General Discussion
Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsThe BLM MOVEMENT is not the problem, A few agitators are.
I have a Black Lives Matter sign in my yard.
Those women throwing their temper tantrum in Seattle don't speak for me.
The problem is that we are allowing the discussion to proceed as if they did.
The whole thing is the swift boating of Bernie Sanders.
Just as the Swift Boat Liars managed to turn Kerry's honorable service into a liability
The faux few "protestors" want to negate lifetimes work by Bernie.
Before the majority of POC allow themselves to be deluded into opposing Bernie's campaign
they need examine the records of the candidate they would support instead.
We Bernie supporters need to refrain from being tricked into attacking BLM.
WE don't want to negate Bernie's lifetimes work either.
The whole damned MEME just smells like a Rovian shit storm.
It helps nothing.
(20,234 posts)peacebird
(14,195 posts)
(10,007 posts)I think BLM would benefit from some message control.
(20,234 posts)Exultant Democracy
(6,595 posts)they are trolls plane and simple. I may agree with the message, but the way they went about it is harmful not helpful to the movement they claim to support. Trolls are trolls no matter what side they are on and they always want to silence other voices rather than engage with them.
(14,459 posts)In fact, their actions are pretty much going the opposite direction, and dragging the movement down in the process.
We need to address police brutality and racial injustice and a host of other issues. BLM could have been a strong part of the movement, like the flag coming down moment. Instead they exposed themselves as partisan operatives.
If the main BLM leadership disavowed the event in Seattle, that may have made a difference. Instead they are owning it via their silence and shutting down the apology. If they are swift boating, and it is not officially disavowed by the organization, support should and will be withdrawn and redirected to a more honest set of champions.
(20,234 posts)as if they speak for everybody. The NAACP and SPLC should come out and support Bertie now.
They are actual organizations with spokesmen and leaders. Where are they?
If they allow the agitators to go unanswered they own the results.
(3,732 posts)Alicia Garza even invokes "white supremacy" in her essays, so I think her position on this would be important:
(20,234 posts)MinM
(2,650 posts)romanic
(2,841 posts)disruptors, agents, whatever else to separate them from the BLM itself. However if any other BLM chapter doesn't say anything or approve of what they did; well they truly lost me and will lose more with this bullcrap.
(109,654 posts)think there was fault on both sides -- that, in the words of the Senator, the crowd got ugly. And the Seattle Times reported that during the 4 minute silence, there were people shouting obscenities.
So should Bernie people expect to get apologies from BLM for possibly rogue operators -- but not apologize for the Bernie people who were shouting obscenities?
For all we know, the whole thing might have been a set-up -- both the BLM/Sarah Palin fans AND the obscenity shouters might have been part of the same dirty trick.
hay rick
(8,394 posts)The media prefers to make these people representatives for BLM. It's a twofer...discredit BLM as dysfunctional attention-seekers and support the claim that Bernie has a race problem.
(12,869 posts)cherokeeprogressive
(24,853 posts)uponit7771
(92,138 posts)Vincardog
(20,234 posts)yuiyoshida
(43,061 posts)about a woman wearing a "Sarah Palin" button on her back pack..did anyone else see that or am I imagining it?
(20,234 posts)yuiyoshida
(43,061 posts)I knew I read that some where.
(20,607 posts)If BLM is a "leaderless" movement then is there anybody with any credibility to disavow the twisted behavior of (paid?) troublemakers acting independently under that banner?
(20,234 posts)Vincardog
(20,234 posts)tabasco
(22,974 posts)But somebody in the "movement" better make sure everybody understands that those asswipes don't represent them.