coal, nuclear power plants, the Keystone pipeline, fracking and the TPP.
(18,219 posts)but you are right....they will still have to fight the "grow your own" people. They are looking for tax dollars from the sale of weed, so "illegally grown" weed will still have to be tightly controlled. Makes me wonder about the punishment for it.
Oops, forgot to give you a big welcome to DU.
(24,096 posts)rather than peaceful smokers.
the war business has always been better than the peace business.
(13,774 posts)Your insights are well put.
sabrina 1
(62,325 posts)and we can see how little those who get into power actually care about anyone. They can kill without blinking an eye, torture, support the most evil policies knowing full well how badly they will affect ordinary people. They can lie with impunity and still of themselves as 'great'.
Maybe as a nation we should try to figure out why it is that sociopaths seem to be the ones who get into power and maybe there should be psychological testing for anyone who wishes to run for office.
Welcome to DU. I agree with you they don't want to legalize pot, but the tide is turning against them so I think it will happen pretty soon.
(11,170 posts)Wall Street & all Bankers at any level; all business owners & new business owners; all government officials, elected or not, starting with dog-catcher. Hell, just give EVERYONE a psychological test. Then we would have the problem of where to put all the genuine psychopaths/sociopaths. We could close some military bases and house them there. Remember, there is no cure for psychopaths & sociopaths. But beware, they are charmers and will talk you out of the shirt on your back and make you feel all warm and cuddly about doing it.
And let's just go ahead and name these misfits what they really are: EVIL.
(32,324 posts)Individual people will not unite at all, if there is even a little profit to make out of profiting from a substance,while prohibiting others from that profit.
Circa Nov-Dec 2013, We had all these public hearings here in Lake County Calif., so the Supervisors could illegally prohibit growing outdoors UNLESS YOU OWN A FRIGGIN' ACRE of land!
But ya know something? If all the people who believed in marijuana and who already owned their one acre, had showed up at the hearings and had said, "That is not right" and protested, the Supes would not have been able to go ahead with their restrictions.
But individuals, it seems, are just as greedy a corporations!
Auntie Bush
(17,528 posts)That's a good first post.
(19,877 posts)ReRe
(11,170 posts)..,. Snakes in Suits and The Sociopath Next Door, and one of my favorites People of the Lie
Welcome to DU!
(9,314 posts)Well thought out, and welcome to DU!
(517 posts)Im. Off to sleep now . Perhaps i should posted my op in the morning..i intend to reply to every response.thank you again
(122,086 posts)that be would seriously like to make sure we cannot even grow our own herbs and veggies. sick, twisted "thinking" (and I use that word VERY loosely).
(280,746 posts)The enforcers were able to reap all the profits from the drugs - let's be clear drugs have financed a lot of covert wars - and two, private prisons need lots of persons so that their owners can loot the governments - local, state and federal.
Throw in a dose of racism and it's neo-slavery in the private prisons.