Jan 6 investigators believe Nov. 4 text pushing strategy to undermine election came from Rick Perry
Source: CNN
A spokesman for Perry told CNN that the former Energy Secretary denies being the author of the text. Multiple people who know Rick Perry confirmed to CNN that the phone number the committee has associated with that text message is Perry's number.
The cell phone number the text was sent from, obtained from a source knowledgeable about the investigation, appears in databases as being registered to a James Richard Perry of Texas, the former governor's full name.
The number is also associated in a second database as registered to a Department of Energy email address associated with Perry when he was secretary. When told of these facts, the spokesman had no explanation.
Read more: https://www.cnn.com/2021/12/17/politics/rick-perry-jan-6-text-mark-meadows-nov-4/index.html

(10,614 posts)And rain gear. Shit is deep and fans are on high. What a blessed Pre Christmas week. We may actually finally have a happy new year in 2022. 20-21 sure sucked.
(29,238 posts).
(10,614 posts)He LOOKED smart. More Texas intellect. We are as bad, Meadows, Cawthorn, Tillis, Burr and McCrury wants back in.
(1,198 posts)yardwork
(65,449 posts)Perry didn't even know which states they needed to steal!
(4,139 posts)Explains the grammatical and spelling errors. That hair doesnt make up for not having a brain.
(45,376 posts)
(4,139 posts)Texas republican voters do seem to love em some oops.
(6,349 posts)taxi
(2,064 posts)eta - this is an old one, the seed of how to trick the system.
(25,636 posts)and stripped of his rank, busted in rank and then dishonorably discharged and then fucking locked up....for fucking sedition and treason....
(10,252 posts)But we already knew that. I hope they nail his corrupt ass.
Or he was dumb enough to leave his phone laying around and someone around him took advantage of that to keep from leaving a paper trail of their own.
I'd imagine that everyone around him is more clever than he is....
(4,619 posts)Buncha Traitors.
(26,401 posts)Perry must not have gotten his burner phone and maybe didn't know how to use the encryption.
(5,109 posts)FarPoint
(13,827 posts)
(1,063 posts)I'm sorry but Rick Perry couldn't mastermind a plan to find his reading glasses.
(13,827 posts)He is not...he is greedy and without a soul....that is why he is now exposed.... a tool of the others and a willing tool at that....thus, the pushing of the attack on a fair election fit his duty description...
Roy Rolling
(7,256 posts)This is how reporters do their job. They confront propaganda with facts and ask the question what about these.
(86,414 posts)bucolic_frolic
(48,612 posts)Hope he sent it from Cancun
(23,142 posts)
(2,698 posts)ShazamIam
(2,771 posts)a plot led by the teapartynetwork along with their international partners. Not just Trump and the syncopates, magats and elected goonies. Rick Perry is pure kochetwork as are all the elected so far implicated in the plotting. Including the Cambridge Analytica/Facebook and Google supporters. The global anti-democratic movement and does it look like they are winning?
(29,394 posts)I want Rick Perry crucified for this. The stupid, greedy, lying, A&M-pimping douchebag.
(12,641 posts)machoneman
(4,128 posts)slightlv
(4,767 posts)Rick Perry threw in with the New Apostolic Reformation (Dominionists) and has often made remarks such as "Freedom of Religion does not mean freedom FROM religion." They mean to make the United States into a Theocracy by hook or by crook. Lying, cheating, stealing, murder, any crime is forgivable in their eyes if it works towards the goal of theocratic government. This is what true evil looks like, IMO. And Rick Perry has been in on it, and openly so, for quite some time. So has Sister Sarah from Wasilla. Trump, too... but only in what he can get out of it. They've all been "blessed" and had the "laying on of hands" by the church prophets and elders to achieve this goal for god.
That Perry could see this chance to fulfill "his mission" for the church, and then see it fail so spectacularly... he must be chomping at the bit as much as *rump. But he has to keep his name out of print and his head down low if he wants to try it again. Same for Sister Sarah. But they will try it again in other ways they think will not fail. That's why shoring up voting rights is more important right now than anything else on Biden's agenda... or anyone else's. If we can't guarantee everyone the right to vote, nothing else matters; we've lost the very essence of democracy right there. I was BBB, and I'm an unabashed Progressive and proud of it. I want every piece of the Progressive legislation we've been told for decades to just wait and be patient. I'm one who's patience has just run out, too. But even I admit, voting rights MUST come first if we're to be able to have a country in which to BBB. We have to have enough voters on our side who are able to vote to rout out the R's who want to turn our country into a "Russian satellite." POC are canaries in the coal mine in voting rights; women are the canaries for human rights. We will also see our voting rights turned back, as well. There are more than enough republican men AND women who have stated things started "going wrong" once the suffragist movement won the right to vote. Once they strip us of bodily autonomy they will strip us of other rights, as well... chief among them with be the right to vote.
Rick Perry, Sister Sarah, Charismatics, New Apostolic, Evangelicals, Dominionists, Church of God, and so many others who are not the mainstream religions or only skirt the mainstream by flying under the "evangelical" banner, are all fighting hard to make this country a theocracy. Their leadership have relinquished their spiritual aspirations for power in a theocracy and thrown in with the corporations and politicos. But not only do we NOT want to live under a theocracy of the Xtian flavor, their ultimate aim is to kickstart Armageddon. To that end, they'll do anything. Even bomb the Middle East. What would happen if we'd bomb the Kaaba at Mecca? And, in the process, take out the Wailing Wall, too? These are the kinds of things the Dominionists have been thinking about for decades, and planning for. They WANT the 2nd Coming. Never mind that it's a mythology of just one religion. They don't think that way. They'll force that religion on everyone in the world. Destroy the world in their belief such that everyone will finally end up a believer whether they want to or not. This is why I declare them the ultimate evil.
Evolve Dammit
(20,001 posts)slightlv
(4,767 posts)make it more declarative, as in...
"In case of Rapture, I GET your car!"
Evolve Dammit
(20,001 posts)TexasBushwhacker
(20,840 posts)The first thing is the Antichrist, and that is Trump. The Antichrist is destined to not just rule the U.S., but to rule THE WORLD.
The second thing is the Rapture of the faithful. They will not have to endure the chaos of Armageddon. They won't even have to go through the pain and suffering of dying. They will bodily ascend to heaven. This isn't a metaphor to them. It is a fact.
So according to biblical prophecy as they KNOW IT, the rule of the Antichrist is REQUIRED for them to dodge death and be raptured. This is why they don't give a shit about climate change. They won't be here to suffer through it.
(4,767 posts)it's man's invention; a shortcut of words, made from two words in (I believe) 1 Thessalonians - "caught up". Hal Lindsey ran with it in his books and the rest is history. I can't absolutely say yeah or nay to your second point, tho I am inclined to agree with you. If I remember correctly, there was suppose to be one who was suppose to sow the way for the Anti-Christ who came first, and then the Anti-Christ would come. I think in the Bible they were referred to as Gog and Magog? It's been a number of years for me! But I raised in this stuff until adulthood. I always believed the one who made the world ready (Gog) was Bush the lesser; like you, I believe the Anti-Christ was TFG. Did you see that article that listed all the biblical traits of the Anti-Christ and compared/contrasted to *rump? Man, blew me away at the accuracy!
Everyone expects the Anti-Christ to come out of the Middle East, but I never really bought into that. Revelation gets really into the mystical realm, but the number 7 plays a large role, which is how and where I think the Dominionists made their charts. Frankly, I couldn't see how the 7 heads of the dragon could be anything other than 7 heads of corporations/or departments of government. But this is getting more into the "Religion" forum than into LBN, I think; and I don't want to forum hijack.
If you want to move this discussion over to the other forum, I'd like to continue talking. I rarely have anyone to talk with like this. It's enjoyable to me, although I am deathly fearful of the evangelicals and, especially, the Dominionists for what they have planned and how far down the path they've already come. Although raised and baptized as Evangelical, and having hit most major religious sects prior to becoming an adult, I'm not longer a Xtian. But I am well-read and still remember a lot from my days of living it. I come from a long, long line of preachers. My grandmother was a traveling preacher (because she was female and the male hierarchy wouldn't recognize her... so she had her own "church" . My cousins were more orthodox and had churches with congregations, etc... I tried at 18 to enter the Seminary to become a preacher and was laughed out... same thing as my grandmother. I was female. But, instead of forming my own Christian church and doing like her, I found a religious path that better suited my belief system and taught and held services from my own home. I became Wiccan. Funny thing is, as long as I kept "labels" off things, Grandma and I could have great talks about spirituality and religion. Our beliefs were more similar than they were different. It always brings me back to the verse where Jesus says "My Father's House has many mansions." I think there are going to be some hard-nosed evangelicals who might be quite surprised when they reach the pearly gates. (LOL)
(96,121 posts)But religion interests me very much in midlife I went back to grad school for an interdisciplinary degree in Mythological Studies.
Your grandma sounds great.
Part of my sojourn, many decades ago, took me to a Lutheran church. The pastor died way too young, but he was an erudite and intellectually curious man. In a discussion he once led he commented on the Book of Revelations thusly: In the time in which it was written, it was a popular literary genre all across the Mediterranean region. My jaw dropped. A genre. Not something sui generis, belonging solely to the young Christian sect. A work of the, shall we say, imagination.
Mine was a Jesuit priest at St. Mary's college in San Antonio, TX. It was a philosophy course. I got SO much out of the discussions in that course. I swear, that man could have turned ME Jesuit Catholic! (LOL) As old as we was back then, I know he's gone by now, but I'd dearly love to be able to sit down and talk to him about what's going on in Texas about the Roe v Wade and Texas' loophole around the law. He never liked "shenanigans" with the Truth of things, and I know he'd see Texas's law as being a shenanigan. In his discussion back in college, his comment then was that the life of the mother over-rode the life of the developing fetus, always; and that was biblical.
Yeah, Hekate... you should see me over in Religion. I just rarely start messages. I've got such an awkward mouth on me half the time. But I do love talking religion. As you can tell, I do come from an interesting background, and took it forward in an interesting way. And I think my sister is going to take it her own interesting way, as well, once she retires. Spirituality is very important in the family. So, like you said, I guess it's just plain laziness I end up talking about in inappropriate places (sheepish gryn). I'll see you over at some point. Hubby had teeth pulled, and I promised to make some baked french bread for him (which, the way I do it, comes out as soft as bread pudding)... so I got some work to do for now. But I'll pop over there. We're so close to Yule... anyone posting anything for Yule?
(96,121 posts)Originally I learned about Dominionism here almost 20 years ago, and followed the on-line trails until late one night I stared into the heart of darkness and knew I had gone far enough. I quite literally did myself an injury and could scarcely use a keyboard for 3 months. So I started just putting links to the info in my sig-line.
This is by way of saying thank you for bringing this discussion back. These people and their designs are evil.
(3,080 posts)Ford_Prefect
(8,265 posts)I had family in TX when Gov. Haircut was in charge. He's as much a fool as Dim Son is and has never had the brains to plot this one.
This smells like the sort of thing some RW think tank would have whipped up for the occasion, along with the who, what, where, money, and how to organize it. Council for National Policy or some other outfit like it did this one and used Perry to deliver it, or had his phone faked to do the same.
(4,291 posts)Lifelong Texan here and I just don't believe he has the brain power.
(20,840 posts)Just as evil and a lot smarter.
LastLiberal in PalmSprings
(13,088 posts)JohnnyRingo
(19,642 posts)If he thought he was serving his country as a patriot, he would be standing and telling us that he would do it again if he had to, for the love of God and country.
That goes for all the players in the insurrection, including Roger Stone, Jim Jordan, and Mark Meadows. Come out and proudly tell us what you did for the United States of America.
(11,618 posts)Never take insurrection planning advice from someone who barely eked out a C in Pig Breeding.
(24,906 posts)your coup strategy advice from a guy with a degree in Animal Husbandry.