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Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsThe Minnesota shooting is the lead story
on BBC radio. Two black men killed in 48 hours was the opening line

(43,843 posts)

puffy socks
(1,473 posts)Law enforcement is apparently incapable or unwilling to do their jobs here and clean out the psychopaths among them.
People threw rocks at the cops in Utah, so I'd say it's only a matter of time before the cops will likely be confronted by an angry mob of armed citizens somewhere.
I don't cry about anything until i know what happened.
(25,531 posts)This is heartbreaking..Murder/Execution by Police
(16,038 posts)If someone points a gun at a cop and is killed I have no tears or sympathy. Certainly there have been sad and even criminal police shootings. By far most police shootings are justifiable.
His hands look empty to me... No gun pointing at a cop.
He was reaching for his ID while black.
Equinox Moon
(6,344 posts)
(280,521 posts)There are several threads on this execution
(25,531 posts)malaise
(280,521 posts)
(25,531 posts)this is a slap in the face..
Hi Malaise

(280,521 posts)I was thinking of coming up for a few days for Miami sis's birthday, but I'll make it later in the year
(47,399 posts)Bradical79
(4,490 posts)IronLionZion
(47,399 posts)and assured me that race doesn't exist. It's all in our heads. Everything is just peachy.
Those DUers probably don't look like the people being killed.
Person 2713
(3,263 posts)geardaddy
(25,380 posts)
Transcript of video shot by the victim's girlfriend.
The aftermath of a police shooting in the US state of Minnesota appears to have been filmed by the victim's girlfriend.
Philando Castile was shot while in his car, and his girlfriend broadcast a Facebook Live video-stream showing him covered in blood with a police officer pointing his gun at him.
Full transcript from 0'01"-1'54" of video
[At the start, the video shows the driver conscious, but bleeding heavily and moving his head slowly.]
Woman: "Stay with me...[addresses camera]. We got pulled over for a busted tail-light in the back..."
[camera pans to show what appears to be a police officer standing outside the car, pointing a gun at the driver]
Woman: "...and the police just...he, he's covered - they killed my boyfriend. He's licensed, he's licensed to carry.
[man's voice heard groaning loudly]
"He was trying to get out his ID in his wallet out of his pocket, and he let the officer know that he was... that he had a firearm and that he was reaching for his wallet. And the officer just shot him in his arm. We're waiting for..."
Officer [shouting]: "Keep your hands [inaudible]"
Woman: "I will, Sir, no worries, I will."
[Officer shouts expletive]
Still from Facebook Live feed showing woman filming herself - July 2016Image copyright Facebook/Lavish Reynolds
Woman: "He just shot his arm off. We got pulled over on Larpenteur..."
Officer [shouting]: "I told him not to reach for it. I told him to get his head up."
Woman: "He told him to get his ID, Sir. His driver's licence. Oh my God, please don't tell me he's dead..."
[camera pans to show driver not moving]
Woman: "Please don't tell me my boyfriend just went like that..."
Officer [calmly]: "Keep your hands where they are, please."
Woman: "Yes I will, I'll keep my hands where they are... Please don't tell me this, Lord. Please, Jesus, don't tell me that he's gone. Please don't tell me that he's gone. Please, officer, don't tell me that you just did this to him. You shot four bullets into him, Sir. He was just getting his licence and registration, Sir.
Officer [shouting]: "Get the female passenger out."
Second officer [shouting]: "Come out of the car with your hands up. Let me see your hands - exit now."
Still from Facebook Live feed shows police car and police officer near it pointing gun at the woman - another police officer is behind him, holding a young girl - July 2016Image copyright Facebook/Lavish Reynolds
[woman gets out of car; camera shows police car and police officer near it pointing gun at the woman - another police officer is behind him, holding a young girl]
Officer 2: "Keep em up, keep em up..."
Woman: "Where's my daughter? Have you got my daughter?"
Officer 2 [shouting]: "Face away from me and walk backwards [inaudible] - keep walking [repeats]. Get on your knees, get on your knees."
Still from Facebook Live feed shows police officer approaching - July 2016Image copyright Facebook/Lavish Reynolds
[child is heard screaming - sound of handcuffs being applied is heard as the camera faces up to the sky]
Officer 2 [quieter]: "Ma'am, you're just being detained right now while we get this sorted out, OK?"
[video continues for 7'50" more]
You can watch a video of the Facebook Live broadcast here.
(33,982 posts)The officer is having some kind of emotional breakdown, including expletives that has been omitted in this transcript.
(Not criticizing you, just letting people who haven't seen the video know.)
(25,380 posts)Thanks for the correction.
puffy socks
(1,473 posts)by yelling "I told him not to reach for it!"
"he feared for his life" will be the excuse used to justify this murder.
(33,982 posts)I'm not buying it.
puffy socks
(1,473 posts)He just listened to her calmly explain what happened ( trained officer wigs out ) and made it up.
I'll wager he's going to get away with it as well.
Is this brave woman and her child still being held by police?
(33,982 posts)Beyond that, I do not know.
(27,425 posts)Initech
(103,362 posts)Fuck guns, fuck gun nuts, and fuck the NRA.
Dreamer Tatum
(10,934 posts)Policemen are not provided guns by the NRA. They are provided guns by a force sanctioned by law and supported by tax dollars.
Is every cop a gun nut because they carry one?
It appears as though each of these two cases is at best voluntary manslaughter, and at worst murder. Still, I don't see what this has to do with gun nuts.
(65,616 posts)The NRA fuels the hate and fear paranoia so people will go out and buy more guns - which seems to work like a charm with the lesser willed of us.
Dreamer Tatum
(10,934 posts)I did not know that.
(103,362 posts)The NRA believes that all people should have access to firearms. Any time there's any kind of shooting or mass shooting their message is literally always the same - "there should have been a good guy with a gun present". But what happens when there is a scenario like this where that can't be done? Not to mention the NRA has made it easier to get guns in the hands of people who flat out should not have firearms, like the police who have declared themselves judge, jury and executioner. And thanks to the NRA we've become so numb to violence that police think anytime anyone is reaching for something - whether it's their wallet or their phone, that they're immediately thinking the other person is going to draw a gun. This is what our society is becoming and it's getting scary.
(3,477 posts)lostnfound
(16,831 posts)Their silence in all of these cases is very telling.
Don't they want to defend the right to bear arms?
(3,477 posts)Dreamer Tatum
(10,934 posts)Stonepounder
(4,033 posts)Well, they'll stone you when you're tryin' to be so good
They'll stone you just like they said they would
They'll stone you when you're tryin' to go home
They'll stone you when you're there all alone
But I would not feel so all alone
Everybody must get stoned
Well, they'll stone you when you're walkin' on the street
They'll stone you when you're tryin' to keep your seat
They'll stone you when you're walkin' on the floor
They'll stone you when you're walkin' to the door
But I would not feel so all alone
Everybody must get stoned
Bob Dylan always said the song was not about drugs but was a protest song about how minorities would always get 'stoned' (as in the Biblical stoning) no matter what they did.
(561 posts)Just got out of bed and is putting on her makeup. This shit has to stop. Maybe it will take one million armed back men marching to Cleveland to make the point.
(36,594 posts)roamer65
(37,329 posts)Oh, I forgot, they don't like black folks having CPL's. Thus the deafening quiet from them. They're fascist scumbags.
My heart really goes out to the victim's family on this killing. Tragic and needless.
(57,596 posts)lostnfound
(16,831 posts)Seems logical to me. Defend the right to bear arms is supposed to be their raison d'etre.
(57,596 posts)Just another day...
The Velveteen Ocelot
(122,694 posts)This last one happened maybe 4 blocks from where I grew up, in an itty-bitty suburb of St. Paul. I don't understand why cops from St. Anthony Village, an even smaller suburb, were doing a traffic stop in Falcon Heights, which is nearby but not adjacent. I suspect their cops are not especially well-trained but we'll soon find out. Seems like no place is immune from this craziness.
(21,485 posts)Falcon Heights and Lauderdale pool their police resources and Patrol each other's areas.
Theoretically all Minnesota police have the same training through the POST program.
The Velveteen Ocelot
(122,694 posts)makes sense to pool resources. Minnesota's POST training program theoretically is pretty good, but who knows how much OTJ experience and training cops get in small suburbs, especially in dealing with PoC? When I lived in Falcon Heights it was almost entirely white, but that was a long time ago. So far it looks like this particular cop totally lost his shit, completely panicked. Stay tuned, this is one of the ugliest situations yet.
(12,232 posts)Of the three people who had multiple arms, ammo and even body armor. And they were on their way with intentions of using those against someone. Yet somehow, they were all taken into custody without injury after being stopped for a cracked windshield.
Contrast with this man who had no vigilante plans and was obeying the officer and within the law, and yet he was shot four times and killed.
No question in my mind that if he had been white, he would still be alive.