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Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsIm amazed and in awe that a thread about SI gets over 500 responses
I care about politics and political issues and I am completely taken aback at the back and forth on the newest issue of Sports Illustrated swimsuit edition.
How can extremely serious issues like the TPP and Comcast/Time Warner deal get much less attention than something so vacuous as SI's latest soft porn swimsuit issue?
There is stuff on the internet that is about 100 times worse than this, in terms of debate and shock factor, yet issues like the TPP. which will literally be the death knell for the middle class in this country get a passing glance here?
I am at a loss.

(49,212 posts)In related news People sells five times as many issues as The Economist.
(15,882 posts)I mean the people that would be doing the revolutioning.
Seem a little lightweight...
(220 posts)The Economist is certainly less informative than People magazine.
Smarmie Doofus
(14,498 posts)I need to get out more.
(34,582 posts)
(38,278 posts)awoke_in_2003
(34,582 posts)I didn't think about that angle.
(51,311 posts)eppur_se_muova
(38,278 posts)Basically, I just couldn't pass up that line ...
(51,311 posts)Chorophyll
(5,179 posts)
Electric Monk
(13,869 posts)and the smiles are obviously cries for help.
Please, won't someone think of the children!
(72,300 posts)Critics say including the doll in the swimsuit layout sends a dangerous message to young women.
(138,063 posts)Substance in SI, I guess, might be worth a minute or two, but THAT???
(24,739 posts)One group wants to control DU with their narrow-minded agenda & it's when DUers don't toe their line that "discussions" get more than a minute or two of exposure. I don't blame DUers for pushing back.
Happy Valentine's Day, ellen!
(5,141 posts)Its an open forum, and people have differing opinions on every subject. If people weren't interested it would have died with no comments and no recs.
I get what you're saying but at the end of the day all i can say is
get over it.
(45,851 posts)If you look carefully there's maybe a couple of dozen posters doing most of the heavy lifting in that thread..
Of course that's generally true of long threads, a few posters tend to get in to "back and forth" mode where they natter at each other over relative trivia.
flying rabbit
(4,808 posts)A HERETIC I AM
(24,692 posts)loudsue
(14,087 posts)Just a guess.
Vinnie From Indy
(10,820 posts)facing the financial catastrophe of their lives because the GOP has suddenly decided to deny unemployment extensions to be reauthorized. The UI issue and the fate of so many laid off workers is hardly a blip here at DU.
For some, outrage and conflict are drugs that make them feel alive and relevant. The SI OP was a choice bit of red meat.
(6,145 posts)In fairness, issues like TPP and Time Warner / Comcast get more discussion than you'll see in most places. Secondly, threads like that are also quite a bit of back and forth between the same people thus the high post count.
I know where you are coming from but after a while you learn to ignore the junk.
(64,759 posts)People care about what they care about, regardless of anything else.
This me.
Nothing else me.
It's the easiest "fuck you" in the world. Delivered to DU as such.
(16,140 posts)
(8,434 posts)Far too many would rather sit back with a bag of popcorn over the latest insulting/demeaning tabloid story than spend 20 minutes a day learning about serious life altering issues.
(45,851 posts)The problem is when you try to discuss issues in an evenhanded and calm way your thread is practically guaranteed to sink like the Titanic..
(8,434 posts)
I wasn't really talking about DUers though.
Thankfully there are DUers out there that keep up the good fight, even while these flame ups happen.
(5,562 posts)or who sees it, sometimes even who posts it. I've posted really good things in my west coast evening which I'm surprised that sink. Then I realized maybe its because everybody else is in bed and the ones who are up seem to be interested in SI. Then somebody on the east coast will post the same thing in the morning and it goes like crazy.
Systematic Chaos
(8,601 posts)And even in the goddamn Environment/Energy forum it's crickets half the time, unless the thread is about nuclear power. Then it's Fukushima until your eyes bleed. A bad disaster to be sure, but all the bullshit about huge amounts of radiation in the entire Pacific Ocean as a result is just that -- bullshit.
(49,212 posts)'Tis true.
(16,382 posts)Maybe it's my training as a mechanical engineer that gave me a false impression of what people should know, but I'm appalled over and over again at just how dumb and ignorant people are on science. People can identify the characters on a TV show, but can't list the key element of organic chemistry. And don't get me started on physics...
cui bono
(19,926 posts)
(82,383 posts)Many subjects are interesting.
(15,522 posts)Loaded Liberal Dem
(230 posts)One thread of many. I didn't click on it, but have no problem with those who did.
(16,184 posts)Electric Monk
(13,869 posts)(more at the link)
The other word was Neutrois
(65,598 posts)sabrina 1
(62,325 posts)energy that is spent on tabloidism and issues that do not compare to the major issues that affect everyone, maybe we could actually get somewhere.
My own opinion is that some people are doing just fine and have time for trivia like this, and/or it serves to suck energy that would go to serious issues our 'leaders' would prefer we ignore.
Either way, it is embarrassing that on a political board, the cover of a magazine is more important than the loss of our rights, jobs, homes, etc.
I'm pretty sure there are blogs for this kind of thing. THIS one used to be about issues.
(25,592 posts)The important stuff takes learning, logic, reality, knowledge, comprehension to understand it.
With the Sports Illustrated thread, anyone with any kind of a opinion could jump in. No real knowledge or understanding of anything required. And they did, big time.
The resultant pile on's, derailments and flame bait, passive-aggressive bullying they inject into an otherwise benign thread, often turns it into a train wreck. The Sports Illustrated thread is just the most recent thread. In this case the perpetually outraged were the guilty ones. But they are losing the fear and what little respect they have from the rest of DU and the push backs against this group are getting stronger.
Spitfire of ATJ
(32,723 posts)I hear they got her drunk for it.
(39,157 posts)2pooped2pop
(5,420 posts)if you think of nothing but what is happening in this country it can become so depressing that continuing to live may be hard. So people have to mix in a little bit of stuff that is mindless.
(2,252 posts)
...after all, the average DU'er has two of them. How else could you sit?
those forming the lower and larger portion of the muscle, together with the superficial fibers of the lower portion, end in a thick tendinous lamina, which passes across the greater trochanter, and in is into the iliotibial band of the fascia lata;
the deeper fibers of the lower portion of the muscle are inserted into the gluteal tuberosity between the vastus lateralis and adductor magnus.
It's clear why 550 people would experience an urgent need to comment. Je ne sais pas!

(65,598 posts)I appreciate the education...I never gave my back end that much thought...until one fine day...ugh...
(40,465 posts)if it wasn't this particular topic, it would be another.
The long threads are usually the contentious ones.
(115,177 posts)I've seen some knock down drag outs over TPP, but I think we all mostly agree it's fucked and have done the same IRL.
Objectifying women, pushing hard to ensure that it's tolerated, and fighting tooth and nail to maintain the status quo with respect to the ubiquitous dehumanization of half of humanity is something we obviously have far too few bothering much to worry about.
Despite the fact that this shit actually affects our lives. Why do you think there aren't more women in positions of power? Coincidence?
Have you seen Miss Representation?
This knuckledragging bullshit is not just demeaning to women and causing a hostile environment to those who actually give a fuck about the way women are portrayed in media - it's actually holding back progress.
I get that facile, simplistic explanations are ... like ... totally way easier to come up with. But it would actually be nice to see some more thinking about the surrounding issues.
Ha, yeah right... what was I thinking. I forgot what board I was posting on for a moment there.
(29,047 posts)I don't judge anyone for participating in the thread, either to attack, defend, or just watch. We all have our priorities and distractions. I just didn't want to get sucked into a Swimsuit thread.
(16,113 posts)posting multiple times and continuing the "DU gender wars". The fact that it's about the SI swimsuit issue just provides the platform.
(55,524 posts)You thought since the site was called Democratic Underground that implied people actually had some sort of political consciousness. It's an understandable mistake.
The only way to deal with that crap is to trash those threads. They are posted for two purposes: to mark territory and incite flame wars. I refuse to give them the satisfaction of participating in their shit fests. Trash thread is your friend.
Also you're better off avoiding GD in favor of the smaller groups that deal more substantively with issues.
(37,566 posts)Dozens of back&forths that increasingly depart from the actual cover add up.
The Straight Story
(48,121 posts)I used to look at women and even have been known to call a few of them pretty.
I was wrong to compliment them and hurt them in such a way. I have learned on DU that women are delicate and us men need to step up and treat them differently, but also to not treat them in a different manner. Be nice to women and fight for their rights, but only on abortion and not the other choices like posing for a magazine.
Such threads get so many responses because it is all very confusing - can a woman be beautiful and admired? Can she choose to be a model or act in porn? Well, no, all women are forced by the patriarchy into those roles. Except when they are not and pose for magazines for women and by women.
Or something like that.
Hell, I don't know anymore. All I know is women are always oppressed in everything and anything they do and a few chosen women are supposed to lead them and us out of Egypt or something like that.
Oh, and looking at women, holding open doors for them, talking to them unless they talked to your first, etc and so on means you hate them and only want sex with them. You hate women. Period. Because everything you do can be analyzed and ripped apart to show that they are victims of every breath you take.
It is such confusion and telling people they all are misogynists that generate so many replies - because it just is not true (and I am a woman hater because I just disagreed with that assessment. It is a never ending argument unless we all stand up and beg forgiveness and admit our sins. Or something like that to appease.).
cui bono
(19,926 posts)I see you can't grasp what it means to be a woman in this world one little bit, nor do you care to. You should give it a try sometime. Better to try to understand what others go through, and if you can't, at the very least try to refrain from posting your open hostility.
(16,184 posts)YoungDemCA
(5,714 posts)nt
(12,778 posts)At least I think that's the correct and accepted response. I haven't seen the SI thread yet, though, so I don't know what has been deemed offensive this time. I could guess, though.
(871 posts)I wholeheartedly agree with the OP. We are turning into that which we devise.
(12,799 posts)I'm tempted to see what an OP discussing this thread would get. It might be amusing to find out. Instead, I think I'll just trash both threads and say good morning.
Good morning.
Renew Deal
(83,518 posts)So there is nothing to argue about. The SI issue can be controversial
(45,851 posts)Or at least they won't admit they think the TPP might be bad.
Evidently Obama has yet to weigh in on the Comcast thing because I'm not seeing anyone say that's a good deal but you can rest assured that if Obama turns out to be for it there will be more than a few on the DU who will also be for it.
(62,513 posts)I didn't "admit" that I thought the SI issue was fucking lame as per usual, but does that mean "I don't think" it is lame as per usual?
I only know of one poster who has positive feelings about TPP. One.
(45,851 posts)If someone hasn't expressed an opinion on the TPP by now then I'm going to put them down for "won't admit it's bad", which might as well be "doesn't think it's bad".
There are times watching DU is like being in the middle of a school of herring or a murmuration of starlings, seeing a large number of posters dart off in a completely different direction simultaneously is uncanny.
(20,317 posts)joshcryer
(62,513 posts)your assumptions are wrong and automatically presume a negative view of other DUers
(45,851 posts)I'm not sure there is anyone here that doesn't have a negative view of some other DUers. I know damn well there are some DUers that have a negative view of me, they've let me know it in terms that were far from uncertain.
From time to time I try to have an honest and non snarky conversation with DUers I normally disagree with, I almost never get a reply.
For instance I'm fairly sure I told you once that I think you're probably smarter than I am and better informed in some respects.
(62,513 posts)maybe three DUers who are just pathological liars
I see many DUers who cross on different issues
i.e. Manning supporters but Assange detractors
(45,851 posts)joshcryer
(62,513 posts)I couldn't categorize DUers on any specific issue
ms liberty
(9,956 posts)Bluenorthwest
(45,319 posts)But as it turns out it is about sports culture, which is of no interest to me at all. To be precise it is about Straight Culture and Sports Culture. Barf. The worst of the worst.
(22,457 posts)butterfly77
(17,609 posts)like ass!
(3,829 posts)seabeyond
(110,159 posts)clarification. cause it isnt sounding like it need be a human being. just an ass. so curious. cause there was an old republican southern man that sad on tv, that all the men know, the boys living on the farm does it with the various animals. i didnt know. but, maybe you are confirming this for us.
thanks. i advance.
(18,101 posts)
(110,159 posts)WinkyDink
(51,311 posts)TransitJohn
(6,934 posts)is their platform.
(22,871 posts)It was very successful at what it was meant to accomplish.
City Lights
(25,540 posts)HappyMe
(20,277 posts)
So you started a thread to discuss the discussion/shit flinging you don't like.
Sorry, but I think that's kind of funny.

(5,179 posts)That said, that SI post might have fit better in the Lounge.
Ruby the Liberal
(26,361 posts)It is disagreements that blow up threads, not everyone posting the same comments in agreement.
(68,918 posts)Comcast...
Add up the responses on those eleventy billion threads on TPP and Comcast, and see who wins.
(33,224 posts)People are tired of being told to be ashamed for not agreeing with a bullying, dishonest and organized vocal minority. It is this constant unremitting preaching that is getting in the way of serious issues.
I'm kind of indifferent to the thing, and if pressed on the issue I'd give SI an eyeroll for making the swimsuit edition the cornerstone of their franchise.
But sometimes it's worth plucking a nose hair to express an idea.
As far as TPP and Comcast... "To the ramparts! We need a democrat president who won't do these things!"
Oh, wait.
(110,159 posts)bullying on, the person and others that put up the OP absolutely deny it was their intent.
i bet half the thread was
uh hu
nu uh
uh hu
nu uh
fuckin obvious
no it isnt
but thank you for confirming what most all of us said. it was da menz.... (ya, that would be along with wimminzzz), that were taking owner of territory, regardless of the hostility to women.
and said. out in the open. lol
good for you lumberjack.
it has been an interesting couple days, comparing the threads of the totally awesome, powerful, insiteful, innovative, creative women to the thread featuring an ass.... presented to men.
and how the thread of our young women excelling got little or no, standing up next to the ass presented to men.
ya think? personally, i think that is the point of growth that is so much more interesting and productive than an SI spread.
(33,224 posts)The reason that HoF has a 45(!) person "naughty" list is because the members of the group define themselves by their perceived persecution.
The longer the list, the better, because quantifying the oppression the members of the group face, and justifying the righteousness of their cause is best served by identifying their oppressors by name.
If the members of HoF really wanted open discussion, it would be reflected in the participation allowed in the group. In fact, it is obvious that the most vexing issue for HoF membership is that they can't similarly control the dialog in other groups.
The SI thread was open and candid discussion, and I think it would be prudent to consider it a wake-up call for HoF members to reevaluate their tactics.
(110,159 posts)got people that hate me.
hof is pretty damn active especially comparative. so think we are doing ok on people reading our stufff.
since the number of people on that thread calling it out were not hof... not talking about arguing back and forth, but the one post to call it out....
i think we are doing fine.
since you choose to start your post like this. i feel less inclined to read the rest.
(33,224 posts)Certainly you've read the posts from people who consider themselves feminists that won't have anything to do with HoF? BB has banned a whole shitload of them.
The fact that I like you personally has nothing to do with my observation of where the zeitgeist of the SI thread came from.
Frankly, I'm beginning to look at the HoF shit list and think that I'm in pretty good company, and I doubt that I'm alone.
At year end, I purged 6 or 7 names from TMG shit list and it has done a lot of good.
(110,159 posts)so many of the people that use... i am a feminist too, an ally, when in all cases they prove otherwise moves me not at all.
been there and done that. as inclusive as i personally could possibly be, for not. made not an iota of difference. only opened the door for further attack to keep a particular agenda alive.
i am the sucker of the group. you get that. every moment is another moment/opportunity for peace. there always. with all. everyone. i am so damn easy and you know jeff...
i am so righteously right on with how our hosts are dealing with peoples intent to refuse to be respectful in that group.
we do not demand respect thru out du. as a matter of fact, kinda seen as the weak move by too many. but, that one small space can be a respectful environment for all. for discussion.
and others, not part of hof, recognize that.
not the ones that cannot/willnot be respectful. but a whole lot of others on du.
surely, that should be ok for the few.
(110,159 posts)in respect, or in hof, .... your ass is out of there. that is how i parented jeff, that is what i expect in my life, and that is what i give. respect. and it is also how my personal space, environment works. kids value adn appreciate that. it is a lesson for us all.
all one needs do is walk into hof and have a discussion respectfully. if a person is clueless what respect is all about, they tend to fail. many on that list have no interest in being respectful to a group of women for anything in the world. so they are out.
you have issue with women insisting when others come into our space you do it respectfully?
now... respectfully jeff.... i am outta here. may or may not respond, but, surely will read. just not in the mood to play this little game though. too many people are aware so i do not have to go thru it all, to make sure things are clearly seen.
a beautful day to you
Response to lumberjack_jeff (Reply #72)
rrneck This message was self-deleted by its author.
(5,714 posts)
(33,224 posts)Hissyspit
(45,790 posts)I have ALL kinds of problems with HoF posters and thir insistence that all confirm to their particular concepts, but that OP is dishonest and a hateful flamebait poke in the eye.
(33,224 posts)Phentex
(16,597 posts)all the sexism you want but DON'T POST ABOUT BIGFOOT!
(115,177 posts)
(280,746 posts)Still shaking head.
(34,658 posts)
(860 posts)Would have been a good thing to have a discussion about, as opposed to the other SI.
(34,658 posts)But too real for a lot of people, and no boobs.
(860 posts)is the reason why it needs to be talked about and understood. There are a lot of misconceptions out there about it.
(6,199 posts)all complaining about the awfulness of the first thread.
You're new here, so let me explain that this is not an uncommon thing. It happens every month or so. Someone posts a gender-issue OP. Usually it's to do with women wearing something less than burqas or otherwise being sexy without permission, although that can vary. Two or three people post something supportive and/or approving, a couple others show up to disagree, and the thread blows up like C4 on the Mythbusters set. Six or seven more threads spring up complaining about the first thread. Six more spring up to complain about the complaint threads. After a week or so, the issue suddenly dies and there's a brief break, then someone makes another post...
It's theater. You'll start to recognize the players after awhile.
Welcome to DU.
(18,101 posts)"without permission"
(6,199 posts)Apparently it did spawn a hater thread... just not in GD.
ETA I spoke too soon.
(18,101 posts)LadyHawkAZ
(6,199 posts)The vanity threads are flying now.
(517 posts)
Bobbie Jo
(14,344 posts)You're new here.
I've also noticed that you've been complaining about DU'ers right outta the gate.
Kinda like walking in the back door, putting your feet up on the table and complaining that the free coffee tastes like crap.
(68,918 posts)I would have never guessed that would happen.
(27,787 posts)That makes total sense.

(18,101 posts)and the hof meta thread, we're quickly closing in on 1000 replies about a magazine cover.
(53,235 posts)alarimer
(16,810 posts)I think it is and I think that is all the SI cover is about. More sexism and evidence of our sexist culture.
I can't tell you what you should think is important, but I think that is.
(115,177 posts)It's shocking how predictably regressive some on this site can be on some issues.
(33,224 posts)Is the SI swimsuit OP a vitally important discussion topic of objectifying phallopressive bla-de-bla or is it trollish flame bait?
Retreat to the batcave to coordinate the message then get back to us.
(517 posts)Im sorry I couldnt get back to the thread. I started it late last night.
(115,905 posts)Calling it "vacuous" it telling as far as how you feel about sexism and objectification of women