General Discussion
Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsWe had 2 feet of rain here in Beaumont yesterday and still fighting to stay dry!!!
Harvey will not die, anyone have Buffy the Vampire Slayer's number? Maybe the guy guy from Texas Chainsaw massacre?
The ditch behind my house has been my mortal enemy for three days. It comes up and threatens me and then runs away for awhile. It tries to sneak up when we go for some rest. I am beginning to hate it almost as much as Trump, and that says a lot! My two dogs are so pissed at me for not making this go away so they can go outside and play, I caught them trying to ask the Mooch to have some wise-guy to wack me!
Harvey can kiss my ass we ain't giving up. Thanks for the support DU. Now can someone please turn off the spigot?

(66,237 posts)blaze
(7,044 posts)(checking for spigot)
(14,971 posts)on Twitter of Port Arthur and Beaumont that are just devastating.
(8,483 posts)flygal
(3,231 posts)
(36,974 posts)
(1,588 posts)I am in Houston and a strong wind is pushing the clouds east.
It is nice and dry here now.
I know how you feel.
(50,962 posts)
(32,279 posts)for Beaumont.
I bet your dogs are stir crazy! Hang in there. Sending good thoughts for the water not to overflow the ditch.
(43,910 posts)I hope it ends soon.
(7,198 posts)Dustlawyer
(10,519 posts)With what happened to Houston we have been forgotten until today. The Port Arthur shelter flooded during the night and all of those people had to be moved. People with boats coming in from all over from Louisiana to Tennessee! I am sure the local Red Cross could use funds.
Also, do what y'all do best and bug Washington to fully fund the National Flood Insurance program and FEMA!
Thanks again everyone, you post mean a lot to me and mom!
(58,785 posts)Such good news that the clouds are being pushed out of Houston of course, but...
(14,856 posts)neighborhood. He's Coast Guard so he's on duty in Port Arthur. The wife and kids are here with us in Florida. Believe me when I tell you we're all pulling for that bastard storm to exit the area posthaste. Good luck to you!!
Solly Mack
(93,938 posts)Damn ditch.
You can still laugh.
(280,860 posts)
Now watch them fugging alligators
(113,131 posts)down to about 6-7 in drought years. I can no longer remember what it's like to get days on end of torrential downpours and I'm deeply grateful for that.
Fortunately, it seems Harvey is finally on the move, so you might beat that old ditch yet. Damned thing will move up the Mississippi for a while, so that river flooding will be the next big story.
(10,519 posts)I felt like Noah letting my two dogs outside!!!
We survived, thanks DU!
Glimmer of Hope
(5,823 posts)Squinch
(53,978 posts)
raven mad
(4,940 posts)AND all of our DU'ers in Texas. Stay safe and NEVER quit!
(10,519 posts)until the water goes down, weeks from now! We will have to evacuate after all but now cannot get out of town due to road closures. Don't that beat all!
Fighting to get prescriptions now if the pharmacies open back up. Not good!
(32,279 posts)Years ago in St. Joseph, MO, the Missouri River flooded our water treatment plant which shut down the water supply. Fortunately,
there were towns around us with water, and our fire department was bringing in water so that you could go to the fire station and get
drinking water. We had a pool, so we trucked water from the pool to use for flushing toilets. It was doable, for a week, even with small kids.
Your situation is nothing like that. Good luck finding a way out and finding a place to stay. You should be able to transfer prescriptions
if you have the containers and take them with you. In fact, according to a rule I just found, prescriptions are to be transferred within 4 hours
of the request according to the Texas State Board of Pharmacy.
Glimmer of Hope
(5,823 posts)hamsterjill
(15,607 posts)We're all pulling for you!!! You're going to make it through this and have stories to tell your grandchildren!!!
(14,646 posts)Good to hear you didn't get flooded. After watching a bunch of the USGS level gages on-line, I had real fears you would. Stay safe and watch the under tow - both for you and your pets. Hope you can get a supply of water and your meds.
Remnants of Harvey just coming into northern KY this morning (Fri.), with a pretty good blow out there! We're very lucky with only that, as 4 or 5" will just flood some creeks and a lot of basements.
(2,952 posts)I've got some old friends from my navy years down there I lost touch with.
(39,042 posts)Be safe.
(24,254 posts)You and the pupsters stay safe. Keep us posted.
Here in southern KY, we're supposed to be getting 7 inches of rain over the next few days. Guess we'll see if the new pond is going to hold water.