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Last edited Sat Apr 19, 2014, 02:10 PM - Edit history (1)
Inspired by this post in Good Reads:
He will be 91 years old this May.
(Edited to belatedly add "All of the Above" option - you may change your votes at will.)
13 votes, 0 passes | Time left: Unlimited | |
He is Nosferatu - the Undead. | |
1 (8%) |
His neo-con acolytes keep him supplied with the blood of infants. | |
1 (8%) |
He feeds on the souls of all those who have been murdered as a result of his policy recommendations. | |
2 (15%) |
He is so disgusting, even Hell doesn't want him. | |
6 (46%) |
There is a lamentable shortage of sharpened wooden stakes in DC. | |
1 (8%) |
Obligatory Other. | |
2 (15%) |
All of the above. | |
0 (0%) |
0 DU members did not wish to select any of the options provided. | |
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Disclaimer: This is an Internet poll |

Wounded Bear
(61,272 posts)MiniMe
(21,845 posts)NuclearDem
(16,184 posts)JI7
(91,311 posts)because he is always active and going out and shit . and isn't he fat also ?
there is nobody like him
rusty fender
(3,428 posts)
(5,039 posts)eom
(1,763 posts)Fumesucker
(45,851 posts)
(19,429 posts)
He just looks old for his age.
(3,681 posts)Published in Harpers magazine, March 2001
Here is an excerpt regarding Nixon's appointment of Kissinger as National Security Adviser in January 1969 after the 1968 sabotage of the Johnson-Humphrey accord with North Vietnam at the Paris Peace Talks:
. . .
This was what it took to promote Henry Kissinger. To promote him from a mediocre and opportunistic academic to an international potentate. The signature qualities were there from the inaugural moment: the sycophancy and the duplicity; the power worship and the absence of scruple; the empty trading of old non-friends for new non-friends. And the distinctive effects were also present: the uncounted and expendable corpses; the official and unofficial lying about the cost; the heavy and pompous pseudo-indignation when unwelcome questions were asked. Kissinger's global career started as it meant to go on. It debauched the American republic and American democracy, and it levied a hideous toll of casualties on weaker and more vulnerable societies.
. . .
More at
(24,979 posts)that he might be brought to trial for his crimes.
(31,893 posts)Check out this post about his 90th birthday party gala:
Henry Kissingers 90th birthday party on Monday night at New Yorks most glamorous dining room in Manhattans St. Regis Hotel drew an astonishing lineup of luminaries, including former secretaries of state Hillary Clinton and Condoleezza Rice, former French president Valéry Giscard DEstaing, former chief of staff James Baker, former secretary of state Colin Powell, Gen. David Petraeus, and former defense secretary Donald Rumsfeld. Many of them, such as a visiting French dignitary fresh off a plane from Paris at the age of 103, proved that 90 is the new 30. Former president Bill Clinton, former secretary of state George Shultz, and current Secretary of State John Kerry all came to the podium to toast what Kerry called Americas indispensable statesman, as did as Kissingers two children, David and Elizabeth.
Kerry, mouthed the photographer, as a line of security guards formed a pathway under the smaller entryway. Teresa Heinz Kerry, in a white blazer, got out of a black sedan, and her husband, Secretary of State John Kerry, came around from the other side. The two walked in together with a gaggle of security and miscellaneous entourage. Just a little earlier, Ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice, who once vied for the secretary-of-State gig in her own right, had arrived. Nancy Kissinger had sent the word out through her girlfriends over the weekend, If you have jewelry, this is the night to get it out of the bank. And they did. The Alfalfa Club dinner crowd in tiaras was the order of the night.

Hillary Clinton (third from right) arrives with Oscar de la Renta (third from left) at the St. Regis hotel in New York City on June 3. (Nina Strochlic)

Inside, guests reported, a mariachi band played, and Kissinger was regaled with a slew of speeches. Kerry called him an indispensable statesman, and David and Elizabeth Kissinger separately paid tribute to their dad in front of an audience that included Gen. David Petraeus, former secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, Fox News president Roger Ailes, and New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg.
So, who regaled Kissinger with the best speech? Bill Clinton, as always, former ambassador William vanden Heuveland said. The former president was the grand finale, apparently assuring the crowd, Im the last speaker, so you can all kind of relax.
More pictures here:
As George Carlin said, "It's a big club, and you ain't in it."
rusty fender
(3,428 posts)as Americans are: you can be an unindicted war criminal and still be lauded because you were once a SOS.
(4,299 posts)tularetom
(23,664 posts)scarletwoman
(31,893 posts)Although I suppose they may have simply hauled the old vampire out of his crypt for the occasion.
(23,664 posts)I'd be horrified if I were subconsciously engaging in wishful thinking. I don't want the old bastard to die until after he is convicted of war crimes.
(2,992 posts)As part of his current obligations as Sos to have to bow his frame before such an assohle.
(48,704 posts)If he had been, he'd be long dead.
(16,184 posts)And the countless thousands of Vietnamese civilians he and his psychopathic friends butchered, he has access to good healthcare.
That said, I'm not a huge fan of the wooden stake option. Any suggestion of murder like that tends to rub me the wrong way.
(31,893 posts)I would never seriously advocate for murder.
(16,184 posts)I never thought you were actually advocating that, just pointing out how it can be taken.
(6,626 posts)nt
(27,670 posts)rrneck
(17,671 posts)Autumn
(47,251 posts)Maybe all of the first five choices above should be an option?
(10,893 posts)check him out later.
magical thyme
(14,881 posts)
(4,987 posts)Even in the Democratic Party, one need to look no further than Hillary Clinton.
Jackpine Radical
(45,274 posts)scarletwoman
(31,893 posts)Quite slipshod of me not to think of it from the start!
(55,528 posts)I find this post to be in poor taste. We shouldn't be wishing for anyone's death.
(2,992 posts)Its just making good denouncing that odious guy.
(31,893 posts)Since I have not as yet had the pleasure of reading Kissinger's obituary, my OP is simply about speculating why that should be so.
(10,362 posts)
Cheney and Kissinger are obviously heads they attach to robotic bodies. How else can Cheney live after 30 heart attacks?
Benton D Struckcheon
(2,347 posts)Ask any UNIX admin.
(385 posts)1. War crimes are for losers
2. Only losers commit war crimes
3. Ergo losing is a war crime.
I didnt lose so I am not a war criminal